Please stop nerfing everything.

Update after update it seems like there’s been a consistent trend of reducing every character’s viability, that significantly impacts the enjoyment and balance of gameplay. Mandalorian ee3s get nerfed from awesome sniper rifles to weird over the shoulder mechanics, grogu becomes almost usless, and now Ewoks get nerfed to oblivion. It seems that when someone gets good at an obscure character there are moves to reduce the overall effectives of a character instead of finding valid defenses.

I understand that balancing a game is a complex process and that adjustments are sometimes necessary. However, it feels like these continuous nerfs are making Ewoks less enjoyable and far less competitive. I feel that the recent changes have diminished the character’s unique strengths and overall effectiveness. There is no realistic need to take away the knock down rocks and dash from ewoks. If there is an issue limit the lives from 3 to 2, but lets be honest if you get ewok killed you werent paying attention.

Could you please provide some insight into the reasoning behind these adjustments? Additionally, it would be great to hear if there are plans to revisit and potentially address these concerns, as it would be helpful to understand how these decisions fit into the broader game balance strategy.

I appreciate all the hard work and dedication that goes into maintaining and improving the game. Thank you for considering this feedback, and I hope it can contribute to a positive change for classes in future updates.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Mandalorian ee3s get nerfed from awesome sniper rifles to weird over the shoulder mechanics

EE-3 was changed to be closer to its canon counter part as well as to make way for the return of a dedicated sniper on the mando class. Not something that can technically be classified as a nerf as the design of the class itself changed. Being Star Wars Movie Battles we have some design restrictions to match movies, tv shows, etc. otherwise we would be making a different game. Can't speak on the rest of the decisions as I did not make them.


FA Contributor
Internal Beta Team
It seems that when someone gets good at an obscure character there are moves to reduce the overall effectives of a character instead of finding valid defenses.

I commonly encounter this issue when taking criticism or feedback when designing Full Authentic concepts.

When most die by a class they don't like and fail to understand, they cry havoc until some hopeful dev changes it to what they want. Most of the times it's a skill issue given as disgruntled feedback, or it can be genuinely a bug or reported unintended issue with a class. Which the latter I think should be the overall focus with improving Legends as a gamemode.

I feel like this is also the danger for a gamemode too many people have their fingers of the pie in. I quickly realize it's a situation where you can't please everyone. It's impossible, && it's just better to weigh feedback constructively instead of immediately implementing them. People run and harass Legends authors and devshop to rush and get things changed that probably doesn't or didn't need it.

I have this neat journal where I keep people's feedback, but I don't often immediately implement them. At the risk of nerfing or disabling classes which didn't really need it. I aim for an overall balance, with say.. seven characters for example that's easy, that pales in comparison to something the size of Legends.

Group vision consensus for FA design is essentially a scripting mess that involves overlapping code with a lot of mbsiege files, and it tends to make or break things and create undesired effects. It's probably good to have an understanding that FA wasn't really aimed to be balanced to begin with until the introduction of Open.

Nobody can tell me they haven't played FA's and called them "balanced" and playing them without laughing. Even trying to reach a maximum balance with my creative projects, it's difficult to maintain. Focus too much on balance and it's like a cat chasing it's tail. Sad part is I think a lot of players are too more obsessed with Open than giving Full Authentic the credit & respect of originality it deserves, but that's just me. It's fun slaying others with overpowered or unique characters, and dying in some goofy, silly way. I suppose that's not for everyone.

I think there definitely needs to be a scale of this is a "get good" issue VS "okay is this legitimately OP/broken" issue, and that's how things should be ruled before being implemented. I think a lot of really strong characters should have glaring weaknesses and they balance out each other fundamentally. Shortcomings of a character doesn't mean it should be drastically buffed or nerfed in my opinion, and needs to be scrutinized under a fine lens.
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FA / Legends Contributor
Internal Beta Team
Update after update it seems like there’s been a consistent trend of reducing every character’s viability, that significantly impacts the enjoyment and balance of gameplay. Mandalorian ee3s get nerfed from awesome sniper rifles to weird over the shoulder mechanics, grogu becomes almost usless, and now Ewoks get nerfed to oblivion. It seems that when someone gets good at an obscure character there are moves to reduce the overall effectives of a character instead of finding valid defenses.

I understand that balancing a game is a complex process and that adjustments are sometimes necessary. However, it feels like these continuous nerfs are making Ewoks less enjoyable and far less competitive. I feel that the recent changes have diminished the character’s unique strengths and overall effectiveness. There is no realistic need to take away the knock down rocks and dash from ewoks. If there is an issue limit the lives from 3 to 2, but lets be honest if you get ewok killed you werent paying attention.

Could you please provide some insight into the reasoning behind these adjustments? Additionally, it would be great to hear if there are plans to revisit and potentially address these concerns, as it would be helpful to understand how these decisions fit into the broader game balance strategy.

I appreciate all the hard work and dedication that goes into maintaining and improving the game. Thank you for considering this feedback, and I hope it can contribute to a positive change for classes in future updates.
Can't speak for the others but the idea was to make Ewok feel more like an Ewok, a scrappy ambusher who plays well with a team, and less like an in-your-face fighter, and to make his stones feel more like stones, and not grenades that go poof. It was as much a graphical and aesthetic overhaul as a balance one. It was also part of a mode-wide addressing of the QT + Dash + Saber combo, which was nerfed across the board. He retains Dash, and Saber has been slightly nerfed to not one-shot 100 hp classes (like default Sith). You may need to adjust your playstyle in lieu of these changes, or they might be too weak, or both. Will be monitoring these changes as they are not set in stone (lolol). Lives/limits were considered but not touched to, again, keep the flavor of the class.

To shed a little light on the mechanics: the new stones stagger on splash damage, deal more damage than previously and knockdown even Strength 2 classes on direct hit (which is facilitated more with feet shots). I have been able to bully lone classes including blocking Sith with repeated volleys. You also receive 6 per life. I think they are stronger in some ways than old nades but also make the class more interesting and thoughtful.

It was also felt that the best approach to balance overall was to tone down certain generalist classes and then upscale them as necessary. Adjustments were also made as a result of the gamewide changes of Tempest Patch, which meant certain level 2 moves now resembled level 3 moves, and things of that nature. Adding to this, the introduction of custom classes which could bring unforseen combos were also conservatively deployed.

Thank you for the feedback.
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I haven´t played this update yet, so I dont know what Ewoks are like now. But no matter how much they nerf them, I will still find a way to kill sith with them.
please for the love of god i haven't opened this game in months but please tell me ewoks still have the singing taunt / flourish (the one that goes tun tan tun tarerururan tun-tan tun-tan tun-tan tun-tan)
No, now instead of that it says in a monotonous BBC voice "I am Ewok from Star Wars Episode VI"
What made poison darts suck so much since when anyway?
Those used to be bad to get hit with as jedi (like a noticeable and meaningful hit on FP when under fire) but by now somehow got pretty laughable.
Update after update it seems like there’s been a consistent trend of reducing every character’s viability, that significantly impacts the enjoyment and balance of gameplay. Mandalorian ee3s get nerfed from awesome sniper rifles to weird over the shoulder mechanics, grogu becomes almost usless, and now Ewoks get nerfed to oblivion. It seems that when someone gets good at an obscure character there are moves to reduce the overall effectives of a character instead of finding valid defenses.

I understand that balancing a game is a complex process and that adjustments are sometimes necessary. However, it feels like these continuous nerfs are making Ewoks less enjoyable and far less competitive. I feel that the recent changes have diminished the character’s unique strengths and overall effectiveness. There is no realistic need to take away the knock down rocks and dash from ewoks. If there is an issue limit the lives from 3 to 2, but lets be honest if you get ewok killed you werent paying attention.

Could you please provide some insight into the reasoning behind these adjustments? Additionally, it would be great to hear if there are plans to revisit and potentially address these concerns, as it would be helpful to understand how these decisions fit into the broader game balance strategy.

I appreciate all the hard work and dedication that goes into maintaining and improving the game. Thank you for considering this feedback, and I hope it can contribute to a positive change for classes in future updates.
I think your game balancing often involves fine tuning characters to ensure fairness and diversity in gameplay but I understand your frustration with the recent nerfs particularly to the Ewoks. Developers usually adjust characters based on overall data and player feedback but I will pass your concerns along to the team to consider a more nuanced approach in future updates potentially revisiting these changes for a more balanced experience.

Thank you
I think your game balancing often involves fine tuning characters to ensure fairness and diversity in gameplay but I understand your frustration with the recent nerfs particularly to the Ewoks. Developers usually adjust characters based on overall data and player feedback but I will pass your concerns along to the team to consider a more nuanced approach in future updates potentially revisiting these changes for a more balanced experience.

Thank you
Wow! A beautiful girl playing MBII AND talking like an AI? I will buy EVERYTHING that you are selling! What are you selling?
I think your game balancing often involves fine tuning characters to ensure fairness and diversity in gameplay but I understand your frustration with the recent nerfs particularly to the Ewoks. Developers usually adjust characters based on overall data and player feedback but I will pass your concerns along to the team to consider a more nuanced approach in future updates potentially revisiting these changes for a more balanced experience.

Thank you
I like how Grievous was made useless in legends when he used to be a beast, went from 2003 lore accurate villain when Legends was first made to the most useless and unviable class imaginable, that dies to force users, saberists and gunners instead of having specific weaknesses
I never cease to be amused by the MB2 community. about 50 percent are trolls, tkers and trashtalkers who have been playing this game for 15 years and bulling newcomers (i see it literally every time i play), forcing them never to play this game again. This update slightly improves the picture. As far as I could see, the new mechanics have made veterans weaker (because they prefer to whine about nerfs instead of learning new mechanics), which gives newcomers a chance in combat.

P.S. want evoks to be powerful in a fare fight? jeez srsly?!
I never cease to be amused by the MB2 community. about 50 percent are trolls, tkers and trashtalkers who have been playing this game for 15 years and bulling newcomers (i see it literally every time i play), forcing them never to play this game again. This update slightly improves the picture. As far as I could see, the new mechanics have made veterans weaker (because they prefer to whine about nerfs instead of learning new mechanics), which gives newcomers a chance in combat.

P.S. want evoks to be powerful in a fare fight? jeez srsly?!
I never cease to be amused by the MB2 community. about 50 percent are trolls, tkers and trashtalkers who have been playing this game for 15 years and bulling newcomers (i see it literally every time i play), forcing them never to play this game again. This update slightly improves the picture. As far as I could see, the new mechanics have made veterans weaker (because they prefer to whine about nerfs instead of learning new mechanics), which gives newcomers a chance in combat.

P.S. want evoks to be powerful in a fare fight? jeez srsly?!
Name the bullies so that we can shame them