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  1. TeKilla

    Technical Issue Issue with rend2 on Linux Mint

    Hello, I am encountering issues when trying to use the rend2 renderer on Linux Mint 64-bit. The game runs fine with the Vulkan and vanilla renderers, but it fails with rend2. I am running the game natively using mbii.i386. I've attached the detailed log file for reference. Any assistance...
  2. TeKilla

    Technical Issue Rend2 Map Issues

    I'm sorry if I caused any confusion. No, I don't enable HDR Lightmaps. The video I posted shows the problem with HDR Lightmaps disabled only on the map mb2_duel_kamino, while on the map mb2_jeditemple, it seems normal.
  3. TeKilla

    Technical Issue Rend2 Map Issues

    Could you be using Qeffects, ReShade, or something similar? If so, the files would be in the Gamedata folder. Also, some graphics cards have options to alter colors, etc. in games, so it might be worth checking those settings as well. Great to know. I'll try enabling that option in the next...
  4. TeKilla

    Technical Issue Rend2 Map Issues

    I believe that option is still not recommended, as it may cause issues on maps without HDR lightmaps, as indicated in the release notes of v1.10. Update: I tested it now, and even with HDR Lightmaps disabled, I encountered the same issues on the map mb2_duel_kamino. However, the map...
  5. TeKilla


    Absolutely, I agree. I also miss the classic EE-3 weapon. It was iconic for Mandalorian gameplay. While the recent updates added some interesting features, the changes to the EE-3 feel off. It had a unique feel I enjoyed, so it's disappointing to see it altered in a way that reduces its appeal...
  6. TeKilla

    HDR functionality via NvTrueHDR mod?

    I noticed instability when using the vulkan renderer, leading to unplayable frame rates. However, the rend2 functioned without noticeable issues.
  7. TeKilla

    Unconfirmed Visual Glitch Report in Legends Mode [Rend2]

    Hi, I've noticed visual glitches in Legends mode after the recent update. This occurs on maps such as mb2_lunarbase and mb2_deathstar when using rend2 engine and wielding the darksaber.
  8. TeKilla

    Technical Issue RTV/RTM Troubleshooting

    I suggest checking if the log file is indeed being saved in /root/.local/share/openjk/MBII/games.log
  9. TeKilla

    Dev Diary - Rend2

    It's truly exciting to hear about the new features and improvements that are on the horizon, but I also wanted to take a moment to express my hope that the classic maps, like mb2_dotf_classicb, mb2_echobase etc won't be left behind. They hold a special place in many of our hearts, and it would...
  10. TeKilla

    Inaccurate Geolocation

    Hi, I would like to report a problem with the weblist. I am hosting three servers with IP address, and there is an issue with inaccurate geolocation on the weblist. The servers are erroneously flagged with a Canadian flag, but they are actually hosted in Brazil. I suspect this...
  11. TeKilla

    Hosting Server Request to Restore the "Increase" TK Points option

    I don't necessarily insist on having the "old" settk command back, but I certainly believe that further adjustments or tweaks to marktk are necessary to fulfill its role as a reliable intermediate punishment option.
  12. TeKilla

    Hosting Server Request to Restore the "Increase" TK Points option

    I understand that forceteam and tempban commands can serve a similar purpose in terms of addressing player misconduct. However, they may not always be the most appropriate or proportional response to every case of misconduct. Personally, I believe that employing an intermediate punishment that...
  13. TeKilla

    Hosting Server Request to Restore the "Increase" TK Points option

    Although marktk may serve as an alternative, it lacks the effectiveness and impact of the original "Increase" option.
  14. TeKilla

    Hosting Server Request to Restore the "Increase" TK Points option

    Hello There! I would like to address the recent removal of the "Increase" option for TK points. As an active player and member of the community, I have noticed the absence of this option, which was previously available through the "settk" command. The ability for administrators to increase a...
  15. TeKilla

    Dev Diary - New Launcher and Open Beta - A Guide

    Would be very useful if we could favorite/bookmark a server
  16. TeKilla

    Technical Issue not found

    What is the command you're using to start your server? Did you customize your server.cfg from the server_config_default.cfg file?
  17. TeKilla

    Technical Issue not found

    Put the server.cfg file in your MBII folder
  18. TeKilla

    Technical Issue not found

    The usr folder is part of the file system, you can only access it from the root of your system. If you have sudo access, type sudo cd /usr/lib in to the terminal. or you can copy the file directly to that folder with sudo cp /usr/lib (from the folder with that file).
  19. TeKilla

    Technical Issue not found

    That file should be in your /usr/lib folder, but it won't be needed if you use openjkded instead of linuxjampded