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  1. Vongs

    Gas Stassin: A Modest Proposal

    Has Smee been banned? If so, could a mod explain for which violation? From what I read, I don't believe Smee has insulted Mace in this topic. Smee has been, in my opinion very stubborn (after talking to him about the whole issue, he told me he didn't read all of Mace's posts, which partially...
  2. Vongs

    Reworking Dodge

    You can cancel an ion blob altogether with dodge and I'm guessing you can probably do the same with a standard blob. 'Nuff said. Seriously though, what I liked about the old dodge (hold on, don't insult me yet) was that it was meant to counter the omnipresent snipers and was ineffective against...
  3. Vongs

    EU has no active Admins except for Gargos and Appo

    Easy fix, give every SS7 member admin rights. Just kidding, just kidding! While there usually isn't much trouble on the European servers, it does happen that, at one point eventually, that handful of players who absolutely love tking will join and ruin the fun. I might sound totally ignorant...
  4. Vongs

    Highlights Video #2

    Hahaha, no worries. Nah I still play relatively often but on the EU servers now.
  5. Vongs

    Highlights Video #2

    If you want, powerdirector is a relatively cheap (compared to vegas, and especially compared to adobe pro premiere) software that offers some of the abilities you're looking for (zooming in for instance). Be warned though, its UI is nowhere near as sexy as that of vegas or adobe pro, so the...
  6. Vongs

    Cultist Time

    It's sad that this might be the end of cultist time, but what a way to end the series. Thanks for your videos.
  7. Vongs

    [VIDEO]- Sheez and giggles 1

    After about two years and a half and ten new Sheez and Giggles, time to revive this topic with episode 11!
  8. Vongs

    V1.4.6 Update Released

    Although its still DOTF in that its a sniper's wet dream, I really like the update: the useless pit was removed, hangar is not as good of a camping position without the catwalk, its better looking, with better cover against snipers in main and side corridors as well as them being wider and with...
  9. Vongs

    Favorite Star Wars?

    First off, thanks for taking the time to write that post. "The point then becomes: Yoda's belief that the Jedi were more important than the clone soldiers stemmed from his arrogance, and that Yoda and the Jedi had stopped believing in democracy. That is why the Old Republic failed. Even the...
  10. Vongs

    Favorite Star Wars?

    Since I somehow get the feeling that you didn't read my post, let me make it easy for you.
  11. Vongs

    Favorite Star Wars?

    I know right, thankfully you're so much wiser and more objective than they are. Again I'm not saying that episode 3 is "objectively" the best. People have different expectations when they're watching a movie, some like the "fun" aspect , some prefer the story, some prefer the music, etc. I...
  12. Vongs

    Gameplay Direction Post 1.4.3

    This. 'nough said in my opinion considering that Stassin further proved that point with his latest dismissive replies.
  13. Vongs

    Gameplay Direction Post 1.4.3

    So instead of trying to understand if there's some truth to the arguments of others, let's simply ignore it and go with just what you think is right. Remember when I said that, in my opinion, you didn't consider other people's opinion? That's precisely what I meant. To me it really sounds like...
  14. Vongs

    Gameplay Direction Post 1.4.3

    There's a lot of crucial assumptions in your opinion there. The biggest one imo is that you're VERY disconnected from what the experience is from a newbie's perspective. Not saying that I understand it perfectly either, been a year since I've been playing and it was mostly during a different...
  15. Vongs

    I'm a noob please don't destroy me :(

    Unfortunately, as far I can tell, I'm going to be very very busy with work in the next few months so I don't intend to make any video at all for the time being. Along with that I've got other videos that I've wanted to make for quite a bit of time but have been unable to do. I'll let you know...
  16. Vongs

    Force Sense: FA-Only ?

    I agree with Tristan, sense is one of the pillar of teamplay in MBII as well as an almost necessary tool to stay alive. Even if the saberists don't communicate the enemy's location directly, they can still prevent ambushes and force campers to retreat by attacking them or at least going in...
  17. Vongs

    I still believe one of these 6 ain't a clean kill.

    I still believe one of these 6 ain't a clean kill.
  18. Vongs

    What things do you think are OP? People who play those things, why are they not?

    I fail to see how ee3 is op but I'm going to make my case nevertheless: primary fire=28 and sniper=100, uses quite a lot of ammo for just a single shot and it is very slow compared to proj rifle. If we're talking long range there's no reason why you should ever lose to ee3 as a hero, especially...
  19. Vongs

    So I made a little video about MB2

    Just passing by but here's two other of his vids that I are hilarious imo:
  20. Vongs

    Kyle thread

    Come to think about it, I've never seen an ARC Kyle, but I'm guessing it is possible, right?