Dueling 1.4 > 1.3

It sucks. nuff sad.

1.4 dueling > 1.3 Dueling?

1.4 - No Combo Directions.

Perfect. i don't have to sit around all day and Memorize Patters for 7 Different Styles. Gives more Unpredictability. Huge Improvement.

1.3 - Combo Directions

Red - AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D

Yellow - AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS - D AW - A - D AW - AS -

you get my point.

1.4 - PB = Stop Combo

Perfect! Pb is actually a reward now! i wont get slaughtered After i PB! Considering PB Bubbles are now Smaller its even More rewarding!

1.3 - PB = No BP Drain

BUT WAIT. The other Hits you 90% of the time won't be able to PB due to speed. WILL HIT and will DRAIN BP. and Die.

- An Adding Note -
PS. Im not sure if this is Intended to be done and used. but ill point it out anyway.

Example: using a Purple Kata, Enemy goes into Mellee, Drops me on the ground while im Stuck in an animation, he uses Mellee Kata, my saber is shut down, he kills me with his saber.

Fair? not really.

Example 2 : Slapped. on the ground, Enemy Uses mellee Kata, Im on the ground, saber shut down, he kills me with saber.

Fair? Maybe, Maybe not. 80% Yes

1.3 - No Nudge
1.4 - Nudge - Please Just Remove this

comments such as "oh you just suck"
no, i just don't spend most of my time Memorizing Combinations. And i don't plan to. and im sure no one else wants to.

Am i Good at PB Ing? i cannot PB staff or Duals. Anything else Varies. Other than that, i can say im halfway Decent.

is there anything else to ask ? on. Because Duals revolve around who gets slapped more and who has more ACM.

in 1.3 i Clearly tell that the one who gets slapped is the first to get in a bad situation. you have a hard time comboing, focusing on doing a combo and focusing on Half-Swinging or Having the risk of getting slapped.
And you get slapped. you're fucked. no more combo for you. and your BP is Wasted, and drained by the enemy.

1.4 - Nudge Spam, Slap Spam.

I've said this many times, the dueling does have a large skill gap, which is a good thing, but keep in mind, no one wants an unfair fight.
Getting slapped and nudged isn't a duel.
Even in 1.3, Slapping is the key to winning a duel, not just comboing.
If you cant combo, you wont ever win a duel
if you cant pb, you wont ever win a duel (depends on the style)
If you cant Slap when your enemy is swinging at you (Obvious mouse hold) You will never win.

I give up on Dueling.
Unless You use Force (Grip) or Mellee KnockDown (kata) there is no 100% Gurantee you will win a duel if your opponent already spent months / Years playing the mod. You are outskilled and outmatched.
And getting comments like "Ez, get rekt" or "you suck"
aren't always welcoming for people trying to duel, have fun and learn.

im done with duels. if i ever get into one, im using force grip. a shitty cheaty way to win a duel. because there really isn't a better way to win a duel than not to duel.

I won't be dueling proprly until the system is better, Rounded and balanced.

This is overall my opinion and my feedback, if you disagree, well, good for you, if you agree, good for you.
but i don't want to be frustrated when playing a game.
Most of my time i go as a force user instead of even having a lightsaber unless its Cyan. Free wall Running.

Honestly i never had any problems with memorizing yellow or red combos, i just picked a random opposite direction and it worked just fine, maybe i'm just bad.
Also Pblocking in 1.3 wasn't useless, after a pblock you can do a fast counter and start combo at your enemy, if you're playing yellow it's even better because of the 4 hit combos.
You don't have to force grip or meele kata to win against better players, everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes they forget to swingblock just when i mblock, i push them into a pit, i get a lucky disarm or anything. If you know you can't win against someone, don't rush him. Play defensively, look for an opportunity, for help, for a slap, for a stab, anything. Don't bother using grip, it may work against casual players but any pro will instantly push you away or burst you down while you're trying to force focus him. I'm a bad player myself, and i found out that i can keep up (not beat, just keep up) with the best players just by thinking and analyzing my environment and enemy's playstyle, hoping for some help or as i described above, hoping for luck.
tl;dr imho dueling isn't all about whacking yourselves with lightsticks, if you can't keep up with a pro, change your tactic or call for help.
Or run.
To any pro who's reading this and laughing his ass off because of all the stupid shit i wrote here, remember this is just my point of view and opinion.


Internal Beta Team
I'm glad people are expressing pro 1.4 opinions, as some ppl seem to think everyone hated 1.4. In-game, I saw most ppl enjoying 1.4 during the open beta, but mostly just whining on the forums so it generated a skewed view of how ppl felt about 1.4.

I can't say I fully understand newer players trepidation and reluctance when it comes to accepting nudge. But take my word for it when I say that 1.4 without nudge would be like trying to drink water without a glass. You'd only be able to slurp tiny bits here and there, not take big satisfying gulps. In normal words, nudge is a natural counter-balance to the powerful and rewarding PBs and while newer players seem a bit irked by it, some old dogs like myself just love the freedom nudge gives you. It was in my opinion one of the things that were missing from 1.3 and in 1.4 nudge allows you to rip into your opponents without fear of getting PB+countered and stalling the battle. It enables a natural flow. If nudge was removed we would have to redesign the whole saber system, and that isn't going to happen for 1.4.


On a completely side note SeV, you have updated your guide for 1.4? Are you waiting for the patch notes/release of 1.4 to publish?

Personally I'd like it to see one day before patch release, but that's just me ;)


Internal Beta Team
Yeah I updated the guide as soon as the open beta came out. Since that kind of revealed 1.4 mechanics, there was no point in waiting until official release since everyone got to read 1.4 change-notes and only a few things are likely to change in 1.4 dueling wise from the open beta.

So yeah, my guide is currently updated for 1.4 o.o
Im glad of update 1.4
It doesn't downgrade the game, just improves the mechanics and makes the game rounded more.
Gunners VS Jedi are now a bit more balanced.

I like all the gameplay Features within update 1.4
Every Single Update and change in 1.4 that have something to do with gameplay, i LOVE IT.
Lightning buff, Gunner VS jedi Swing Shot. Etc.

Dueling wise? im not sure. when i've dueled enough i will give my proper opinion

there are many things i loved about dueling in 1.4
and there are a lot more things i hated in 1.3 after playing 1.4

Which means 1.4 will be a good update none the less with a few more adjustments.
I think saber styles in 1.4 still need a bit more balancing and buffing / Nerfing
More or less Red needs a buff
Cyan needs a buff

but thats just my opinion


Movie Battles II Team Retired
The system will always keep evolving, I would assume, but it's definitely more enjoyable than 1.3 for me that least. Not my favourite ever, but it's okay.


Jedi were nerfed too hard I think. Open perks removed (good ). Crouch half distance push (good). Yellow costing an extra 2 points (bad) . Flinch (well have to see)


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Jedi were nerfed too hard I think. Open perks removed (good ). Crouch half distance push (good). Yellow costing an extra 2 points (bad) . Flinch (well have to see)
I found that the damage reduction buff makes the class a lot stronger now. Flinch only really helps survive more as it prevents bad players from doing bad decisions after failing their first attack.

Most swift kills on Jedi tend to stem from them missing their first slash and attempting a second swing all the while they're soaking up shots. Good players already revert to swingblocking the moment they fail their attack. I think we'll see mediocre and good players be even better while shitty players will remain largely the same.


I found that the damage reduction buff makes the class a lot stronger now. Flinch only really helps survive more as it prevents bad players from doing bad decisions after failing their first attack.

Most swift kills on Jedi tend to stem from them missing their first slash and attempting a second swing all the while they're soaking up shots. Good players already revert to swingblocking the moment they fail their attack. I think we'll see mediocre and good players be even better while shitty players will remain largely the same.
Hm alright. Forgot about the damage reduction
This new saber system is so gimicky it feels worse than v1 release. V0 is still the best build in the past couple years and should have ended with v0.