Gun Spread


Internal Beta Team
So it bugs me a bit how the EE-3 is the only weapon to use progressive gun spread.

How about apply it to all weapons, even pistols, for constant, continued fire?

I think it should be variable depending on the weapon with pistols being affected the least.

Just would encourage more precision and less spray. The clone rifle needs this the most, in my opinion. Just doesn't seem fair to make only one weapon use it.

{Δ} Achilles

"fire rate is so much stronger than anything in mb2" very untrue that it is laughable

I await your CoD4 epic l33t montage of your pro skills with T-21 level 1.

Fire rate is the difference between E-11 Primary, and secondary. Fire rate is the difference between CR1, and CR2. Fire rate is why Gloan pistol is worse than regular pistol. Fire rate is pretty much everything, with accuracy and damage taking a backseat.

Sure, projectile rifle is powerful, but CR3 is better.


I await your CoD4 epic l33t montage of your pro skills with T-21 level 1.
Have you even heard of p3 or ee3 sniper? Or t21 primary shot?

so hard to tell if ur trolling or just don't understand logic. Aim is always better than a fast gun. If your aim is good enough You can beat anyone with a high firerate that has worse aim than you, headshots do a ton of damage for even the weakest of weapons. You know how many times ive done a p3 hs and insta killed a et or soldier with them having zero chance to do anythig about it. And ps, most of the time they have an e11 or t21, both have fast firerate.

{Δ} Achilles

Have you even heard of p3 or ee3 sniper? Or t21 primary shot?

so hard to tell if ur trolling or just don't understand logic. Aim is always better than a fast gun. If your aim is good enough You can beat anyone with a high firerate that has worse aim than you, headshots do a ton of damage for even the weakest of weapons. You know how many times ive done a p3 hs and insta killed a et or soldier with them having zero chance to do anythig about it. And ps, most of the time they have an e11 or t21, both have fast firerate.

Actually in a strafing engagement, it has less to do with aim, more to do with predicting which way your opponent will strafe, and fire rate is substantially better for this, because it allows you many guesses in a short amount of time. Again, I want to see you using T-21 level 1, against some CR3 gloans.

Yes, power reaches up there with fire rate, the ability to bullshit someone with Godcaster or P3 is strong, but keep in mind, fire rate is still more consistent, and FAR easier.

Again ease of use. Why do people think Cyan is OP? Because it is easier to use than it is to fight against.


Actually in a strafing engagement, it has less to do with aim, more to do with predicting which way your opponent will strafe, and fire rate is substantially better for this, because it allows you many guesses in a short amount of time. Again, I want to see you using T-21 level 1, against some CR3 gloans.

Yes, power reaches up there with fire rate, the ability to bullshit someone with Godcaster or P3 is strong, but keep in mind, fire rate is still more consistent, and FAR easier.

Again ease of use. Why do people think Cyan is OP? Because it is easier to use than it is to fight against.
Please stop, im laughing too hard now, your ignorance is litteraly killing me. Anyone that knows anything about gunning knows who is right in this argument.
The spread of the EE3 isn't particularly a hindrance more than it is an identity for the weapon. It certainly isn't at a disadvantage to other weapons currently in the game. At close range the spread isn't particularly make-or-break either, you develop an ability to predict it after a while (even when flying at longer ranges). I wouldn't say that the gun is the most difficult to use, but it can be unforgiving at times, especially when things get heated. The base damages more than make up for it, doubly so with the ability to have 3-4 perfectly accurate shots depending on range.

For an E11 or clonerifle to do the same they would have to cancel their direction (or walk for E11) / micro in stopping in their strafe, which isn't exceptionally demanding of the player, but it's still less of a nuisance to just three-tap and reset behind cover.

{Δ} Achilles

Please stop, im laughing too hard now, your ignorance is litteraly killing me. Anyone that knows anything about gunning knows who is right in this argument.

Please *verb*, I'm *verb* too hard now, your *noun* is literally *verb* me. Anyone that knows anything about *verb* knows who is right in this argument.

I smell logical fallacies.

Please jump. I'm cycling too hard now, your fish is literally smelling me. Anyone that knows anything about tickling knows who is right in this argument.


Achilles. Just admit you're wrong, you dont even know what you're talking about as you have already contradicted yourself about how "firerate always wins". Stop while you still have some dignity left. It's apparent that you are just trying to be noticed at this point, you don't need to destroy another thread.

{Δ} Achilles

Achilles. Just admit you're wrong, you dont even know what you're talking about as you have already contradicted yourself about how "firerate always wins". Stop while you still have some dignity left. It's apparent that you are just trying to be noticed at this point, you don't need to destroy another thread.

What school did you go to? You should ask for a refund, they didn't teach you to use quotations properly. They also didn't teach you what the word 'Contradiction' means.

Oh yes, I'm such an attention whore. How dare I suggest that you're wrong.

More logical fallacies.


What school did you go to? You should ask for a refund, they didn't teach you to use quotations properly. They also didn't teach you what the word 'Contradiction' means.

Oh yes, I'm such an attention whore. How dare I suggest that you're wrong.

More logical fallacies.
Yes you are an attention whore but thats not the argument. Its stupid to say that firerate is always better than the better aim. Maybe you don't yet know this because you are still 3 months new and play sith 90 percent of the time. Anyways maybe one day when you lose your ignorance you'll actually understand basic gun play in mb2. Cause it seems that you literately are just mouthing out words to be noticed, or you're just trolling. Both are quite possible, since you do have "troll" in your name. So im just gonna leave this chatwar and actually respond to people who know what they're actually talking about.

{Δ} Achilles

Yes you are an attention whore but thats not the argument. Its stupid to say that firerate is always better than the better aim. Maybe you don't yet know this because you are still 3 months new and play sith 90 percent of the time. Anyways maybe one day when you lose your ignorance you'll actually understand basic gun play in mb2. Cause it seems that you literately are just mouthing out words to be noticed, or you're just trolling. Both are quite possible, since you do have "troll" in your name. So im just gonna leave this chatwar and actually respond to people who know what they're actually talking about.

Did I say that fire rate is always better than better aim? I said fire rate is more consistent. I said accuracy and firepower takes a backseat to it... I don't believe that I said aiming had no effect.

Oh yes, I play Sith 105% of the time. You totally caught me. I've never played any other class.

Yes, leave the chat war that you started. Run away, little one. I will await the video of your beating semi-competent gloans with T-21 level 1.
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Did I say that fire rate is always better than better aim? I said fire rate is more consistent. I said accuracy and firepower takes a backseat to it... I don't believe that I said aiming had no effect.

Oh yes, I play Sith 105% of the time. You totally caught me. I've never played any other class.

Yes, leave the chat war that you started. Run away, little one. I will await the video of your beating CR3 users with T-21 level 1.
1. You said its impossible to beat a component cr3 with cr2. Implying aim doesn't matter compared to fire rate, which is laughably wrong.

2. I said 90% of the time, and I have yet to see you as a gunner, I just alias on Gars server and see you and you are always sith or jedi, yes im sure you have played gunner classes. But you'd be flat out lying to say that you don't play jedi or sith immensely more than gunners.

3. So I have to get a video of me beating a cr3 with t21 lvl 1 correct? Now im sure I could do that and probably will get a video of it on the weekend if I remember. But since firerate is more consistent than accuracy at a lower firerate
(which litteraly doesn't make logical sense, even someone who has never playd mb2 would think that sounds stupid) but since fire rate is more consistent then I could just use t21 level 2 right? I mean it is lower firerate after all correct? What about e11 level 3? Or maybe p3? Oh I know how about I just use T-21 primary against a component cr3 player?


Internal Beta Team
@Preston and @{Δ} Achilles Can you guys take your off topic argument to a private convo?

@Crusader I agree that it is the identity of the weapon. When I say a hindrance, I mean in an extended firefight where you have no room to duck behind cover to let it cool off. Sometimes you are forced to let loose and then you get the disadvantage. I like how the gun works though. With an E-11 secondary and a CR they can just stand still or walk and basically make a perfect laser beam until the clip is empty. All I suggest would be after a certain amount of extended shots it starts to spread for other weapons, too. It would need to be balanced per weapon and weapon level, even for fire modes as well. So rather than players just holding down left click they tap it a bit more controlled.
What about instead of the scatter it simply stops firing until you re-click it.

If you pay attention, its hardly a bother. Hold it down without thought or in panic, you'll just give a bigger window to break with a rock.
Talking about the cloner rifle since that seems to be the consensus or whatever.

Then again one might argue its ammo and accuracy are its definitive features. And really what else does the clone have besides his rifle.
Some blob attachments? *snooze* A simple class. And yet probably ____________.

So tackle it by clip size, accuracy, anything else? Overheat? Dmgs you if you keep firing? Or do a 180 and remove the ability to do micro-reloads so you'll eventually get stuck at that long-ass reload which would then be automated.

On a side note, I just had a brilliant idea. Clone rifle - bounce shots. Bounce off every surface until it hits flesh! Or fades out.
Just imagine rifle 3. At least for fa. Do want.

Ion blob - disabling thrown primary frags/thermals - preventing them from detonating.

Wander away, wander away. Bullet proof. Something something.


I think each weapon should stay unique to one another, so I think only ee3 should keep the scatter, but I also wouldnt mind just removing scatter entirely. Would be cool if we got a new weapon that had like an overheating effect. Also having each weapon have scatter would just be a hindremlnce and a nerf and would be un fun imo


Movie Battles II Team
@achilles (due to your name I cant even correctly @ you due to phone, and quoting system sucks on phone, and I will only address couple things that caught my eyes for otherwise my phone's battery would end up dead before Ive read evertything of those walls of texts and answered em all)

So, you want a primary fire l33t cod frag vid? Lvl 1 T21 + secondary nades used to be one of my favorite things. If I didnt have job in the summer I'd make one just for you to see how strong it can be. Plus you talkin about e11 primary being worse than secondary? In many cases especially against sith primary>secondary due to superior fp dmg and the fact you will aim the shots better with primary.

Also damn I miss charge pistol. Most fun times were had as a sold with lvl 2 pistol and conc nades. Charge shotting em jedi faces was fun.

Oh yeah one more thing about firerate being superior (lol): double sniper build is super good as a bh and I dont even need to use a blaster for anything. It is ofc due to ruptor's and proj's superior fire rate AM I RIGHT?

{Δ} Achilles

@achilles (due to your name I cant even correctly @ you due to phone, and quoting system sucks on phone, and I will only address couple things that caught my eyes for otherwise my phone's battery would end up dead before Ive read evertything of those walls of texts and answered em all)

So, you want a primary fire l33t cod frag vid? Lvl 1 T21 + secondary nades used to be one of my favorite things. If I didnt have job in the summer I'd make one just for you to see how strong it can be. Plus you talkin about e11 primary being worse than secondary? In many cases especially against sith primary>secondary due to superior fp dmg and the fact you will aim the shots better with primary.

Also damn I miss charge pistol. Most fun times were had as a sold with lvl 2 pistol and conc nades. Charge shotting em jedi faces was fun.

Oh yeah one more thing about firerate being superior (lol): double sniper build is super good as a bh and I dont even need to use a blaster for anything. It is ofc due to ruptor's and proj's superior fire rate AM I RIGHT?

1) So you're telling me that having grenades will allow you to get kills with incredibly slow firing weapons? What are the odds. Would they also help you get kills with fast firing weapons too? Amazing. Truly your reasoning will shine bright in the darkness for all to see.

2) Against gunners, yes. Which is why almost no one uses E-11 primary in gunner vs gunner shootouts, except for the occasional 1-2 'why not' shots. Against Jedi/Sith? Sure, it can be useful, until Flinch is introduced, in which case it is far more profitable to spam the alt fire at point blank for the flinch, than to try for the killing shot of primary.

3) I refer you back to the grenades thing, and also okay? Fun =/= effective. Clone pistol 2 is fun for me, but that doesn't mean it is more effective than CR3 and Blobs, which are unfun to me.

4) 'Super good'. Okay. I await the video of you defeating a competent enemy team of competent gloans/heroes, with a disruptor, and projectile rifle only.

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Movie Battles II Team
Achilles, give me your build specs!!!! I need them!! I need a build which has 2 nades, 2 lives and lvl 3 t21 while havin decent ammo and armor!! You must be god!!

And about that double sniper build? It is funny but I can do that.

{Δ} Achilles

Achilles, give me your build specs!!!! I need them!! I need a build which has 2 nades, 2 lives and lvl 3 t21 while havin decent ammo and armor!! You must be god!!

And about that double sniper build? It is funny but I can do that.

Well, you skipped over a bunch of points, and I really don't understand your first statement here, but sure, go for the sniper video. Show us your quick scoping skills when you're getting shot at by people with dodge and blobs.

And then we see a montage of him with loads of editing between long-range sniper shots.


Movie Battles II Team
I rly cant be arsed to link my vids right now on phone when goin to sleep

Check my channel. Frag vids named "computers", "heavy metal rambo" and "the good, the bad, the namgap" have some of these double sniper build stuff. I've never made a montage about double snipet only cuz I play quite large variety in most cases.

I guess you cant do irony either. It mocks your point that you could do better with 2 nades and high rate fire compared to low rate fire. tooo bad tho that you cant get 2 nades with high rate fire with decent ammo, armor and 2 lives!

I only didn't bother answerin the e11, even tho you seem to underestimate the fact that there is a lot gunner vs sith plays. Btw lvl 1 e11 and 2 nades is strong, also used to be one of my favorites (and is a strong build).

That pistol charge was not rly pointed at you achilles, so sorry for the confusion.

{Δ} Achilles

I rly cant be arsed to link my vids right now on phone when goin to sleep

Check my channel. Frag vids named "computers", "heavy metal rambo" and "the good, the bad, the namgap" have some of these double sniper build stuff. I've never made a montage about double snipet only cuz I play quite large variety in most cases.

I guess you cant do irony either. It mocks your point that you could do better with 2 nades and high rate fire compared to low rate fire. tooo bad tho that you cant get 2 nades with high rate fire with decent ammo, armor and 2 lives!

I only didn't bother answerin the e11, even tho you seem to underestimate the fact that there is a lot gunner vs sith plays. Btw lvl 1 e11 and 2 nades is strong, also used to be one of my favorites (and is a strong build).

That pistol charge was not rly pointed at you achilles, so sorry for the confusion.

I don't believe I ever mentioned getting everything on a build. I simply made a sarcastic point about grenades not meaning anything. I barely use grenades anyway because I feel they're only good for a cheap kill on another gunner, or a Jedi. Point being, grenades help anything get a kill. You can build 3 life soldier with just P2/nades, and do super well. Not because of P2, but because of nades.

Again, fighting a strafe war with T-21 primary, against a Gloan with CR3, what do you think has a better chance? T-21 deals way more damage, so theoretically T-21 with higher skill should win, right? That simply isn't the case.

And again, E11 with nades doesn't mean anything to me. I don't care about what you can do with nades, I care about the weapon itself.