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  1. eezstreet

    How do demos work in 1.4.5?

    You can open it just like how the original game allowed for, by using the play command. So something like "play LastDemo_recording".
  2. eezstreet

    How do demos work in 1.4.5?

    Check what the value of fs_homepath is in the console (just typing "fs_homepath" will do). Your demos will be stored in <that directory>/MBII/demos.
  3. eezstreet

    MB2 Client / OpenJK server hosting crash

    When creating a server using the MB2 Client (via devmap or something else), other clients who connect to the server will cause a crash. I figured out what's causing this, but can't submit a pull request for it atm. this line is missing in the MB2 client: OpenJK/sv_init.cpp at...
  4. eezstreet

    The Unskilled Argument and the Intricacies of Balance

    DOTF isn't what I'd call the most balanced map, it pretty strongly favors rebels and promotes snipers and timewasters. Dekas are borderline worthless and snipers reign supreme. Deathstar and Lunar Base on the other hand are way better, although after playing a lot more Deathstar I have to give...
  5. eezstreet

    how do you pronounce dotf

    very important
  6. eezstreet


  7. eezstreet


  8. eezstreet


    My issue wasn't really specifically with sniper classes being good, but with Bounty Hunter being better than Hero. It'd be a more level playing field I think if Heroes at least got the DLT or another similarly high powered rifle or some other piece of equipment. BH is way more fun and varied to...
  9. eezstreet


    BH as a class has a higher skill ceiling than Hero but if played well it has pretty much no counter, which makes it way stronger than Hero. At long ranges they are always superior than other classes (even debatably Hero since they have ruptor) and at close ranges they're only outmatched by Wooks...
  10. eezstreet

    It Seems the mod is somewhat Dead after v1.4.5

    While I do think that the saber system is more complex than it needs to be, you can't pare it down quite down to the level of baseJKA and have something that's fun to play, in my opinion. JKA is more random, and not in a twitch/good way like JK2 1.02 was. I have my own opinions about what the...
  11. eezstreet

    It Seems the mod is somewhat Dead after v1.4.5

    Didn't realize we were talking about duel mode specifically. I was speaking in general.
  12. eezstreet

    It Seems the mod is somewhat Dead after v1.4.5

    Also, I agree with previous posters, the saber system is way too overly complex. In general, the game doesn't relay enough information to the player and the information that is relayed is not obvious enough to understand. On top of this, duels tend to drag on forever in Open mode.
  13. eezstreet

    It Seems the mod is somewhat Dead after v1.4.5

    About DDOS, Caelum's server hosting has pretty effective DDOS mitigation and runs MB2 servers. Personally I've only experienced TKer/DDOS like once on tR and the server only had sputtery lag for a few minutes. Don't know what provider they use. Wouldn't call it a major problem based on what...
  14. eezstreet

    It Seems the mod is somewhat Dead after v1.4.5

    I think there's two different subtopics here that need detangling: 1. Whether or not the lightsaber mechanics are over-complicated (they are, but that's maybe for another thread) 2. Whether the player count is decreasing as a result of the patch. As a point of #2, people have been saying this...
  15. eezstreet

    How to make a sound pack and contribute to MB2 or an independent modification.

    Should add some corrections to this... anger sounds are played 50% of the time instead of a taunt if the anger sound check fails (ie, 50% of the time), it will play a taunt1-5 instead if there is no taunt4 or taunt5 it will play a random one from taunt1-3 instead taunt.wav is only used for...
  16. eezstreet

    Technical Issue Frame rate issues

    What client are you running?
  17. eezstreet

    [SOLVED] Missing Models

    Kind of irrelevant point to add, but you can bind a key to take a screenshot in the controls menu, or do it with a console command: bind F12 screenshot This binds it to F12 for example.
  18. eezstreet

    Capture with jaMME in MBII 1.4.5 (with dropped editing support)

    Isn't the camera pathing done within the demo editor?
  19. eezstreet

    Technical Issue "VM_Create on UI Failed" has me on my wit's end

    I'm assuming you're using the Steam version of the game? Switch to the MB2 client instead of the jamp client, in launcher settings.