So many patches, yet many more bugs.


It's not often I come and tell you developers anything wrong about your mod. However, the numerous amount of patches that I keep having to download without seeing any fixes for the actual bugs in the game has driven me beyond senile. I've finally had enough of the glitches and bugs that overall have the ability to ruin my gameplay, that I'm now writing to you to implore you to finally fix your bug-infested mod. Bear with me, this list is going to be hefty.

I. Saber combat

1. Overall, the saber combat is just glitchy and buggy looking. I've recently been getting better at the shitty dueling system that 1.4 as a whole is, and because of that I'm able to see much more clearly just how glitchy it is. It honestly makes me think that everyone is lagging at every single saber strike, because when sabers clash, they just kinda sit there for a split second, and then teleport to another location. This makes dueling very distracting and overall not fun. Please clean it up.
2. This one will probably be disregarded, but I don't care, I'm saying it anyway. The dueling system that came with 1.4 is absolute shit. I honestly don't understand why you guys EVER overhauled the system completely from 1.3, which had a beautifully diverse dueling system. In 1.3, I saw red users, blue users, yellow users, cyan users, purple users, dual users, and staff users all over the place, with there being a healthy diversity as a whole. Then, in 1.4, you completely nerfed red, making it completely and utterly useless, to the point where even a first day noob can drain all of your bp just by holding the block button before you kill him with red. Cyan, yellow, and staff are about the only styles worth using at this point, and all of the community has realized that. I never see red, blue, duals, nor purple anymore. None of it. I don't ever see any of it. Why is that? Because y'all stupidly nerfed everything except those styles, and then super buffed those same styles. Someone can just "turtle up", so to speak, and just hold block for days, and win no matter how good your combos are. I have developed some pretty good combos as of late, but they don't matter for shit because this version favors defensive playstyle more than aggressive playstyle, and that is a fucking huge disappointment and does not promote any sort of skill competition. It's literally just a spam fest to see who the best spammer is. Fucked up. Bring back 1.3 saber system. At least with that there was a wide variety of choices, and no one style was significantly overpowered compared to the other, and each one had a counter.
3. This version punishes aggressive saberists too much. It takes away so much bp just for doing a bunch of combos, despite whether or not they're good or bad. If you attack, you're getting punished, because we shouldn't be aggressive, we should be friendly!!! It's not a fucking jousting match developers, it's a lightsaber battle. Make it more fun, allow good combos to be rewarded rather than punished. Make it fun, and upbeat, because right now, the overly defensive emphasis is boring and dull to both play and watch.

II. Saber vs. Gunner Combat

1. Yeah so this is still a problem. The balance between gunner and saberist is appallingly in favor of the saberist, and the fact that 9 out of 10 times when I join a server each 15-man team has like 10 jedi/sith each is a testament to that. Hell, some games in open the entire team was saberist and I was the only gunner out of 10 people. People aren't dumb, developers, they know that the lack of balance is favored towards saberists. I am primarily a gunner, and honestly it's stressful to get on and the only servers with people are spamming the fuck out of glowsticks. I mean, do you even play the mod that you guys make? Take a fucking look and see just how many times jedi/sith are getting spammed.
2. Flinch is problematic, but not for saberists, rather for gunners. It's inconsistent as fuck. I've blasted saberists that have come really close to me before, and hit them, and they won't get flinched. Why? I don't fucking know, it's probably because of some shitty job of coding or some shit. I'm legitimately pissed about the flinch mechanic because it was nothing more than an excuse to give jedi/sith a damage reduction buff back when 1.4 was originally released. We're now on v1.4.8.1, and it's still a fucking problem. Flinch is still glitchy and inconsistent as fuck, yet the damage reduction of course will work for jedi/sith all the time. Now, when I kick down a jedi, and blast him on the ground, it's not enough, and they're able to get up and extendo saber me, because fuck the gunners. Also, jedi/sith can now effective tank rockets. I have rocketed a jedi/sith literally right in front of me, only to see that they DON'T FUCKING DIE, BUT I DO!!!! THAT is fucking bullshit, and there is no fucking reason a jedi/sith should be able to tank a rocket point blank. And before you even say it, no, they did not push the rocket.
3. Melee combat needs to honestly get a little buffed. It takes a massive amount of time to switch from blaster to melee, and so a gunner being charged by a noob jedi has no time to skillfully knock him down with a well-placed kick. Also, the flying kick special melee move is buggy as fuck. You have to be dead fucking centered on your target in order for it to work, and even then sometimes when you visually hit the opponent, your body just kinda in a choppy, glitchy fashion grazes right off of his side, and he's able to whack you from behind with a saber. I've gotten killed that way too many times to count, and it's fucking too much at this point. I shouldn't be getting killed by some newbie on his second day just because the developers don't want to fix a fucking issue.

III. Miscellaneous Items

1. The Mandalorian class getup time is way too fucking slow. I'm sorry, but Mandalorians are supposed to be a combat savvy race, warriors who struck fear even in the hearts of jedi. How the fuck can that be the case if a fucking turtle can get up faster than them? All it takes is one force push by some newbie jedi and they're dead. The jetpack's movement warmup is already slow enough that they don't need to be getting up so slowly. Give them bounty hunter get up or ARC trooper getup or something, but just don't make them so fucking slow. It's the worst.
2. Grenades are way too fucking bouncy. You can't even properly push them back or escape them from all the way on the other end of the map because of how bouncy they are, they're kinda dumb. Realistically, grenades never bounce that much.
3. Soldier getup is kinda an unnecessary nerfing. One push from 25 feet away and a jedi can get a soldier before he even gets up.
4. Get rid of the damage reduction for jedi/sith classes, there's absolutely no reason for them to have it, and does nothing but encourage noobs to spam those all the time, making for a rather unskilled game.
5. The new DOTF is even worse than the previous one. There's absolutely no fucking reason to remove the catwalk. The pit? Sure, there were a lot of time wasters there, but the catwalk was a legitimate tactic and was a great place to have melee battles and other battles. It was a crowd favorite. The catwalk needs to come back.
6. Blocking radius on staff and duals are really fucking gay, noobs have blocked my saber from behind they backs while doing one of those gay flurry katas triggered by crouching, attacking, and moving forward. Doesn't promote skill.
7. WITH ALL OF THESE FUCKING PATCHES, IT IS HARD TO BELIEVE THAT I EVEN HAVE TO FUCKING MENTION THIS STILL: FIX YOUR FUCKING CLASS BUGS WHEN JOINING A MATCH!!!! The fucking jedi/sith classes still bug out in various ways when you switch to those in open mode, and it's really getting stupid. Sometimes when you select jedi, when the next round begins, it switches you to sith with no points, and all of the sudden you have to scramble to get back on your team and get your setup. Another bug that happens is at the start of the new round after picking a jedi/sith class, you aren't able to bring up class configuration until you click the join tab again after spawning in, giving the message in red text: "Error: Invalid class selection...." until you finally go and fix it. Then, once it is fix, it gives you the fucking default build again, so you have to go change it. Also, there's still a bug where it just won't let you join in in a round. AND STILL YET, there is another bug YET AGAIN WITH THE JEDI/SITH CLASSES! Sometimes, when switching from gunner to sith/jedi, it won't even spawn you as that class, and will leave you at your previous class with skill points invested in all kinds of wonky things, to where I get whacky class builds such as in soldier, it'll give me a 1 life soldier with full armor and ammo, full e-11 and pistol, and 2 concussion grenades, even though I selection a sith with yellow and cyan. It's the stupidest thing and makes no sense. Again, we're on patch version, you'd think that by now y'all would have fucking fixed these problems which were happening all the way back in 1.3. For fucks sake...start fixing some actual bugs rather than just changing some small meaningless thing, and calling it a "patch."

Yes, this is an aggressive post, and no, I don't apologize for it. I'm honestly sick and tired of dealing with this bullshit that the developers often times seem to just glance over, and focus on stuff no one asked them to focus on. It's time address some real issues. I mean honestly, the whole thing with the class bugs not even being fixed after like 8 or 9 patches is just absolutely absurd. How could you possibly have not fixed this, let alone address it by now? Come on, devs, please work on these things.


One pissed off client.

EDIT: This is something that a friend of mine, Reverse Flash, sent me as proof of the spam I indicated.

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I agree on most points, except the reason for Jedi Spam.

New players joining aren't excited to be Stormtrooper 3832 from ESB, who was shot by luke on cloud city. They want to be what the entirety of Star Wars focuses on, Jedi (When I say Jedi, I mean Jedi/Sith). People play jedi because it's the selling point of Star Wars. Anakin, Obiwan, Yoda, Luke, Rey. All of these main characters are Jedi.

Of course, balance may be a factor in some picks. But the reason for entire servers being Jedi Noobs is Star Wars. It's what everyone loves about Star Wars.
MB2 seemingly has gotten an influx of new players recently (BF2 disappointment/new Star Wars Movie/trailer and review for the game getting alot of views/etc) and I'd guess that the new players would want to jump in as a Jedi and kick some ass without knowing the learning curve or even knowing if the class is OP or not. I'd guess that the majority of the Jedi spam is due to all the new players playing for the first time and wanting to use the most famous Star Wars characters, if they don't quit this game after a week they'll probably work backwards and start learning the game as a soldier
Yeah so this is still a problem. The balance between gunner and saberist is appallingly in favor of the saberist
The Mandalorian class getup time is way too fucking slow. I'm sorry, but Mandalorians are supposed to be a combat savvy race, warriors who struck fear even in the hearts of jedi. How the fuck can that be the case if a fucking turtle can get up faster than them? All it takes is one force push by some newbie jedi and they're dead. The jetpack's movement warmup is already slow enough that they don't need to be getting up so slowly. Give them bounty hunter get up or ARC trooper getup or something, but just don't make them so fucking slow. It's the worst.

If you get pushed by a newbie jedi you're the problem not the get up speed my dude
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I think this is a post that eventually had to be made.

I have only skimmed through your post, and only wish I could go through fully. Unfortunately I have to go drink, but I will definitely weigh in my thoughts on returning.

Rest in good faith that you are not the only person frustrated with how the game currently plays.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Bear with me, this list is going to be hefty.

Really wasn't but the wordiness made it look bigger than it really is.

I. Saber combat

We are aware of some of the things you mentioned. The updated one isn't ready to be pushed live yet. We have one person doing the coding for the saber system and they don't work on it as if it was their actual job.

1. Yeah so this is still a problem. The balance between gunner and saberist is appallingly in favor of the saberist

I wouldn't call gunner vs saberist as balanced as it could be but I also wouldn't call it entirely in favor of the saberist. At least how I've seen is that if a jedi has greater or equal skill than the gunner they will usually win. If the gunner has greater skill they will usually win even with the bugs with flinch (which we will be doing at least one tweak to soon). Its a very uneven curve where at the bottom and middle portions a Jedi will usually win but on the upper part of the skill curve the gunner will dominate even the best jedi.

MB2 has seen a minimum a couple thousand of new players over the past few weeks alone that are trying out MB2 for the first time. It is pretty much a given that new players try jedi/sith first because its the cool thing to do. You are always going to notice an influx in spam of jedi/sith classes around these time periods.

2. Grenades are way too fucking bouncy. You can't even properly push them back or escape them from all the way on the other end of the map because of how bouncy they are, they're kinda dumb. Realistically, grenades never bounce that much.

Personally, I disagree on this point. While you are correct that realistically grenades do not bounce that much in a gameplay sense I feel like the bounciness of MB2s grenades has been pretty much perfect for a long time. Lessening the bounciness would make them not worth buying in many occasions because they would be so easy to counter and just not worth the points. For me they're fine but this is just my opinion.

1. The Mandalorian class getup time is way too fucking slow.
3. Soldier getup is kinda an unnecessary nerfing. One push from 25 feet away and a jedi can get a soldier before he even gets up.

Several members of the team want to try some overarching getup changes to make them a little less punishing in the situations like you mentioned. We don't have anything finalized so no guarantees as to when or if there will be changes.

There's absolutely no fucking reason to remove the catwalk.

Now this is just disingenuous and doesn't care about the other side of the argument. Yes there were reasons and there are a good number of the community that agrees with that. However, I have two ideas to bring something catwalk like back to preserve some of the benefits of it, while removing the negatives. Haven't tested either yet so I'm not going to make promises for which direction it will go.

6. Blocking radius on staff and duals are really fucking gay, noobs have blocked my saber from behind they backs while doing one of those gay flurry katas triggered by crouching, attacking, and moving forward. Doesn't promote skill.

I believe Tempest has adjusted this (so they're smaller) already in his saber system changes but don't quote me on this.


This is something that has been a back and forth battle for as long as I have been on the team. We add stuff that requires more information transmitted, makes it worse, we optimize things and make it less, add more, repeat. It is definitely annoying but as always we are working on it. John is working on some good things that may be able to get rid of it forever but I can't say more than that because again it is early and no promises.

There is nothing wrong with being frustrated with MB2 but all I ask (and this isn't directed towards you but everyone in general) is that everyone please recognize that this is fan made project by people in their free time. We aren't a full team of 300 people like DICE is with Battlefront. We cannot make changes as easily or as quickly and there is a lot we cannot do simply because we do not have the resources/time even if we wanted to. Please remember that.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Go Cortosis SBD. No more Jedi spam. Especially since it takes 3 red swings to kill an SBD and hahalol who uses red anymore?


Go clone.
Go Cortosis SBD. No more Jedi spam. Especially since it takes 3 red swings to kill an SBD and hahalol who uses red anymore?


Go clone.
It's clear that they have never played Sith/Jedi since Clones and SBDs are annoying to deal with as a Jedi/Sith. Also Mandos are very strong against the Jedi... But they're strong against anyone and that silly chap wants them to be buffed even more LOL
Thank you for the response Mace.

Luna, go bounty hunter/hero with a projectile rifle and any Mando will be rip immediately. Hands down is a successful counter against Mando. Of course, this presumes that one has the skill to be able to shoot accurately. And no, the Mando class is not too strong at this time. Personally, I hardly ever use it because I think it's not the most effective class. Bounty hunter and soldier I find to be much more effective.
Have you? The Mando sniper life is way more consistent in damage and it's much more reliable than proj lol
The proj is a typical one-hit-kill. With the EE-3, you need to land two shots on most classes. The bolts are slower and the rate at which it consumes ammo forces you to give up some of the versatility Mando relies on for ammo 3, or else only take a few shots so you're not left basically unarmed. It's a good weapon and great for sniper suppression, but there is absolutely no basis to claim that the EE-3 is better, more consistent, or more reliable than the proj.
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Have you? The Mando sniper life is way more consistent in damage and it's much more reliable than proj lol

More consistent in damage? Proj. one shot 9 out of 10 time, on all class!

SBD take 2 shots, 3 if you take blast armor (what)
Wookies also wont get one shot.

But Mando's always take 2/3 shots, unless you hit on these little soldiers..*cough cough* grenadiers, people barely play anymore, or some lucky/occasional headshots, maybe an upper body hit on a careless Jedi.

I understand you guys don't want to see your proj. nurfed too hard, but you seriously gotta grow up some nuts and stop denying, heck, diverting the facts of how actually incredibly good it is....

Proj. rifle is hands down the best sniper tool you can get, easy to use, bullet got the quickest traveling speed, its almost a scan hit, 9/10 one shot, you can also remain pretty mobile with it?.. It is THE strongest and most feared weapons on the battlefield if you're not a Jedi/Sith/Wookie, and even then... You still want to pay very close attention, remain incredibly careful on keeping an eye on these annoying pesky snipers.
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The proj is a typical one-hit-kill. Wit the EE-3, you need to land two shots on most classes. The bolts are slower and the rate at which it consumes ammo forces you to give up some of the versatility Mando relies on for ammo 3, or else only take a few shots so you're not left basically unarmed. It's a good weapon and great for sniper suppression, but there is absolutely no basis to claim that the EE-3 is better, more consistent, or more reliable than the proj.
Oh yeah I've had forgot the ammo issues! Good point, so true.

Proj. got about infinite ammo in comparison to EE3, nobody ever use all of the proj. bullets before round is over.


Internal Beta Team
EU Official Server Admin
Saber animations are the same as in 1.3 if i recall correctly so you cant really use that as an argument. This patch is also not buggy when it comes to dueling, there are only 2 bugs that come to mind which are the slap and parry bug.

Also, this patch is not punishing aggressive players, its rewarding them since flat drains were removed and tapping was added back. So you dont lose any bp for doing combos.

Your only point that is true is that the styles are unbalanced, rest are incorrect (regarding dueling), so do some research before posting false information.
That would have been a compelling response if you had included some sort of factual evidence rather than just pointing a finger and saying "You're wrong!", try again.

And yes, I do lose bp when I do combos, contrary to what you think. And no, it's not simply a skill thing, because I can see the difference in how much bp I lose vs. a professional turtler and someone who's of equal skill or lower to me. However, that's a question of degree, which I put forward as being too disfavorable to aggressive playstyles. Why? Because I can use red with really good combos against some random newb, and my bp will still drain for no good reason, just because they held block for a long time. They don't even pblock or anything.

Perhaps you should take your own advice and retort with some factual evidence rather than just saying "yeah no you're wrong haha do research."

Buddy, 9 patches/updates worth of frustration is my research. I've had a long time to observe and think about this.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Thank you for the response Mace.

Luna, go bounty hunter/hero with a projectile rifle and any Mando will be rip immediately. Hands down is a successful counter against Mando. Of course, this presumes that one has the skill to be able to shoot accurately. And no, the Mando class is not too strong at this time. Personally, I hardly ever use it because I think it's not the most effective class. Bounty hunter and soldier I find to be much more effective.
Ok but your whole point is that Jedi spam is OP because Jedi > gunners always. Which is wrong, clearly, since you need to go gunner to counter a Mando (?)

Go play SBD or clone. Seriously. They melt Jedi/Sith. I've gotten 20/3 KD before as an SBD against reasonably competent Jedi, I can't imagine how high my KD would be with this amount of newbies playing the game. I don't even play the game that often.
Agree on class join bug, everything else is a matter of taste and it suits me
I would like to add to that list personally:
1. Flinch sometimes doesn't work when it should, there was proof by Gargos if i'm not mistaken.
2. Jedi should be buffed vs SBD only. I agree that certain classes should have advantages over other classes but no to the point when there's zero chance of defeating them.
3. Map segmentation issues (i guess that is unfixable). Sometimes you can't see/hear anything behind the next door or even a passage (like on the Death star, side corridor from reb spawn). Even force sense doesn't help. Sense should have a radius equal to all directions.


Internal Beta Team
EU Official Server Admin
That would have been a compelling response if you had included some sort of factual evidence rather than just pointing a finger and saying "You're wrong!", try again.

And yes, I do lose bp when I do combos, contrary to what you think. And no, it's not simply a skill thing, because I can see the difference in how much bp I lose vs. a professional turtler and someone who's of equal skill or lower to me. However, that's a question of degree, which I put forward as being too disfavorable to aggressive playstyles. Why? Because I can use red with really good combos against some random newb, and my bp will still drain for no good reason, just because they held block for a long time. They don't even pblock or anything.

Perhaps you should take your own advice and retort with some factual evidence rather than just saying "yeah no you're wrong haha do research."

Buddy, 9 patches/updates worth of frustration is my research. I've had a long time to observe and think about this.



So again, you are wrong and yes, its a skill thing. If you dont want to lose any bp while comboing all you need to do is tap attack. You are telling me to present factual evidence even though you presented the argument in the first place without presenting any factual evidence yourself?

I do my research and reply with actual facts but i didnt expect someone to be as ignorant as you and deny them simply because you couldnt be bothered to look them up.