1.4 Open Beta Dueling Feedback

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In its current state, no. But it has potential, being my point. As it is now, I get bored extremely fast, and move on to playing gunner classes.
Okay enjoy gunners in 1.4 you can now move onto the general feedback post and go complain there about how flinch is overpowered and jedi/sith can't kill everything anymore

EDIT: I find it funny that every minute of 1.3 you played you were constantly complaining about every style excluding yellow and cyan 'red is super op' and the such but now the moment you're subjected to change and all the things you wanted have come true(i remember you recommending that cyan get more defense and now it did) you're completely against it and want to return to 1.3? I don't think you have anything against 1.4 and you're just having trouble being open-minded at this point, also I'm not sure you understand how betas work, betas are more for fixing bugs and glitches and on rare occasions balance/number changes if you were hoping for complete feature reworks then you're looking for an alpha
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Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
Most of the NA dueling has been people that were still relatively new/inexperienced in 1.3. Not hard to faceroll with turtle-y stuff. Also, Achilles just does single swing turtle schtuff 90% of the time because there's clearly no other alternatives so obviously we need to change all the mechanics.
Change: Overall BP drains have been increased by 1.2 times.
Increased cyan's defensive power.

Yellow, Blue and Cyan all received a free +20% BP damage boost in this beta build.

Cyan has already had its defensive power increased. As stated above, Yellow, Cyan and Blue all received +20% more BP damage. I think the problem you're running into with Cyan's damage is this:

Change: Consecutive body hits within a single chain now only drain 0.5x as much BP. Only the first hit of a swing chain drains the normal 1.0x amount

If anything, I think Yellow & Cyan need to have their BP damage output either slightly or significantly reduced, alongside Red, Purple, Staff and Duals. Yellow took no nerfs and got only buffs in this beta build. Cyan also got away relatively unscathed, having received a plethora of buffs to compensate for the loss of its any-time-it-parries BP-Drain perk, and it even got Red's old perk as a consolation prize. Red by comparison, took about 6 or 7 nerfs and got nothing but noob-friendly, restriction-free combos.

I do Agree with you, but i also would like to see Cyan Get Buffed, it always felt weak and "lol you are using cyan? it has no skill"
By far Using cyan in 1.3 Felt Great, The speed was great, i felt Like the stagger was such a good perk, cyan was a fun way to be defensive and a little offensive.
How to be offensive was tricky.

I would Suggest nerfing Cyans BP drain by 20%
Bring back Perry Perk.
and make it last twice as long.

- Spam Fest is a thing in 1.4
not just if done Right. heres how duels go

Cyan perk - Pb Drains BP
cant do that, nudge and spammed. cant back away.
Yellow Perk - PB drains ACM
Cant do that, nudge and spammed, cant back away.
Purple - PB Gains ACM
Cant do that, Nudge and Spammed, Cant Back away.

These Styles with these perks are USELESS against This type of combat style that is THE EASIEST Way to win a duel, AND QUICK.
Not only duels take ages, after Gaining Loads of ACM on Blue, and TRYING, to take down my opponent, i lose all my acm Due to Nudge Spam, and LOSE.

Im not the Best dueler, Obviously not. But im talking about a perspective from a person who wants to learn and have Fun Doing so while Dueling.
The styles dont feel Unique. "oh ok this one does more damage but kinda slow w/e"
"this one has defense does less damage, ok"

someone can better explain my words but i would strongly suggest Keeping the dueling system as it is in 1.3
BUT i would LOVE to see the none Directional Combos Being a thing, Buffing cyan a little bit, Nerfing blue to have 3 hit combo instead of 8.
All Gameplay Mechanics from 1.4 to be put in 1.3 SINCE THEY ARE ACTUALLY GOOD. The gunner Swing Stagger is by far AMAZING. Jedi have to think before they go swinging in.

but thats just my opinion on the Beta. people may agree, or disagree, or find a solution to benefit all players. and make it fun
The reason it's classified more along the skill lines is because you still have to be able to do it. Room for error doesn't mean that you don't have to be skilled or know as many mechanics, it means that when someone gets an advantage, if the other player is skilled enough they can come back from it. This prevents a luck factor, which muchh of the 1.3 spam fest was. It was a luck match of who could get the first good combo going, and that was it.

To Flooven: If you think that 1.3 is only about spamming and luck then I am really worried about you. Do we play the same game?

To people who believe this game should be all about skill: If you want to learn and use your skills, you should go play sport, like football, tennis or practice power cleans and snatches (especially the last two require SKILL). Let this game be fun. It already requires more skills than any other game avaialbe on the market today. You don't want to make it more complex believe me...

In brief: This beta is a piece of... (finish this sentence yourself as I don't want to brake any forum rules. And no, "masterpiece" is not the kind of word you are looking for).

End of story.
To Flooven: If you think that 1.3 is only about spamming and luck then I am really worried about you. Do we play the same game?

To people who believe this game should be all about skill: If you want to learn and use your skills, you should go play sport, like football, tennis or practice power cleans and snatches (especially the last two require SKILL). Let this game be fun. It already requires more skills than any other game avaialbe on the market today. You don't want to make it more complex believe me...

In brief: This beta is a piece of... (finish this sentence yourself as I don't want to brake any forum rules. And no, "masterpiece" is not the kind of word you are looking for).

End of story.
All spamming? No. Spamming definitely a part of the core fighting once you get a lead? Absolutely.
<facepalm> Example: Boxing. If one boxer gains the upper hand, he will try to finish the opponent quickly and go for KO. He wont wait nor chat with the opponent. If you call that spamming then this discussion is pointless and I am not going to continue it. You clearly have no idea what fighting is.
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Internal Beta Team
just to be clear:

1.4 is still going ahead right? and the 1.4 we are playing with atm is the build that shall be implemented? not to be rude or anything, but isn't the purpose of an open beta to pinpoint what may or may not be too powerful/warrant a fix or touching up, before the patch is implemented?
I like the system and look forward to learning it more thoroughly than I have done atm (have barely had time this week to play at all), but I still feel a few things SHOULD be addressed before the patch is implemented, things that have been suggested/covered in this topic.

{Δ} Achilles

Okay enjoy gunners in 1.4 you can now move onto the general feedback post and go complain there about how flinch is overpowered and jedi/sith can't kill everything anymore

EDIT: I find it funny that every minute of 1.3 you played you were constantly complaining about every style excluding yellow and cyan 'red is super op' and the such but now the moment you're subjected to change and all the things you wanted have come true(i remember you recommending that cyan get more defense and now it did) you're completely against it and want to return to 1.3? I don't think you have anything against 1.4 and you're just having trouble being open-minded at this point, also I'm not sure you understand how betas work, betas are more for fixing bugs and glitches and on rare occasions balance/number changes if you were hoping for complete feature reworks then you're looking for an alpha

Interesting how poorly you remember things, Coul. I never wanted Cyan to have more defense, or offense. I wanted it to actually be reworked so that people would stop whining about it, but I wanted it to remain parry centric.

As for the beta, yes, that would normally be the case, but according to Sev, the beta is just there for show, and they aren't doing any real work on it, which is why I'm annoyed, and complaining.

I had loads of ideas I was thinking of on how to improve 1.4, but again, it is pointless if they're not actually going to work on it.


Internal Beta Team
just to be clear:

1.4 is still going ahead right? and the 1.4 we are playing with atm is the build that shall be implemented? not to be rude or anything, but isn't the purpose of an open beta to pinpoint what may or may not be too powerful/warrant a fix or touching up, before the patch is implemented?
I like the system and look forward to learning it more thoroughly than I have done atm (have barely had time this week to play at all), but I still feel a few things SHOULD be addressed before the patch is implemented, things that have been suggested/covered in this topic.

Yes, that pretty much sums it up. The 1.4 system is going to be implemented like it is now, with only minor changes like making red stagger slightly longer. It was my feeling and hope that the open beta would bring further positive changes upon the system and I also private messaged developers saying something in the same vein as you've just expressed. Namely that it was pretty much pointless having an open beta if new things aren't going to be implemented as a result of it. The response, I re-iterate, was that only minor changes are going to be made to the 1.4 system and the reason for the 1.4 beta was mostly to do mass bug testing, especially for open mode gameplay.

There are a few very nice ideas from this thread that I'd like see implemented and I've expressed this to the devs. Whether or not it happens isn't up to me unfortunately.

Note: Can Achilles stop making pointless e-peen stroking posts already? He's got what? 50 of them already? That should be plenty.
Yes, that pretty much sums it up. The 1.4 system is going to be implemented like it is now, with only minor changes like making red stagger slightly longer. It was my feeling and hope that the open beta would bring further positive changes upon the system and I also private messaged developers saying something in the same vein as you've just expressed. Namely that it was pretty much pointless having an open beta if new things aren't going to be implemented as a result of it. The response, I re-iterate, was that only minor changes are going to be made to the 1.4 system and the reason for the 1.4 beta was mostly to do mass bug testing, especially for open mode gameplay.

There are a few very nice ideas from this thread that I'd like see implemented and I've expressed this to the devs. Whether or not it happens isn't up to me unfortunately.

Note: Can Achilles stop making pointless e-peen stroking posts already? He's got what? 50 of them already? That should be plenty.
I've expressed this to the devs. Whether or not it happens isn't up to me unfortunately.
So basically, no matter how the actual duelers of mb2 express their experience in new update, they are not even listened to when only person listening is SeV(Beta tester) while the dev are only replying to some unnecesary posts.

If it wasn't for my community, I don't know what else would make me stay with such dueling system.

Ps: This thread being a feedback thread is still ironic when majority of the feedbacks are against the pblock, nudge and limitless direction swings but yet, best respond we get is the increased stagger time of red.
Has anything really changed that can't be changed again:)

Outside of putting back nudge, some trippy animations and bp values, what has changed? :)
Nothing they can't fix or tweak in the next patch or the one after that.

The only changes I think are necessary are value tweaks and a few alterations to combos and how to break them.And of course removing camera defense and re-implementing saber on saber defense zzzzzzzzzzzzzz:):):)
Ew, and removing bp drain from backflipping(like arc:)). But thats just because I like bacflipping with style and trolling. Uh, I mean, being classy.:D


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Feedback when v1.1 was released: "this system is so ****ty without nudge, it even looks so freaking horrible how sabers just stay idle in characters, i quit right now, thanks alot for removing the most important mechanic in the game, v1.0 was almost perfect but now we got this retarded ****".

Feedback now: "nudge is so ****, it feels so uncontrollable and horrible and unnecessary, remove asap plz, i quit playing, v1.3 is so much better".

I'm not saying ppl are retarded or anything like that, this just stems from ppl having learned a system and feeling all their hard work taken away; and that cannot be helped. 1.4 actually attempts to merge many mechanics that ppl felt made previous systems good (given feedback from recent times just like from long ago), while keeping out what made them bad; there are some who have witnessed it and that is why we are going in this direction.

EDIT: oh no... did i actually go out of my way to post this, knowing all answers will be "idiot ignorant retard ****er, you don't understand anything about it v1.3 is the best system, all those new mechanics are so bad" (maybe with nicer words but who cares, the meaning will be the same)
what a fool i am really, sigh
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Talking to oneself - sign of mental instability:)

Now back on topic. Backflips - how about them drains:)
I also feel attacks made coming from cartwheels should have a 1.4x drain bonus.

Which just made me think that attacks coming after a slap, where ppl spam combos after knocking you down:) should have .8 drain.

Hmmm, slapping decreases attack power momentarily. Why am I liking the sound of that more and more? It makes it so much less spammy:) Not to mention real world! You just expended energy to knock an opponent of equal weight and size down, your follow up attacks should be weaker until you recover or drain more of your own bp to make.

In my mind, that's always been one of the general flaws of mb sabering. You could regen as fast as you swung leaving less thought and care to each swing and combo. And then all the tinkering with values and acm was to address that.

But that's just me.o_O
I'm sure everyone else has their own wacky opinions. :rolleyes:
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