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  1. Arthas

    So lets talk about player retention in this mod...

    I mean you see how big GTA V RP is now you think the devs would get a hint. RP is the future my friend.
  2. Arthas

    Dev Diary: New Year. New Plans.

    when do we get roleplay mode
  3. Arthas

    I kwit (re-tire thread)

    Hello everyone. I regret to inform you all but i am quting mb2 4 good . I am taking my talents to apex_legends where I dont hav 2 worry about super OP phasers blades instagibbing me by unskilld non gamers. Were were you when mb2 was kill? I was play apex hero and think, hm. beter...
  4. Arthas

    Launcher Yet another one "launch from... keep running bla bla"

    Run as administrator?
  5. Arthas

    What this game was built upon.

    tR is filled with hacking, doxxing, weeb, degenerate nerds. Chad AODs would never associate with the likes of them! :eek::eek::mad:
  6. Arthas

    The Legacy Lyceum - Map WIP

    yo how much would it cost for you to make a tR official map?
  7. Arthas

    Dakorian Returns....

    never seen the guy but i heard hes a huge softie
  8. Arthas

    Such bullshit staff on Tin server letting this happen

    Dark lords of the shit
  9. Arthas

    Unban Request

    Oh yikes frenzy at it again
  10. Arthas

    how to get better at movement prediction?

    Tips from a GOD gunner - Buy a big mousepad - Lower your sensitivity - Reduce your DPI to 400 or 800 - Get a 144 hz monitor - Use 3rd Person always - Practice pre-aiming after you know where your opponent is so you don't have to flick your mouse too much (people will call you a wallhacker but...
  11. Arthas

    CLAN The Galactic Republic

    o7 captain gregor
  12. Arthas

    Complete noob looks for secret knowledge to be OP in no time.

    Recommend joining a clan and asking for advice/training.
  13. Arthas

    NA Dueling Championship - Weekly Challenger Tournaments

    Fear doesn't want to sign up because he knows he would automatically win. He saw the list and didn't think it was worth his time. Good thing because now us plebs have a chance!
  14. Arthas

    Is Moviebattles 2 dying?

  15. Arthas

    Make classic dotf playable again

    I've never seen a game dev on a tR server except Lindsey
  16. Arthas

    Is Moviebattles 2 dying?

    You have to play the game for people to take you seriously.
  17. Arthas

    Make classic dotf playable again

    Can we get some names on these so called "toxic individuals"? I havent seen much toxicity at all in this thread, and it's clear the overwhelming majority want the map back. Maybe these toxic individuals are fed up with the devs sacrificing the growth of the community because of their inflated...
  18. Arthas


    Wouldn't be hard to make bots better than the average mb2er.