Criticisms and Complaints from a New User

Alright, so I've been messing around with this since last night, mostly in duel servers, getting a basic handle on the mechanics and overall balance. I realize this is not the longest time, but it's about all I can spend on this mod, and I'm going to explain exactly why below.

First off, basic lightsaber combat. It is an absolute slog with artificially inflated fight times and no real technical skill required. You're not vulnerable to other lightsabers when attacking whatsoever. You can hammer at someone's guard and then immediately shift to blocking yourself with no penalty whatsoever, and you're not punished at all for missing an attack either, as your opponent will still collide with your saber when attempting to take advantage of the miss. As such, a lightsaber duel becomes nothing but trying to reduce the opponent's BP until you break through their guard, trying to disarm them with some perfect block mechanics or somesuch that don't actually have any perceivable timings, or trying to knock them down. All of your tactics are based entirely on your own effort without any focus on punishing an opponent for their mistakes. Hell, even whiffing a red jump special, which by the appearance of its animation should be easy to punish, is actually not fatal or even really a mild inconvenience. Just hold the right mouse button and turn towards your opponent and it'll be fine! Any real skill-based combat should be such where any action taken can be taken in error, and that error can be punished, and that simply isn't the case here.
Also one of the core tactics everyone employs is an obvious glitch, which gives me some bad Melee flashbacks, but I suppose swingblocking isn't nearly as bad as wavedashing.

Second, there's some really nonsensical things regarding special moves and even basic movement. Now I get requiring certain combinations of certain abilities to perform certain moves. That's cool, I like that. But the actual act of performing them should not be so obtuse. A simple button+button combination should be sufficient, and trying to add extra steps is just pretending to add depth. And speaking of adding extra steps, why oh why do I suddenly need to jump before being able to roll!? In the base game it's simply crouch while holding w. Simple, easy to figure out. If rolls are being abused too much, the simple answer is to put them on a cooldown like the slap! Adding an additional step to it is needlessly obtuse and adds no real value. In general, these mechanics seem to pay lip-service to the idea of depth without actually adding any.

And that brings me to my third complaint! The community seems to be dead-set on this circlejerk about how this mod has so much more depth than the base game... where is it? Everything is shallow, and senselessly bogged down to give the illusion of depth without actually adding any.

Now I could be wrong! This game could be incredibly deep and have a lot more to see! And if there is, explain it to me! Tell me exactly where and how I'm wrong! Please! But even if I am wrong about that, the fact that there's no immediate feeling that this requires actual skill is an egregious design flaw, and it makes no sense whatsoever that this mod has gone on in a state like this for so long.


Internal Beta Team
I'm sure someone else who is actually good at dueling will come in and explain why you're wrong about its depth, but I very much agree with this statement:
But even if I am wrong about that, the fact that there's no immediate feeling that this requires actual skill is an egregious design flaw, and it makes no sense whatsoever that this mod has gone on in a state like this for so long.
MB2's saber system is riddled with seemingly unnecessary complications and hidden mechanics that aren't explained or represented well to the player. I've been playing this mod for around 10 years, and in duels I still resort to simply slapping people until they're knocked down and then bludgeoning them to death with my fists to bypass BP. I find it to be the least fun and least interesting part of the mod, and so I've never been interested in spending the long hours on duel servers necessary to master all the unintuitive mechanics and quirks.

Also one of the core tactics everyone employs is an obvious glitch, which gives me some bad Melee flashbacks, but I suppose swingblocking isn't nearly as bad as wavedashing.
The fact that you think a very much intentional feature like swingblock is an obvious bug is a testament to how unintuitive and overcomplicated the saber system is. Swingblock is completely intentional, it even drains less BP from an opponent when you hit them with a swingblock rather than a regular swing. The only thing saber defense level 3 does is lower FP drains from blasters while swingblocking.

EDIT: Not really sure if any of your post is referring to the rest of the mod outside of dueling, but I strongly suggest exploring open mode. Dueling is only such a small part of the mod. I don't find any other aspect of the mod to be shallow, bloated, or bogged down.
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Seriously? Swingblock is intentional? Like the mechanic was intentionally developed as it is without any accident whatsoever? Didn't even start as a bug? Christ, it doesn't feel that way at all. Then again, a lot of things in this mod don't feel the way they should for what they are.

EDIT: I mostly messed with dueling, but Open Mode did not go untouched. It's uh... its own experience, to be sure. My biggest issues are the general gameplay issues already addressed, and the fact that gunners take so long to actually get up from a Force Push. I get gunners are supposed to be mostly helpless if caught against a Force User alone, but even still it doesn't make sense to be on the ground for more than 1.5-2.5 seconds from either a realism or a gameplay perspective.

I'm also not a fan of the elimination style for basic infantry in an objective-based gamemode like that. A simple mistake can leave you sitting out of the action for several minutes, in which time you lose your tempo and are prone to more mistakes and more waiting.
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Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
My biggest issues are the general gameplay issues already addressed, and the fact that gunners take so long to actually get up from a Force Push. I get gunners are supposed to be mostly helpless if caught against a Force User alone, but even still it doesn't make sense to be on the ground for more than 1.5-2.5 seconds from either a realism or a gameplay perspective.

This is something several of us (developers) want to address in some form. I don't have specs for what we plan to do as it isn't narrowed down yet but many of us want to do something to make it less frustrating.

I'm also not a fan of the elimination style for basic infantry in an objective-based gamemode like that. A simple mistake can leave you sitting out of the action for several minutes, in which time you lose your tempo and are prone to more mistakes and more waiting.

We are working on some other modes for people like yourself. Slowly mind you as maintenance for live stuff usually takes precedent. Conquest and Capture the Flag.


Alright, so I've been messing around with this since last night, mostly in duel servers, getting a basic handle on the mechanics and overall balance. I realize this is not the longest time, but it's about all I can spend on this mod, and I'm going to explain exactly why below.

First off, basic lightsaber combat. It is an absolute slog with artificially inflated fight times and no real technical skill required.

Stopped reading here. Please get a better understanding of the whole system before you start bashing it. It'll take a while to learn and understand it, so maybe come back in a few weeks or something

Also, in game theres a library and it pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the game (I hope its been updated). esc>library

Stopped reading here. Please get a better understanding of the whole system before you start bashing it. It'll take a while to learn and understand it, so maybe come back in a few weeks or something

Also, in game theres a library and it pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the game (I hope its been updated). esc>library
But really, can you say he's wrong? As someone who mains duel mode, I can agree with what he's saying 110%.


Internal Beta Team
I'm actually not sure why you need to jump before a roll. It's been that way since before I started playing, so I have no idea what the logic is behind that change. Given how long it's been that way, I'm not sure there's even still anyone in the community who remembers for sure why that was done. I wouldn't be surprised if it was to stop roll spam like you suggested, and I have no clue why that wasn't done with a cooldown instead.

How long a gunner is knocked down depends on what class they are and what kind of push it was. Soldiers are knocked down the longest as a tradeoff for having 3 lives every round. ARCs with dex 3 can get up almost instantly. Most knockdowns are fairly short. If you were downed for more than a second or two (and weren't soldier class), it was probably due to force repulse or lightning push, which each have a severely lengthened knockdown time. As Mace noted, the prevalence of knockdowns and how uninteractive they are is actually something that several devs have wanted to reduce for a long time. That's easier said than done though when knockdowns have been a core mechanic of the game for so long (push, pull, secondary frags, clone blobs, wook/sbd/saber slap, etc.).

I'm also not a fan of the elimination style for basic infantry in an objective-based gamemode like that. A simple mistake can leave you sitting out of the action for several minutes, in which time you lose your tempo and are prone to more mistakes and more waiting.
Fair enough, and the wait can feel especially long when you're new and trying to find your bearings. Besides the additional modes that will come eventually, playing classes with multiple lives helps reduce the wait, especially on larger servers. Playing on servers with less population helps too. IMO MB2 is at its best with between 10-20 players. 32 players becomes pure chaos, and dying at the start of a round on a full 32 man server really sucks.

Also, there have been discussions in the past about lowering the time limit on certain maps. 5 minutes is much too long on all but a few rarely played maps. The most played maps could do with 3-4 minute time limits at max. This would certainly help with the amount of time people spend waiting in spectator, and would encourage faster gameplay and less time wasting tactics. I'd really like to see something come of those discussions eventually.
Stopped reading here. Please get a better understanding of the whole system before you start bashing it. It'll take a while to learn and understand it, so maybe come back in a few weeks or something

Also, in game theres a library and it pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the game (I hope its been updated). esc>library


Or alternatively, you could read my full post and counter me point for point. If you take issue with what I have to say, then please, back it up, because with the mod as it is right now, I'm not inclined to play further beyond a quick jump in.

This is something several of us (developers) want to address in some form. I don't have specs for what we plan to do as it isn't narrowed down yet but many of us want to do something to make it less frustrating.

We are working on some other modes for people like yourself. Slowly mind you as maintenance for live stuff usually takes precedent. Conquest and Capture the Flag.
Glad to hear it.
Your posts are 100% bashing and 0% praise. It seems to me you are here just to complain, am I right?

because with the mod as it is right now, I'm not inclined to play further beyond a quick jump in
Are you expecting us to beg you to stay? lol

Let me just say this - there is a LOT more to this mod than you have experienced during your short playtime. It's not perfect of course, but pretty darn good to say the least. So if you feel like figuring it all out, stick around. If not... Well, uninstall and move on.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Hey there! Thanks for the feedback, it's always refreshing to hear first time experiences since most of us on these forums have been playing for years.

Now I'm not that much of a saberist myself but personally I think the game is at its best in Open Mode - the duel mode is a much later addition so sabering has mostly been built around a class-based team game if you look at its development as a timeline over the years. :) Duel mode has some different factors in play especially with the "no laming" culture having spread to MB2 with it.

So in my opinion to fully grasp the game rather focus on Open Mode than duel mode. Sabering is just one of the aspects that MB2 revamps from the base game, so the overall depth that people talk about comes from the entirety of it. :)

PS. I also totally agree that swingblocking has to probably be the most illogical mechanic ever. Like what, you're either defending or attacking right, not both damnit! :p It's more like a bug turned meta game feature that became later embraced as an official feature.
I'm going to address the dueling bit.

Since you are new you probably haven't noticed punishing mechanisms such as starting a duel with a well predictable swing. An experienced player will not only perfect block this given swing, but mblock it as well. Which leads to 2 scenarios: you either disarm your opponent, or if he is swingblocking you can stop his chain of attack right there, and if you're really good, you can even pull off an mblock counter -> stopping the swing and punishing your opponent with an utterly painful extremely fast counter hit which looks like its animation is sort of instant.

^ This is just one scenario. One swing. You can imagine how in-depth dueling is if you did your homework.

It's not entirely up to the game to punish mistakes in duels. It's up to you to punish your opponents using your knowledge of the mechanisms of this mod.

If you prefer mindless swing-fest and jumping around like poisoned rats, there is always baseJKA or ja+.
This is something several of us (developers) want to address in some form. I don't have specs for what we plan to do as it isn't narrowed down yet but many of us want to do something to make it less frustrating.

What exactly needs to be addressed? Having a slow get up is a necessary handicap for a class that can respawn three times.

If he's talking about ALL gunners, then the knockdown is not too long. It's hard to push down a gunner who knows when to tap that shift button properly. The Jedi/Sith will simply run out of fp very quickly from the failed push and fp drain from gunfire. So if a force user manages to push a gunner down, he should be dead. Plain and simple.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
What exactly needs to be addressed? Having a slow get up is a necessary handicap for a class that can respawn three times.

If he's talking about ALL gunners, then the knockdown is not too long. It's hard to push down a gunner who knows when to tap that shift button properly. The Jedi/Sith will simply run out of fp very quickly from the failed push and fp drain from gunfire. So if a force user manages to push a gunner down, he should be dead. Plain and simple.
For soldiers this is obviously a good handicap. However, single life classes could benefit from slight improvements in this department.


Internal Beta Team
EU Official Server Admin
Your post makes so much sense and no sense at all at the same time.

Dueling system is built around block points, by the nature of your post and by the comparisons to the base game i can tell that you prefer it over mb2. To me, block points seem to make much more sense rather than the run-evade-hit style gameplay that the base game has. In the movies people didnt run and jump around aimlessly, they were parrying and trying to find an opening in the opponents defense. That said, block points seem to be much more of a realistic idea.

Its completely fine to dislike the mb2 dueling system but there is no reason to do so after 1 evening of playtesting. Reason why you might think "Everything is shallow, and senselessly bogged down to give the illusion of depth without actually adding any." is because the dueling system is like a rabbit hole. From the outside it looks like an ordinary simple hole, but if you were to enter it, you would find a completely new world. Thats why 1 night of playtime is nowhere near enough to discover/understand all the mechanics so you should put some time into understanding and learning it before bashing on it.
All of y'all seem to be acting on the basis that I need to keep playing in order to understand the depth that's there. Here's the thing. I shouldn't have to. I've just scratched the surface of what's there, yes. I should thus be able to look through that scratch to get a glimpse of the further potential beneath. But I can't. It's not there.

And just gonna address this bit:
I'm going to address the dueling bit.

Since you are new you probably haven't noticed punishing mechanisms such as starting a duel with a well predictable swing. An experienced player will not only perfect block this given swing, but mblock it as well. Which leads to 2 scenarios: you either disarm your opponent, or if he is swingblocking you can stop his chain of attack right there, and if you're really good, you can even pull off an mblock counter -> stopping the swing and punishing your opponent with an utterly painful extremely fast counter hit which looks like its animation is sort of instant.

^ This is just one scenario. One swing. You can imagine how in-depth dueling is if you did your homework.

It's not entirely up to the game to punish mistakes in duels. It's up to you to punish your opponents using your knowledge of the mechanisms of this mod.

If you prefer mindless swing-fest and jumping around like poisoned rats, there is always baseJKA or ja+.

I have noticed that one particular scenario, but it doesn't change the fact that after that initial swing you're just mashing your lightsabers together and trying to knock each other down. The fact is that the mod's mechanics do not lend themselves well to punishment of mistakes. And funnily enough, the base game actually does! It's not the mindless swing-fest you claim, and it's easy to see as much from the start! It's objectively better-designed in that regard! Each swing has its own advantages and flaws, and swinging wildly will get you cut down by anyone who's paying the slightest hint of attention. As opposed to here. Punishment should not be reliant on extra mechanics but should be a very fundamental thing.

Now it may seem like I'm trying to bash this. But I'm really not. The basic idea is fun, and I desperately want to have fun with it, but it's executed such that it's a horribly janky mess, and this community circlejerk that I should have to play for weeks or more to get the basic feeling that there's actual skill involved is complete bullshit. That feeling should be there from the beginning, and that it isn't is an objective flaw in the design. I like the concept behind this mod, but it needs a serious overhaul to actually live up to its potential, and that it hasn't gotten such in so many years is just absolutely baffling.
SK5 is right. You need to play more before you can make a realistic judgement on these issues. A lot of the players here have been playing this for 10+ years, they know the game inside out.

But it is nice to hear from a new guys perspective. :)
he basic feeling that there's actual skill involved is complete bullshit. That feeling should be there from the beginning, and that it isn't is an objective flaw in the design
That "feeling" was there for me the moment I started playing, here's what my first 10 hours in mb2 were like from what I remember

first hour- Wow this is pretty fun, this game has alot of characters and cool locations. Let me hop into a server now
2-5 hours- Wtf? I'm getting my ass kicked, im using luke skywalker and im getting destroyed by stormtroopers?? And the chance I do duel a jedi I get decimated quickly, this sucks.
6 hours- Well, this game is either broken or has alot of hidden mechanics I don't know. Let me ask around and try to learn, I'll go to a duel server first
7-10- Hey, I'm slowly doing better. I see progress and I'm actually winning some duels now. I have alot left to learn though, let me keep playing

300+ hours later I'm still playing and having even more fun then when I first started. You seem angry over the basic advice being "you need to keep playing" but that is the case for any competitive game. Are you going to jump into a Street Fighter game and be able to get wins over Daigo or any other pro player after a night of playing? Will you know the game mechanics inside and out and be very good immediately? No you won't, every game has a learning curve and MB2s is really steep. The fact that it takes so long to get good or even decent turned off some of my friends from this game and that's fine. There's frustration at the start and maybe a little longer than that, but after awhile it just clicks

The learning curve towards this game is both the biggest strength and weakness. A revamped library section in-game or a tutorial would do wonders for new players who are having difficulty or just don't have the time for finding out everything there is about the game
Now it may seem like I'm trying to bash this. But I'm really not. The basic idea is fun, and I desperately want to have fun with it, but it's executed such that it's a horribly janky mess, and this community circlejerk that I should have to play for weeks or more to get the basic feeling that there's actual skill involved is complete bullshit.
Yes you are. If you really wanted to have fun in this mod, you would have kept playing and learning instead of complaining here.

Circlejerk, haha. Don't get the wrong idea here, my man. Nobody is forcing you to play for weeks/months/years. We are simply saying that there is much more beneath the surface of this mod. And whether you gonna see it or not is up to you.

So just ask yourself a question. Do you want to keep playing this mod? If the answer is YES, then go ahead! You will get better with time, and there are a lot of people who will gladly help you with all these game mechanics. Where there's a will, there's a way, as they say.

And if the answer is NO, then simply uninstall this mod instead of wasting time here on the forums. This game is probably not for you. Time to move on, don't you think?
btw, instead of playing for weeks to learn, you could like, go find a good duelist, and talk to them about dueling and learn more, you'd get to learn more about the dueling in a shorter time, and be able to practice it. A lot of stuff isn't made clear, sure, but imo not everything in base was made clear when I started playing it, such as the wiggle and all that, it's not something you would think to do at first, so just go talk to some experienced duelists in game.