I'm tired of the current state of dueling

I am just really sick of this system. In the past year dueling took a massive fall, we went from a nice, fun dueling system to a dull boring, swinging a swim noodle shit fest. This just isn't satisfying the community and I have heard countless criticisms on why dueling just isn't fun anymore and that the older systems were unstoppable fun. Older builds had fun and complex mechanics like the Older Pblock system that just made dueling feel immersive, also Style perks like Staffs Mblock, Yellows fast A swing, and some more perks for other styles. Patches like,V0,V1,1.3 were all great builds, 1.3 is a perfect example of how the dueling system should be with new PB system inherited into it.. They had style perks, red had stagger, Nudge existed. We asked for a revert but we were denied its possibility. We asked for a nerf on counters and It was removed ENTIRELY, why? And that current public cyan is just terrible. 6 hits? really? This just turns cyan into a 6 hit spam fest with no skill involved but knowing how to swingblock. Dueling used to be about attacking your enemies weaknesses and timing your swings, But now its just about who can pblock and spam more. This doesn't feel complex, this doesn't feel fun, It's boring, Incompetent, and a lot of people are just sick of it. Everyone plays the same but just in a different code of paint. Style balancing is just fucking DOGSHIT. Stassin and tempest need to quit arguing and collaborate to make something great similar to mb2's golden past.

We are getting UI, maps, hilts yeah hurr durr, But no one cares if these mechanics aren't changing. All I want and what the community wants is a big step up and the developers of this beloved mod to get their shit together and start seeing some positive changes that could breath more life into the mod we all love.
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Internal Beta Team
You want low regen so that there is no way to recover and all duels will end with two people 0 bp combo spam jumping?
Not what i said. Right now you can regen all of your bp from a single hit, so spamming is more effective. Either increase damages or make bp regen slower


I'd rather have higher regen, chance for quick kills via disarms, interrupts, slaps and well-executed attack-chains, a slowly growing ACM alongside defensive mechanics and offensively oriented special attack tricks (like in that version by stassin we tested, most fun version ever for me maybe and would be so good in open. Basically groundstab but for every ability, cartwheel-chains in the air, RDFA's and all manner of funky good stuff)

This sounds like straight cancer to me and I would still prefer it to the current public. As Sev and almost everyone else has said in here, it's just shallow af at the moment. I would rather prefer a more interesting system that's not to my preferences than the mindless garbage we're currently riding on.
Does anybody ever tried to uh like write documentation on dueling mechanics for mb2 ? And keep it up to date.

Just something I thought would be nice to have, in case you want transparency and general understanting and stuff.

*insert swear word here*

I always found some impious sense of enjoyment from puzzling out mb2 mechanics, but in recent years I started to think that, like, developers too enjoy it.
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Does anybody ever tried to uh like write documentation on dueling mechanics for mb2 ? And keep it up to date.

Just something I thought would be nice to have, in case you want transparency and general understanting and stuff.

*insert swear word here*

I always found some impious sense of enjoyment from puzzling out mb2 mechanics, but in recent years I started to think that, like, developers too enjoy it.
Probs I was misunderstood. My post was directed towards developers, implying *they* need proper documentation in case they want to identify "the problem" and finally fix it without ruining everything agian.

Yes, it might not work immediately. but it WILL reduce amount of "person X knows everything about sabering, so we can ask him about details when we need it" bs. "Gurus" can suck ass, transparency is a must.

Also, players can be kept in dark about your internal docs, ffs, just make a good god damn game.
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