Saber-cancel Jump: Gimmick or tech?

Hey guys. Here's a neat little trick that i picked up the other day. It may not be a new piece of tech (I personally just figured it out recently) but it certainly has more purpose now with stances such as red and its stagger perk.

It's done by performing any swing with any stance (though red is preferable), cancelling your swing with the reload key, and then follow up immediately with a forward jump. You can adjust the distance/fp usage based on how long you hold the keys, allowing for consistent and reliable use with a little practice and muscle-memory.
Try to press forward + jump after you've already cancelled with reload or it may cause a flip. You may also accidentally do a flip if you hold jump for too long. Avoiding any flips is essential if you want to avoid unnecessary FP/BP loss and followup the Saber-cancel jump with an attack.

PS Sorry about the video quality:s. Not only was it bad quality to begin with, but I compressed and lowered the resolution as much as I could in order to upload it directly to the MB2 forum, but 56mb was still too big of a file. So instead I just uploaded the compressed video to Youtube and embed a link to it.

Alrighty, whether this is a new piece of tech or an old gimmick, I hope people experiment with it a bit and see what it can do this patch. Mmk take care Gais:D

I don't think I see it as anything new. It's not much different from before the saber cancel gimmick was programmed for MBII, Since you can do something similar with the saber shut down keys.
What are you talking aboot, Syl? Yes Homo. Am I 2 Canadian 4 u guys?

Btw Mega yeah i suspected it may be an older trick, but regardless I thought I'd post it because it definitely seems to have a lot more usefulness with 1.4 red. The trick itself though is probably old.