Suggestion of New Classes

Since i started playing mb2 on build b18 (eh... 7/8 years ago?), i have never seen a new class

What about..

* Support Class (to clear it up for everyone, its NOT a MEDIC class, as i said its Support, ill explain why).

- Place that mini sentry. (could be level 1)
(its the one you place and it stands still doing small shots, its on jedi academy)

- Mini Droid (could be level 2)

- Place that Viper Probe Droid (could be level 3)

- Place that blue eletric shield.

- Drop that mini heal pack. (a mini heal would only heal 30/35 hp and cooldown could be higher)

- His main weapon would send eletric bolts (there is a weapon like this on jedi academy, i dont remember the name)

- Hack and Enable/Disable panels. So for a Rebel Support, he could start hacking and when he finishes could open throne/fed room. But an Imperial Support could enable it again after he hacks. (even if they have already opened side doors/destroyed throne panel.

- The good thing of this class, is that we have a lot of characters that could be added here, and this class could be for both teams.

Example of a Support Character:

* Shadow Trooper / Light Trooper:

would be like a hard and strong Soldier/Clone, with a jetpack. In Jedi Academy his main weapon sends a heavy shot that could make the enemy hit to move a little backward, he also had a reapeater weapon,.Could also be the weapon on image listed below. Ah, a projectile rifle works well too.



* Traitor Guy Class (haha dont know the name we would call for this guy)

* Gunslinger: it would be a class with dual shotguns, single shotgun, and sniper, like a mix between ARC and Hero.
(inspired from SWTOR)

Ideas/Suggestions that would make him different from arc/hero, but would also mix those two together

- Hooded characters are nice, example image one. (this would look like more gunslinger)
- On picture two, that girl has a red vision glasses, could be like a sense? xD (this would take sense skill from jedi/sith, but maybe make it red to look like red vision glasses?)
- Hold button to charge a high damage shot from those two shotguns. (this one is not the arc charge thing with pistol, the sound, animation and damage would be different, just like a double shotgun - 'ive changed from pistol to shotgun, so it looks better).
- Frag Grenade/Incendiary Grenades. (this one would take from hero+commander class)
- ARC Class Special ability that makes him roll forward (this would take from arc class)

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I don't know if we need it, but if it was added it wouldn't be superfluous.
Well here is the thing, people argue Jedi is a support class but nobody plays it like a support class even though everyone will scream "push" the moment I say that. I say this because I don't see jedi using push to save the team, I see them using push to save themselves and I just happen to be next to them.

If we have a class thats designed to assist the team without major dictations to engagements, we could be onto something about teamwork happening more naturally without forcing it or imposing restrictions. So if you have a player that is a little moving box handing out ammo and armor, and speeding up door hacks and objective hacks.

We can have faster gameplay, by making people more confident and aggressive because they get these minor buffs. And if there is a utility droid on the team, they can pull points from armor and ammo and put it towards something more combative making classes more vicious without directly buffing their skills.

I was thinking about models when I thought of this class, and there are bunch of models for utility droids in the base game, in the mod, and jka hub. There wouldn't be much work for animations because a lot of them already exsist in the base game and utility droids don't really move and animate they are trash cans with wheels. It shouldn't take much development time if it was given the green sticker.
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KotOR Mapper & Cultist
Movie Battles II Team
Class : Medic trooper (Both sides , as clone & stormies)
Weapons : Pistol / Bacta (or kolto) gun / Grenades & Blaster (whatever...)

Musician (Medic class) :
Weapons : Pistol / Traz / Kloo Horn / Bandfill (Healing while playing)
Races : Bith / Twi'lek / Ithorian / Zabrak / Rodian
Class : Medic trooper (Both sides , as clone & stormies)
Weapons : Pistol / Bacta (or kolto) gun / Grenades & Blaster (whatever...)

Musician (Medic class) :
Weapons : Pistol / Traz / Kloo Horn / Bandfill (Healing while playing)
Races : Bith / Twi'lek / Ithorian / Zabrak / Rodian

Medic will never happen.
I think there should be a medic class, but it just will not happen ever under any circumstances.
I think we need a class that can only be used for support and have very minor offense capabilities, a class that specializes in map objectives could be something we are looking for.

The objective interaction speed boost can win or loose some maps, and would make things a lot more interesting and force more defensive playing.

Imagine an all-out Astromech vs Astromech spam fight lol, unlimited powah!!!! of lightning 1 ;3


Internal Beta Team
I agree with other people that any new class added should be geared more toward teamplay. I've had a couple ideas here.

So rename current commanders back to Elite Trooper and take away Rally from them and give them assemble.

Imperials: Commander - Uses skins like Imperial Commander, General Hux, OOM class battle droids, maybe even those droid tacticians from the CW
The new Commander ability will be like the anti-compliment to the Rebel's Hero. He acts as the leader of the infantry and as such has the Rally ability. Now Soldiers and Elites can spawn on their Commander. But as for his arsenal it would be limited to Pistol 3 or E-11 3 for offensive weaponry. The rest of his loadout would focus on Defensive and Support capabilities, especially since in most maps the Imps are defending. I was thinking maybe give him some kind of small deployable shield, not like the one in base that is massive, but kind of like deployable cover. Next up he will have some kind of ammo regeneration device for blasters so the team can keep the fire going, but it would be a static item the enemy team could destroy. And lastly for his other support armament... Smoke Grenades! Toss those puppies out and send the legion of infantry on the attack.

Now for Rebels side... take the projectile rifle away from Heroes.

Rebels: Hero - same skins as currently (maybe remove some of the EU ones and put in some TFA)
The new Hero would now act as a front line commander, similar to the Imp's Commander but he focuses on survivability rather than defensive support. Change Dodge back to how it worked before so that these new Hero Generals can be in the thick of it, spawning troops while laying down fire. Decked out with either Dodge and Heal or Quick Throw grenades, these front line generals can lay the pressure down. They would also have the ability to put down the ammo device.

Since Rebels would need someone with a projectile rifle, new class concept for more support play..

Rebels: Scout/Spy/Infiltrator - not entirely sure what skins would fit here but I'm sure there are plenty that would work
So this new sneaky class will have 2 main avenues of play. Up close and personal sneak around, or long range sharpshooter support. How they manage to stay so sneaky would be an upgradeable cloaking device to get behind enemy lines. From there the Spy can activate his Transmitter which will show nearby enemies on all his team's minimap! Now since a cloaking device with a transmitter is powerful, his offensive options are limited to Pistol 2 and melee, but maybe adding a combat knife would be prudent allowing for some quick stealth kills. So now that we've covered the sneaky approach, let's talk about his long range support. He can now buy the Proj Rifle but at the expense of either cloaking device completely or only being able to have level 1 of it. Transmitter ability could still be used, also, and if that combat knife probably that too. Possibly addition of say some kind of Mark Target ability that singles out an enemy selected by the Spy making them turn red and glow, even through walls, for a short time. That could encourage target priorities and focused attack on a tough opponent.
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You know, you're violating my copyright on several ideas...

And yet somehow, you've managed to turn gold into something.......pedestrian.:)


Rebel - Scout

  • Sonic Pistol - Damage Between Pistol 1 and Pistol 3. Rate of Fire/Travel Speed would be left to the whim of the Devs and whatever Gods they worship. An opponent/player struck by a sonic blast from the pistol will have their sound(Dev Whim) either muted temporarily or the same screeching as from a sonic nade. Secondary fire(would not increase damage but add an increased status effect:)) will allow the player to fire a charged Sonic Blast that could Sonic(Same effect as Sonic Mines where they clutch their heads unable to fire but can still move.) their target upon hit. Would be ineffective against Sbds/Deka. Would of course be still effective against Sith if caught while they were swinging, even swingblocking - the dmg might be mitigated but not the sound.
  • Sound Dampening Unit(Stealth) - 2 levels. 1st level is free and mutes you're footsteps. They know how to walk silently. 2nd level would be a pittance to purchase and would mute the sound from weapon switches, priming nades, body/pain sounds, etc. It would also dampen(not mute though) the sound from weapons fire. Not your sonic pistol obviously. But you're e-11. Take that Khage!
  • E-11 - The number one weapon in the galaxy. Even your mother has one.
  • Dart Cam - You dart someone. Now you can switch to your Targets Point of View. Much like flipping through bodies while in spectator. Except as a player and whoever you darted. Can dart multiple people.
  • Radar Link - Stolen from my genius. Originally proposed as an Sbd link years ago, screw it and give it to a new class...why not? Whatever you see, you're team sees. Enemies in your light of sight will show up red on your radar which you can then link or transmit to your teammates. How and why. Dev whim. Maybe a pulse/a broadcast that highlights them momentarily on all your teammates radar if theyr close enough to benefit or have their minimap up. They got comms or something right.:)
  • Visual Camouflage(Stealth) - Cloak. Or maybe absolute invisibility. That includes to force sense as well. Some caveats however. Only when stationary and a time limit. So everytime you move, you're visible again. Everytime you attack while stationary - visible. But everytime you stop - invisible. Take that mind trick.
  • Health/Armor - 100 health. 30 Regenerative Armor. *whistles*
  • Stamina - Stamina bar for even more increased run speed.

Imperial - Infiltrator


  • Disruptor Pistol - Primary fire has the same dmg as Primary Disruptor Sniper Rifle. Secondary fire, will only double primary fire dmg, not render you stationary(so you can move while charging), no scope/zoom and has some minor bonus effects which really fall in line with what the Sniper Rifle does. If you manage to kill/vaporize a low hp opponent the Disruptor shot will act like it does with the rifle and go through multiple players. Except jedi of course. They can't bypass that block unless - not blocking or low on force. I forget, does a charged disruptor shot have to kill the first guy it hits to travel and hit multiples or however it works? Disruptor Pistol might not be able to one shot but it'd be interesting if it could hit multiple players in one shot regardless:)
  • Disguise - The Fa ability. Take the form and name of a player on the opposing team. In fa its random who you appear as. I'm wondering if you can target who to mimic? Or maybe that's too much work. How would you be able to tell? Simple enough. You're brain - if someone who looks like you and has your name shows up, its obviously not you. And Joe Teammate has been standing next to you all this time. Figure it out. The other way of course would be to glance at your radar. Disguised Players do not show up as friendlies/allies. See, simple. Maybe....too simple!!!
  • Radar Jamming - Ties into the previous. Playing pb and other fas, it's really way too easy to figure out whose who if you're paying attention. I find it annoying to have to glance up all the time and also annoying that its so easy to figure out. So, here's the complement to disguise. The system of delivery I'll leave up to the devs. It could be a weapon where you can target one or multiple players like a gun or nade. But for this idea, I'll go atypical and just say its a Radar Jamming Device that comes with the holo-projection unit(Disguise) that you can activate to temporarily jam the radar of your enemies. Only works on enemies within a certain range of you. That way, if you're sneaky enough, you can slip in and cause some havok. Or just walk past and hack the obj. Whatever. Of course, they'll realize an infiltrator is in their midst when their radar suddenly goes offline. I'm torn between some scrambling effect or simply no green arrows showing up on your radar at all. Something that will indicate to you that somethings up. But also something you could overlook if you're careless or not paying attention.
  • Remote Detonated Explosive - An explosive charge you can set or place on any surface in nearly any location you can reach. Can only be detonated by the user. So you'd need some sort of line of sight, a guess or teamwork for it to be effective. It can be destroyed to be rendered ineffective. I imagine it'd be a little bit bigger than a frag nade with a bit more dmg. :) Boom.
  • E-11 - Why not. Don't want to give these types any of the more heavy weapons but e-11 might be too generic and boring. Meh.
  • Health/Armor - 100hp/30 Regenerative Armor.

And now to tackle that tricky horned beast, The Medic!
Yes, the Medic!! But before you all groan and say, not this again, wait.

Are you waiting?


This Medic. Does not heal.

Dun dun dun..............

  • Taunts - First must would be to have all taunts go Medic or I need a Medic.
  • Stimulants - Temporary boost to a players abilities at the cost of some health later on. Add 10 percent health, speed, whatever at a cost of 10 percent of normal health after.
  • Depressants - Adds a temporary delay in response time to what keys your hitting. It takes a second for everything to catch up. Think like you're playing with 250 ping and your shots fire 1.5 seconds after you clicked the mouse button:)
  • Poison Gas Tank - Spray it, blow it up, Dev choice - multiple opponents can/are gassed and poisoned. FULL VISUAL DISTORTION. As in Poison Cam is here again.
  • Scalpel/Shiv - is he a medical professional or a drug dealer? Either way he has some skills with small blades.
  • Hallucinogenic Mushroom Spores - Spores yo. Anyone exposed to them suffers visions. In this case: Every mofo player in-game turns into a Nameless Jawa. Or Kyle. We love our Kyle.

Now onto a subject that is near and dear to the beating heart of mb. Melee classes.
Why not....more?


Gamorean War Swine


Works in Jabba Fa so why not?

Strenght 2
Axe - red/purple
E-11 2
Wook Melee
No Def obv.



Works in Fa so why not?
Lev 2 Defense
No deflect.
Blast Armor.
E-11 or maybe a form of the ee-3 with lower dmg?
Limited Force Resistance.

Force Sensitive(Insert name)Gunner/Jedi/Sith Hybrid

40 - 50 force pool.
Force Seeing - Level 1.
Force Jump - Level 2.
Force Block - Level 1. Or maybe 2 - Dev choice.
Vibro Sword
Defense 2.
1 Frag Grenade.
E-11 - Spam it and pray.



Sonic gun?
