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T r i s t a n

I am starting this thread to discuss the future possibility of adding a dedicated Medic class.
I only joined MBII in build 1.3 so I do not know if a Medic class was ever introduced to MBII. I am aware there is some kind of buff one of the Soldier classes have that regenerates health. But I am also aware that buff is never used... I believe one of the reasons a Medic class was never kept in MBII is because of the fact that they prolong rounds, and could be considered OP if not implemented correctly.
Medic's are an addition that MBII players could very much enjoy to play as and would also be greatly appreciated by team mates.
The idea that I have had to what kind of Medic should be allowed in MBII is when I say dedicated Medic class... I mean it should be built solely around buffing team mates in battle, with very little to no offensive capabilities as it could be OP. What I propose are a variety of different Medic class possibilities:

Soldier Medic:
Uses special weapon (possibly syringe or medipack etc...) Heals team mates a small amount slowly over time as they should need to be at least walking and aiming the cross hair on the team mate all while using the primary fire of the medipack. Possibly has a small blaster pistol for defense, or maybe just poison darts...

Jedi Consular:
My primary example of a Medic Jedi is the Healer Cade Skywalker. He had the ability to heal his team mates by taking the sum of the injury onto himself. I propose either something similar to this idea where you can heal your team mate by essentially giving them some of your HP. Or I suggest perhaps a Jedi Consular Class dedicated to healing by standing near team mates and holding the corresponding button to touch the team mate and heal them little by little slowly. The Jedi Consular could possibly go the route of how Force Repulse currently works in MBII, where the player is allowed a saber but no defense... Or we could go more drastic and not allow the Healing Jedi a saber.

These are only a few suggestions that I have, I would like to hear from you all, why no Medics?
(Just another thought, Medics would be sacred and worshiped by the more skilled MBII player like we saberists who get shot in the back by our Soldier brothers and now are at 1 HP...)


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
A super slow heal seems like it would necessarily prolong rounds, as people retreat and hide to very slowly heal their 400 hp wookiee back to full health.

The Hero can already self-heal up to certain thresholds, which... already has some prolonging potential since it lets you tank an infinite amount of body shots by most guns if you return to cover, but that's not terrible. If the ability to heal teammates was added to the game in some form, I would hope it would either have the same 33-sized thresholds as Heal (making it nearly useless for Wookiees), or be a single use deployable health kit item that heals a larger amount.

or go an Overwatch-ish route and just have a character that can give allies a little armor (like, nudge their armor back up to 30 if it's below 30), but can't heal them at all. Call it a bandage or a force barrier or something.
Have people only able to heal a fraction of the damage that was dealt, that way you can't heal forever.
Healers make everything worse imo

This mod is all about managing your HP and Armor and risking it when you feel like it. But if a class dedicated to healing gets introduced, balance will go to shit.


Slayed dreamer
Medics were already discussed:
Suggestion of New Classes
Medic class for open
Medics in Open mode?

You should use search before posting new thread and read what people already said about your suggestions.

Originally posted by @Supa:
I've probably explained a hundred times why medic won't ever be in open, but I guess I'll do it again.

The way people both are intended to play, and will play medic, will ruin the dynamic of a 5 minute round with limited lives in MB2. The games are meant to be quick and dynamic. With a medic in the game, regardless of whether it has offensive capabilities or not, people will simply run back and hide when they get hit to get healed up for full instead of pushing for the objectives of the map.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Thank you for your feedback, this has been brought up already.
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