Nothing really mind blowing here, just quitting after playing the game for 10+ years. It's just not fun anymore and the community's always so salty like WTF? You guys are either mad about the state of MB2 or mad at another person for having an opinion about it. Like holy shit every time I check the forums its just essays upon essays!! Have you guys ever thought about getting a life? Damn stop dedicating so much time to this stupid game, I get you guys love arguing about worthless crap but it gets to a certain point where it's just fucking ridiculous. This game's devs are poop and don't know how to properly design a game, and the players are always assblasted about being killed in a 15+ year old game. Like high key cuh, fuckin chill!!!! Imagine thinking ur cool cuz u have a largely positive kd in a game where 70% of the population is either new or just sucks at the game.
ego player: *gets killed by a random player*
ego player: "OMG bro do you even know who I am? 1v1 me on duel server I will destroy you!!!"
The state of MB2 is so rickety right now that players are depending on tR deathstar for entertainment. "aOd PaNdEmOnIuM iS gUd SeRvOr!!!" Yeah sure it WAS a good server but now people don't play on it anymore because deathstar is hella populated. If you had to choose between a server that will ban you for saying "donald trump", or a server that could give two shits about what you talk about in chat, which would you join??? Answer is really obvious imo. AOD Pandemonium is populated MAYBE once a week, and without tR deathstar, MB2 population would probs be hella dead on US side. EU side is slowly dying out from what I can see, as the EU servers aren't as populated as they used to be.
"bUt NoRmAn, dEaThStAr iS oNLy pOpUlAtEd cUz PaNdEmoNiUm iSn'T!!!" Ye but you have to remember that people on deathstar will all agree that AOD is a stupid buttcheek clan that nobody likes anymore. I mean, MB2 is such an old game that it's servers shouldn't even have the amount of standards and rules that AOD has. Dont get me wrong, AOD is a fucking BEHEMOTH of a clan, spreading wide and far to nearly every MP game out there, but mb2 has evolved and quite honestly tR is the better option these days. I've been in nearly every clan (including some on EU side) and from my personal experience I can confidently tell you that tR is the future of MB2. They're fun, their discord is always active, they play lots of other games non-competitively by simply going into voice chat and having fun together. You don't need to join an outdated teamspeak server every time you decide to open MB2, in fact most of the time tR doesnt even care if you use your main alias, or even wear the tag, because they know its a fucking GAME and you should be allowed to have fun. I've been in AOD several times, and they're pretty fun too. But I think a lot of people will agree with me when I say, AOD's cOdE oF cOnDuCt is fucking retarded. It's a game, not a fucking business job. Being in a clan should mean having fun with like-minded people, it shouldn't be a burden to play MB2.
There are certain players that would heavily disagree about my statements regarding AOD, but that's just their playstyle. For some odd reason, they thoroughly enjoy being bossed around. Like, if AOD wants you to come play MB2? They'll probably just send you a message like "Get on MB2 right now" and will expect you to join. You have an obligation to play MB2 now, whether you want to or not, and you will probably be demoted or even kicked from the clan if you don't follow their orders. tR on the other hand would probably just be tag you on discord a bunch of times with the message "FLAKE??? FLAKE???? OMG BAN." And this is the main reason I prefer tR deathstar over nearly any other server. They have rules, but they're VERY minimum. They're self aware of the state of MB2, and play for FUN. Not for competition, not to win, simply to play together. Even in tournies they play for the hell of it.
Now, this isn't a tR recruitment message, merely an essay to get you faggots woke.
ANYWAY guys thanx 4 listening to my epic tedtalk!