Models you want to see in game?

Episode 3 Anakin with the Jedi robes on and the hood down for the Jedi team (they have it in FA but not any other mode for some reason)

The Unguided

Movie Battles II Team
TBH, I wouldn't mind this. Maybe not full RBG for every gun, but at least let people pick between a few preset colors for each gun. Basically just open up the "saber hilt select" menu for gunners, except they select their gun model and shot color instead. Could choose between the dozen different E-11/pistol model variants, and then pick between red/green/maybe yellow shots.

Not quite what you're talking about but I have to bring up the Wookie Bowcaster again. Making it green would be cool. So we have blue for the clone weapons, let's have green for bowcaster. It's significantly different from most weapons anyways.

Although I like this RGB blaster bolts idea, to a certain distinct. Imp weapons could choose between red/orange/yellow for instance. Reb weapons amongst blue/green/red. It also could be weapon dependant. Kyle's blaster pistol centered around yellow. Bowcaster centered around green. Clone weapons for blue etc.
Not quite what you're talking about but I have to bring up the Wookie Bowcaster again. Making it green would be cool. So we have blue for the clone weapons, let's have green for bowcaster. It's significantly different from most weapons anyways.

Although I like this RGB blaster bolts idea, to a certain distinct. Imp weapons could choose between red/orange/yellow for instance. Reb weapons amongst blue/green/red. It also could be weapon dependant. Kyle's blaster pistol centered around yellow. Bowcaster centered around green. Clone weapons for blue etc.
I like this a lot. However, I'm sure that I, along with a lot of other modders, would appreciate if there was an easy way to overwrite the RGB restrictions on just blaster bolts if this were done; for sabers they should be kept separated for obvious reasons, but to allow people to choose to make a mod that can allow any color blaster bolt should at least be on the table. It wouldn't get too confusing during gameplay, and if it did, people could just edit it out of the mod (or, if a user, either request a custom version or remove the mod). Overall though, the multicolored blaster bolts idea sounds really cool, and I think having tehse restrictions there in base but easy to optionally replace in a mod would be a significant change and would honestly probably make playing Open enjoyable to a higher degree. Even if not able to replace RGB restriction with mods, adding RGB blaster bolts at all would be an awesome thing to have, I 100% want to see this in a future update :)
I like this a lot. However, I'm sure that I, along with a lot of other modders, would appreciate if there was an easy way to overwrite the RGB restrictions on just blaster bolts if this were done; for sabers they should be kept separated for obvious reasons, but to allow people to choose to make a mod that can allow any color blaster bolt should at least be on the table. It wouldn't get too confusing during gameplay, and if it did, people could just edit it out of the mod (or, if a user, either request a custom version or remove the mod). Overall though, the multicolored blaster bolts idea sounds really cool, and I think having tehse restrictions there in base but easy to optionally replace in a mod would be a significant change and would honestly probably make playing Open enjoyable to a higher degree. Even if not able to replace RGB restriction with mods, adding RGB blaster bolts at all would be an awesome thing to have, I 100% want to see this in a future update :)
Damm right Rem, you tell them!

I say it is time to elect a new chancelor! One which shall bring peace, freedom, justice and security to the mods empire!

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None. The last skin I wanted added was Imperial Worker, now that it's in the game, pretty much all skins I would want are there. If I had to choose something.. maybe a helmeted old republic soldier?
I just want a Teal'c skin with the proper audio clips.

Who can resist that friendly guy <3
It's only for clan members because it uses some things without author's permission, so I can't do a public release. It'd take me a year to track down all the people :/
is it possible you could only give me the anakin model I was talking about or nah
Perhaps I'm being a fanboy, but I'd love to see another Dooku model in general, regardless of whether they're Jedi or Sith. Some suggestions:

Jedi Model (from 2:50 onwards)

Hooded or No Cape Versions

Also added Jedi Dooku to my clan pack :^)
Also added Jedi Dooku to my clan pack :^)
Out of interest which one did you add? The Y4 clan-pack has the legends one on JKHub, but there's another great one based off of that clone wars video I embedded earlier - wasn't sure which one I preferred
Out of interest which one did you add? The Y4 clan-pack has the legends one on JKHub, but there's another great one based off of that clone wars video I embedded earlier - wasn't sure which one I preferred
Used the legends one
I Would Really like to see Darth Sion, so that the triumvirate can be complete! We already have nihlus (Probably spelled wrong) and traya, we just need sion!
Plz make this happen guys..
I Would Really like to see Darth Sion, so that the triumvirate can be complete! We already have nihlus (Probably spelled wrong) and traya, we just need sion!
Plz make this happen guys..
I could probably make you a small model replacement using a Sion from JKhub, I'll PM you it