Ah, Liniyka, your presence in this thread is as unnecessary as it is counterproductive. From the outset, your posts have been nothing but a blatant exercise in antagonism. Your purpose here is not to engage, not to contribute, and certainly not to bring clarity or insight. No, you’re here for one reason: to instigate and distract from the real issues at hand. Let me strip away your thin facade and expose the hollowness of your words for all to see.
1. A Masterclass in Missing the Point
Your opening salvo, where you attempt to reduce 2cwldys’s grievances to a single instance of a refusal to engage, is a textbook example of disingenuous argumentation. You latch onto one detail, take it wildly out of context, and present it as though it encapsulates the entire issue. But anyone who’s been following this thread—or has an ounce of reading comprehension—can see that the core of 2cwldys’s frustration lies in a broader pattern of dismissiveness and gatekeeping, not a singular interaction.
Your attempt to trivialize the matter with glib remarks like “LOL” and “this just isn’t it” adds nothing of value. Instead, it reeks of someone who is more interested in scoring cheap points than understanding the substance of the discussion.
2. Blatant Hypocrisy
Let’s not forget your own admission that you’ve “talked mad shit to Mace back in the day.” And yet here you are, playing the role of the moral arbiter, chastising 2cwldys for expressing his frustration. The hypocrisy is staggering. If you truly believed in the virtues of “checking your attitude,” you’d start by checking your own, you slimy little maggot.
3. A Study in Projection
You accuse 2cwldys of presenting himself as a “superior specimen,” but that characterization seems to stem more from your insecurities than from anything he’s actually said. His posts, while passionate, have consistently focused on the larger issues of developer transparency and respect for contributors. Meanwhile, your posts drip with condescension and self-righteousness, as though you are somehow above the fray.
Your insistence on framing him as “butthurt” or “melting down” is a transparent attempt to delegitimize his concerns without actually addressing them. It’s the rhetorical equivalent of throwing stones from a glass house, and it’s just as likely to backfire.
4. Instigation Without Contribution
What stands out most about your posts, Lini, is how utterly devoid they are of substance. You bring no evidence, no thoughtful arguments, and no solutions to the table. Instead, you gleefully fan the flames of discord, all while contributing nothing to the discussion.
Do you think this community benefits from your behavior? Do you think your snide remarks and antagonistic tone advance the conversation in any way? Or is it simply that you enjoy tearing others down because it’s easier than building something yourself?
5. A Transparent Attempt to Derail the Conversation
The real tragedy of your posts is that they distract from what truly matters. This thread is about the treatment of contributors, the dynamics of the development team, and the broader issues facing this project. These are serious topics that deserve thoughtful discussion, yet you have reduced the conversation to petty insults and personal attacks.
Your actions do not just undermine 2cwldys’s—they undermine the entire community. By turning this thread into a battleground for your own ego, you rob others of the chance to engage meaningfully with the issues at hand.
6. A Call for Accountability
It’s time to face the truth, Lini: you are not here to contribute, you are here to disrupt. Your posts have no purpose other than to antagonize, and your continued presence in this thread serves only to derail what could have been a productive conversation.
If you have nothing of value to add—and let’s be honest, this is an unlikely prospect even in your personal life—then the best thing you can do for this community is to see yourself out. There is no place here for petty instigators who seek only to sow discord and distract from the real issues.
Perhaps you think your snide remarks and juvenile insults make you clever. Perhaps you believe your antagonism will go unnoticed, or that it adds some kind of value to this discussion. But let me assure you, Lini, the community sees through you. Your words are hollow, your intentions transparent, and your contributions nonexistent.
So here is my advice to you: step aside and let those who actually care about this project carry the conversation forward. Stop wasting everyone’s time with your distractions, and take a long, hard look at why you feel the need to insert yourself into a discussion where you clearly have nothing to offer.
This thread—and this community—deserves better than someone as out of their depth as you. See yourself out before you reap the consequences of humiliating yourself.