Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Gaus/isuck's beginner guide (big brainer)

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hello, this is a guide how to play moviebattles2

so red bar = bp
blue bar = fp

swing = cost bp
jump = cost bp and
block = cost bp

you need to maintain bp
so pblock u noob
aim here (see picture)
and when u pb then u attack back in the opposite direction

but attack right when its green circle
ok so then when u attack u need to hold block
as you are attacking
so then when u do that no one will slap u
ok good
now to combo with the sb that u just learned
u need to time it
because this game is timing
and if you cant time anything
u die
now yaw
so swing and just move ur mouse into the direction of your swing
so A - move your mouse to the left
D - move your mouse to the right
WD - diagonal down to the right
WA - diagonal down to the left
SD - diagonal up to the right
SA - diagonal up to the left
ok now some pro tips
1 - put auto run on off, only walk during duels
2 - hold the "use" key and press jump so you dont lose FP or BP while jumping
3 - join a clan so you can get trainings and learn
4 - press ctrl + W in game
5 - if you actually want to learn then read for ex. noel's guide, because if you didnt know this guide is a


ok now you know how to play mb2
go big 100 some noobs
because you have just advanced to shit tier
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Tbh I don't know if I should treat this as a troll thread and respond seriously or add a meme.
But in all honesty I recall Noel's dueling guide being comprehensive and detailed, hopefully he has updated it, another good piece of advice for new players would be to find someone who can show them the basics or join a clan.