bounty hunter

  1. TheRanger1245

    Semi Serious Suggestion 6: Ion Nades for BH

    Why not give Bounty Hunters grenades? I know a droid class for rebels is in the works, and it fits the class well enough. Electric effects also disable dodge, and most Sith do not hyper focus on not letting heroes and ETs dodge. The Ions could have a slightly different skin, and should...
  2. M

    {Gunslinger} - New Ability Idea for Hero and BH

    In Open, pistol (level 2 or 3) alt-fire will use ammo to charge up an extra powerful shot, once the shot is charged fully it fires automatically. The "Gunslinger" ability for Heroes and BH could let them store the charge of the alt-fire by holstering the pistol during the charge-up, so that when...
  3. Lessen

    Two tweaks to movement. (Pretty please.)

    Tweak #1: "The Obvious Fix." Crouchwalk speed is currently substantially faster than walk speed. This is silly. Pls fix. Buff walkspeed or nerf crouchwalkspeed but don't leave this counter-intuitive silliness in. Tweak #2: "Viva la Revolución!" What if... What if whenever any gunner class...
  4. Lessen

    Insanely Frivolous (but simple) Request

    Right now, the "Mandalorian Neo-Crusader" model is only available as a Commander class, and it has RGB support. Proposal: - Remove the RGB support. - (And fix the dismemberment bug lol. edit: fix is already in the works) And then make it so: - Blue Neo-Crusaders (Troopers) are Soldiers. - Red...