Medics in Open mode?

I've been meaning to make this suggestion ages ago but I never got around to it or worded it correctly. Here goes!
Medics have been apart of Fully Authentic for ages and while I was playing a classic game of FA Jedi Temple I wondered: hey, what if Medics were a thing in Open mode? I got me to thinking about how it could be put in so it is both useful and not be over powered.

One of the ideas of course was to have a singular class on both sides for Medic. However, I dismissed the idea after awhile due to it not only being time consuming to make a class solely based for medics, but also to balance it with the already inputted classes.

My second idea was to add it to the commanders / ET's. Now, I'm not suggesting that the ET's be able to use it easily. A heavy price of specialization points would have to go into being able to heal people. Perhaps limit it such that you can't have reinforcement? or lessen it's points so that You can only have one weapon or grenade? Then I got to thinking; What about a self heal bacta add-on that would cost points if you went into the Medical specialization? There are numerous ways of having an medical specialization put into Open mode. However, it does come down to popularity and whether or not it will benefit MB2 overall. I leave that to you guys!

Just a couple of thoughts that have been mulling around in my head.
Easy solution:

4 minute rounds.

Oh, and if we're talking about what slows down gameplay....Why was the penalty removed?
Why do we have whores who constantly camp or run out the clock so they don't have to take a death?

Yeah, fast-paced dynamic indeed.

But you know what really slows down gameplay? Snipers. Let's remove them.
Durr, not gonna happen even though half the round on whatever map is wasted because of them.

Limit the ammo and snipers should have no access to high rof weapons either so:)
Sniper should not be the most versatile class. It should be a specialist class or build.

Gonna talk about medics slowing shit down...lulz.
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Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Easy solution:

4 minute rounds.

Oh, and if we're talking about what slows down gameplay....Why was the penalty removed?
Why do we have whores who constantly camp or run out the clock so they don't have to take a death?

Yeah, fast-paced dynamic indeed.

But you know what really slows down gameplay? Snipers. Let's remove them.
Durr, not gonna happen even though half the round on whatever map is wasted because of them.

Limit the ammo and snipers should have no access to high rof weapons either so:)
Sniper should not be the most versatile class. It should be a specialist class or build.

Gonna talk about medics slowing shit down...lulz.
Stop playing dotf.
8 years too late. Or whenever that horrid map was released.

And it stands on most maps with any cover and distance.

Nor does it even remotely answer my question as to why the penalty was removed as it functioned as intended. Mitigating desire to camp.

On any map. :)


The Serial Stacker
Movie Battles II Team Retired
Neither would having a dedicated medic class solve that problem. I'll agree that a class having both a high ROF weapon and a high velocity, high damage weapon is pretty silly, but as that is unlikely to change the only other viable option is to just attack the root of the cause; that being sniper, which is that the moment a simple click and shoot, usable at any conceivable range and it's only weakness the fact that it needs to reload.

The problem is how to make projectile more like a niche pickup, similar to disruptor. Disruptor's glaring weakness is that you need to be stationary. The way to combat disruptor camping is to alter maps to limit protection gained.

Anyways, medic isn't the answer to a class that can kill you in one shot.
People saying things like saber defense or snipers slowing gameplay down too. If you just stand still and block, get shot until your FP goes low, and you run away. In that case you either are not contributing to offense in an offensive team, or are doing a bloody good job taking the attention of one or two gunners when you're defending. In any other situation you cannot retreat when your FP is low, and you get rekt.

Snipers can be shot. And precisely because they have nothing to really replenish their HP with, they will eventually die as long as they fail to snipe everything that's trying to shoot them dead. Which means they win the war of attack or offense.

You being a pussy who can't kill a blocking jedi or rush a sniper doesn't make these features slow down gameplay.

Git gud.
Regardless someone can kill a blocking Jedi or a sniper, or cant kill them, these two are stuffs are slowing down gameplay. There's nothing wrong with that, but they do, its pointless to argue about it or try to prove the opposite, because it cannot be done, @NERO.

Anyway, all you said is wrong. If you stand still as Jedi, do nothing and let the imps to drain all of your FP while you achieve nothing, than you do it wrong. Its not a tactical element or feature or skill that you let others to (nearly) kill you and force yourself to run away. About snipers cant replenish their HP... first of all, Hero can... secondly, noone else can replenish HP, but Hero, so its not a weakness for the other 13 classes, its a core element of MBII. About the sniper who fail to snipe and will die, these players can instantly switch to another weapon (like Pistol, E11, DLT-20a for Hero and BH) or switch the weapon mode (EE3 for Mandalorian) or just simply continue shooting (Westar M5 for ARC). So they wont necessarely die. I'm not saying its a problem, its just for you to see things clearly.

And lol, I dont know where did this great "cant kill a Jedi, you're a pussy" idea come from, but I'm sure we can agree that its not related to the conversation; you cant possibly predict how good or bad players we are, just because we said facts like saber defense slowing down the gameplay, and its a BS. This forum is to discuss things about the mod: Even if you're right, or not, its f*cking unnecessary to insult others like that. Please dont do that in the future.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Maps slow down the game far more. Smuggler and Alderaan play out very quick for comparison. Sniping on those maps is very niche and situational due to many tight corridors and closed spaces. Most MB2 maps have large open areas with minimal cover, it is only obvious that sniping is the way to succeed at the highest levels of play.
I disagree, the mod's favourite objective type (camp a room) slows the game down, not the maps (I mean their design)... and the bad spawn point locations, because they let the defender team to easily camp that room from 4:40.

Sorry for the offtopic, anyway, its clear that healing via Bacta Canisters couldnt make the game much slower, so I think it could be used in Open mode too, it'd be useful for classes without reinforcements and lol having new stuffs in Open mode cant be bad, if they're working properly.
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Howdy, i'm new.
Found the mod a few years ago and now that i'm close to completing my associates ive had more free time on my hands lately and have been playing on and off on the AOD pandemonium server. Good friends with Captain Melons, always there for when im looking for a wookie bro. We do the wookie ritual of making as much noise as possible and rolling everywhere and just being a general hindrance to the team because we are both complete shit at the game.

Here is a perspective from an outsider. Seeing as I can only find games on one map Dotf, and people just refuse to play on rotation maps or at least when I play. I have never been able to experience Full authentic mode. Played on some open rotation servers but the server pop dies quickly on those. Mostly I think because people will just not join rotation servers and play it. I've asked people about Full authentic and people said it sucks ass. Seeing as I was never to experience it I cant comment or disagree with them. I look forward to trying it when people get a game going.

I play open mode, on DOTF for 100 rounds and then the server resets. Because that's the only server active when I get on to play. And from my experience playing, about more than half of the teams are jedi or sith. And seeing as light-sabers keep killing everything with one hit unless you play the hard counters IE Super Battle Droid or Wookie. You seem to be shooting people who can block and deflect for days.

I noticed this does not become a problem when you get a squad of people to focus fire. But as I said, more than half are sith or jedi on my teams so one dude shooting a light stick will always loose I accepted this fact and aim for the people with guns over light sticks. Now I hate light sticks, always loved the gunner side of star-wars like the clones, and the ST's (storm troopers). All time favorite are the trade federation droids. My favorite class is the Commander/ET. And I like playing as the either as Quarsh Panka as rebels and either OOM-9 or the Commando droid.

I don't understand why there shouldn't be medics in open mode. It's hard enough to play in this mode when there are jedi and sith blobs everywhere. Like, the rare moments the other team coordinates and goes full ST's or palace security I find myself having more fun in these instances. However I would like to see people play on the rotations more often, because of my schedule between work and school I miss the active hours. I do get to play, but I get on at like 8pm or 10pm Central Time. So I don't know if people still play FA mode or not, because I always see the AOD server with at-least 16 players.

I honestly don't see medics hurting open mode because rounds only seem to last atleast 5 minutes. Game-play seems to slow down anyway when there's one or two people alive and they spend most of their time trying to find each other to end the round. I've learned in this instance to just go for the objective or camp it.

Medics would be really appreciative for players like me because im still new and learning the game and team killing is very easy in this game. I feel like shit when I TK and a dead weight. I am trying to git gud, but gitting gud requires time and most of my time is at work or school. If I was this legendary class called the medic, I could support my team and learn about the game at the same time. I would be very grateful if the medic was introduced into open mode or more people started to play FA mode.
Medics would ruin the game, first of all the game play would be slow because as a medic u would basically just camp and heal making jedi/sith/wookie/deka/mando/hero insanely hard to kill. The time limit is 5mins imagine dotf with medics there's no way rebs have a chance to do obj in 5 mins if you got a team camping with medics helping them.if you are new in the game i recommend reading post made by hexodius
A long time ago, when Force Heal was available in Open mode, there was a problem, that a Jedi who nearly survived a battle, run behind the team (lets say hide in Hangar on DotF) and healed up. Its not guessing or predicting something, that happened. The first problem about this that its time wasting if there's only a few players are left. Another problem is that healing makes the game slower. It wouldnt be a serious problem (thats why I'd prefer to use Bacta Canisters in Open mode), but unlimited healing has the potential to basically stop the game, if the healers can always heal up their team mates. This would be another huge advantage to the defender team, what could make the matches even more unbalanced. This is why unlimited healing, so Force Heal or a healer class should never part of this mod, as long as the players have limited lives / round.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Healing as limited option is always a possibility. It is even available to Hero. I think healing needs to be kept unique and class specific.
This is off topic, but as the topic seems to be the pace of gameplay, it's sort of appropriate.
It's primarily map design that determines round length!
Trim the fat off the non-dotf/non-jabba/non-lunarbase maps!

Dotf is popular because it's a fairly lean map that will see combat quickly.
Combat itself doesn't have to resolve quickly; indeed it's better if it doesn't, as that's the core of mb2's gameplay.
(See SW:BF as an example of overly quick combat interspersed with tedious running)
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Wait a minute, the medics have unlimited healing?
Why would that be apart of the game, even in FA?

I thought the medic threw stuff on the ground and people picked it up, and they had a limited amount of them.

Cat Lady

Movie Battles II Team Retired
Apart from suggestions about medic - which I think is unnecessary in Open - I, for one, don't like the whole trend of making maps "faster". Many good, tactical maps, were "shrunk" lately, which seems like dead-loop for me. We make maps smaller, cause less player plays, so even less players start to play (cause on smaller maps, many players make it very chaotic), so we make maps even smaller... Rinse and repeat.

I don't think that making it even to lowest common denominator is good idea. For example, the pinnacle of MBII mapping is - for me - republiccruiser - and I would love to see MBII maps going that direction, not the alderaan/smuggler one. The latter maps (esp. alderaan) got typical "communist pants curse"[1] - good by all gameplay measurements, but no one wants to play them.

/Cat Lady

[1]In central europe, during soviet domination era, we had "rules" governing proportions of clothes. Everything was calculated mathematically and physiologically, to make it it fitting for "everyone". As a result, they were so broken, that no one could wear them comfortably, especially pants.
A defensive situation slows down the game only when you let it. Offensive team camping when they should be attacking while defense sits still as they are meant to is not by design but by the will of players. A feature that allows you to heal taken damage is a feature to encourage and boost behavior that would slow the game down.

In a real defense versus offense bottlecap, the action is intense. Attackers are fended off or defenders are forced to retreat and take up a new defensive position. It's dynamic and way more high speed than one could expect from a game where characters run slower than sandrakers.

Just let the medic crap be. It's been suggested 500 times in the history of MB2, usually followed by additional suggestions to force that shit in (even I did that once). Bury it. It doesn't work in open mode by design. Go play FA if you want it.
Just let the medic crap be. It's been suggested 500 times in the history of MB2, usually followed by additional suggestions to force that shit in (even I did that once). Bury it. It doesn't work in open mode by design. Go play FA if you want it.

I would but nobody will play it, and pretty sure sitting alone in a server at 10pm wont encourage others to join.

It feels like only 2 people actually read what I said.