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Hosting Server Forced to repick teams after every round?


So on our server, as each round ends, we have to quickly repick the team we play on and press the skin and do OK. Otherwise we get stuck in Spectator. As each round ends, the teams get set to 0-0. Trying other servers does not give us this dilemma. So what can we do? If you're not quick enough to pick, you might miss a round. Its quite annoying.
What about the scoreboard, rounds counted?

If that's reset to zero as well then it sounds like you messed up something in you're server settings.
There's cmds to restart the rounds from sratch without reloading the map. Sounds like this is happening by default.

If the rounds are being counted - Voodoo. Find a practitioner and be prepared to offer a sacrifice. Just how much do you want your server to be fixed?
What are you willing to do? To give up?

What about the scoreboard, rounds counted?

If that's reset to zero as well then it sounds like you messed up something in you're server settings.
There's cmds to restart the rounds from sratch without reloading the map. Sounds like this is happening by default.

If the rounds are being counted - Voodoo. Find a practitioner and be prepared to offer a sacrifice. Just how much do you want your server to be fixed?
What are you willing to do? To give up?


Ill go check it myself.
How the heck do I fix that though. The MB2 settings I have are just =>

seta g_gametype "7" // Gametype - 3 = Duel, 4 = Power Duel, 7 = MovieBattles Mode.
seta fraglimit "100" // If a team reaches this amount of won rounds, it wins the map.
seta roundlimit "50" // When the total rounds reaches this amount, the map ends. Ties may happen.
seta timelimit ""

seta g_MinMBPoints "80" // Amount of MB points players start out with.
seta g_MBPointsPerRound "0" // Amount of MB points players gain every round.
seta g_Authenticity "0" // MB Mode setting - 0 = Open mode, 1 = Semi-Authentic, 2 = Full-Authentic, 3 = Duel.
seta g_allowedHeroClasses "0" // Limit classes on Hero team in Open mode. See Readme for details.
seta g_allowedVillainClasses "0" // Limit classes on Villain team in Open mode. See Readme for details.
seta g_TimePeriod "0" // Set time period in Open mode. See Readme for details.
seta g_EUAllowed "1" // Allow / disallow Expanded Universe models in Open Mode. 0 = disallowed, 1 = allowed.
Actually now it says Blue leads 2-0 when time ran out... so I guess not? Damn this is weird.

Went back to pick a team, i didnt pick. Now im in spec and its 2-0 to blue.. What gives.
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Whole server.cfg please.
Here you go!

/// Movie Battles II Server Config Generator/////

// Server Config:
seta sv_hostname "Blabla" // Name of your server
seta g_motd "^3Welcome to the blabla server!" // Message of the Day

// Additional master servers to report to
seta sv_master1 "masterjk3.ravensoft.com" // Master servers - do not alter unless you know what you are doing.
seta sv_master2 "master0.gamespy.com"
seta sv_master3 "clanservers.net"
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master5 ""

// Administration:

seta rconpassword "blabla" // Rcon admin password - CHANGE THIS
seta g_smodAdminPassword "blabla" // SMOD admin password - CHANGE THIS
seta g_smodSubAdminPassword "blabla" // SMOD sub-admin password - CHANGE THIS
seta g_smodConfig "bla" // Sets allowed SMOD commands

// Logging
seta g_log "servers.log" // Filename to record logging information to. ex: "serverlog.txt" If left blank, do not log.
seta g_logClientInfo "0" // Logs client information changes if set to 1 (More detailed logging, useful in matching clients to IPs.)

// RTV + RTM
seta g_logExplicit "3"
seta g_logSync "0"

// Use synchronous appending in log writes. (May impact server performance if set to 1(Not generally recommended), but may provide more detailed logs if a crash occurs.)

// Server Settings:

seta sv_fps "30" // Server FPS setting.
seta sv_maxclients "32" // Number of your servers player slots
seta sv_privateClients "0" // Number of private slots
seta sv_privatePassword "" // Password for using the private slots
seta sv_pure "0" // Pure setting - 0 = off, 1 = on. If enabled, clients can only use pk3s which are also present on the server.
seta sv_maxRate "25000" // Server-side cap for /rate. Settings higher than 25000 do not improve the clients ping.
seta sv_maxPing "0" // Only players with a ping below this can connect to your server. "0" = disabled.
seta sv_timeout "600" // Timeout - do not alter unless you know what you are doing.
seta sv_minSnaps "20" // Sets minimum snaps client can have.
seta sv_minRate "2000" // Sets minimum rate client can have.
seta sv_maxConnections "3" // Maximum number of connections from one IP (prevents many crash scripts).
seta sv_floodProtect "1" // Prevent flooding of chat and admin commands.

// Movie Battles II Settings:

seta g_gametype "7" // Gametype - 3 = Duel, 4 = Power Duel, 7 = MovieBattles Mode.
seta fraglimit "100" // If a team reaches this amount of won rounds, it wins the map.
seta roundlimit "50" // When the total rounds reaches this amount, the map ends. Ties may happen.
seta timelimit ""

seta g_MinMBPoints "80" // Amount of MB points players start out with.
seta g_MBPointsPerRound "0" // Amount of MB points players gain every round.
seta g_Authenticity "3" // MB Mode setting - 0 = Open mode, 1 = Semi-Authentic, 2 = Full-Authentic, 3 = Duel.
seta g_allowedHeroClasses "0" // Limit classes on Hero team in Open mode. See Readme for details.
seta g_allowedVillainClasses "0" // Limit classes on Villain team in Open mode. See Readme for details.
seta g_TimePeriod "0" // Set time period in Open mode. See Readme for details.
seta g_EUAllowed "1" // Allow / disallow Expanded Universe models in Open Mode. 0 = disallowed, 1 = allowed.

// Anti-Teamkill System:

seta g_TKPointsMinorFriendly "1" // Ignore damage amounts below 5 for purposes of applying g_TKPointsSpecCount (Stray very minor splash damage is permissible.)
seta g_TKPointsSpecCount "500" // Player will be forced to spectate if he/she has accrued this many TKPoints for team kills or hurting teammates. 0 = disabled.
seta g_TKPointsKickCount "700" // Player will be kicked and temp-banned from the server if a player has gotten this many TKPoints for team kills or hurting teammates. 0 = disabled.
seta g_TKPointsForgiveAfterRounds "2" // How many rounds must pass without any TKing by the player before g_TKPointsRemovedPerRound applies. 0 = always.
seta g_TKPointsRemovedPerRound "100" // Each round that passes without the player having done any TKing, this many TKPoints will be removed from their total. 0 = disabled.
seta g_TKPointsTempBanForRounds "3" // Number of rounds player gets banned for after exceeding g_TKPointsKickCount count.

// Misc:

seta g_FullSpecTalkToPlayers "1" // Allow / disallow spectators talk to living players (ghosting).
seta g_HideHUDFromSpecs "0"
seta g_chatProtectTime "1000" // Ammount of time that has to pass between two chat messages sent by player for them to be valid.
seta g_password "" // Password players need in order to be able to join your server.
seta g_needpass "0" // Set to "1" if you have set g_password.
seta g_allowVote "127" // Allow votes - 0 = all votes disabled, 127 = all votes allowed. See readme for details.
seta g_automapcycle "0" // Use automapcycle instead of a custom one. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled.

seta g_dismember "100" // Dismemberment probability. This is a percentage, i.e. 100 is the maximun setting. Clients have to adjust the cg_dismember cvar accordingly in order to see dismemberment.
seta g_allowNPC "1" // Do not alter.
seta g_noSpecMove "0" // Allow / disallow spectator movement. 0 = spectators can move, 1 = they cannot move.

seta g_inactivity "300" // Time in seconds until an inactive (i.e. not moving etc) client is kicked.

seta g_AllowEntity_target_level_change "0" // Whether or not to permit the target_level_change map entity to function. (Maps which utilize this feature can break map rotations.) 1 = enabled. 0 = disabled.

seta g_filterban "1" // If "0" - only players who are on the banlist may join. 1: people on the banlist may not join.

// Map rotation:

set d1 "set g_gametype 7; map mb2_duel_dotf ; set nextmap vstr d2"
set d2 "set g_gametype 7; map mb2_duel_dotf ; set nextmap vstr d1"

// start the first map
vstr d1

It was happening to official servers too, until @Viserys fixed it by freeing some space on disk, I think.
Damn thats odd...


Slayed dreamer
seta g_Authenticity "0" // MB Mode setting - 0 = Open mode, 1 = Semi-Authentic, 2 = Full-Authentic, 3 = Duel.
seta g_Authenticity "3" // MB Mode setting - 0 = Open mode, 1 = Semi-Authentic, 2 = Full-Authentic, 3 = Duel.
So is your server duel or open? o_O

If it's open, you should use mb2_dotf, not mb2_duel_dotf.

Anyway I can't reproduce it. You should connect to your server and type in console:
See what roundlimit is set for.
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So is your server duel or open? o_O

If it's open, you should use mb2_dotf, not mb2_duel_dotf.

Anyway I can't reproduce it. You should connect to your server and type in console:
See what roundlimit is set for.
It was 0 at the time, we changed it to 3 just when I wrote that :p

/serverstatus says "roundlimit: 50"

Damn its such a shame. Instead of the teams staying like 8v8 or whatever, when the round is over, its just 0v0 again and the countdown is like 8..7..6. and we all have to rush back in and pick the team and skin we wanted again -_-. Plenty of times where people forget or mess up and they have to sit that one out. Dont have that issue on other servers either... sigh.
Also appears you dont even get the prompt to repick your class if you die, you just have to remember to do it whereas the survivors get a "OK" buton they can just press. Damnit.


Slayed dreamer
What do you use to host server? jampDed, openjkded? Try switching to other engine.
Is your server public? If it is, post ip.
It was 0 at the time, we changed it to 3 just when I wrote that
So normally it is set to 0? And map is set to mb2_dotf? Do you experience same issue on mb2_lunarbase?
Fresh install, fresh settings, that's what I say. Why look for that needle when you can just set fire to the haystack and have your insurance replace it with a new one?
But I newely installed it just two days ago... Got it fresh off the website and all.

What do you use to host server? jampDed, openjkded? Try switching to other engine.
Is your server public? If it is, post ip.

So normally it is set to 0? And map is set to mb2_dotf? Do you experience same issue on mb2_lunarbase?
I use OpenJK

IP is:

The problem is the same on any map.


Slayed dreamer
IP is:
Can't connect it. You should configure router and firewall, if have one.

Try this: add to command line of your server:
+logfile 1 +developer 1
Launch server until problem repeats, upload file "My Documents\My Games\OpenJK\MBII\qconsole.log" here.
Can't connect it. You should configure router and firewall, if have one.

Try this: add to command line of your server:
+logfile 1 +developer 1
Launch server until problem repeats, upload file "My Documents\My Games\OpenJK\MBII\qconsole.log" here.
Must be the DDOS protection not allowing you to connect, can accidentally blacklist some I believe. Ive ran it with 15 clan members and it works fine for them.
Keeping it off the serverlist on purpose though.

I run it on a virtual server and well its on Linux. Not exactly sure how to navigate over there even with Putty and I cant currently restart it due to other servers being tied to the machine. Unless it writes to the MB2 folder because theres a q3console there...

Regardless: What I did do was take the same folder and run it on my own laptop targeting the jampded.exe (windows instead of linux) and it worked fine there. I will attempt to launch it using linuxjampded instead of openjk later when I can restart the machine (dont wanna kill the other servers right now due to activity) and see if that helps. Ill keep you updated.

Thanks for being so helpful!
hostname: MB2Test
version : 26

Is the OpenJK version correct, anyone? Couldnt get the Linuxjampded to work for some reason so reverted to openjk again sigh.

Cat Lady

Movie Battles II Team Retired
Very strange. Could you try nuking everything MB2/JKA related from that virtual machine, then reinstall from scratch, using freshly configured server.cfg? I know, "voodoo programming", but I can see any reason it is not working for you. UNLESS it actually loads additional config files from somewhere else than server.cfg.

/Cat Lady