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  1. Arthas

    Movie Battles II V1.6.2 Released

  2. Arthas

    New AOD Scrims open to all.

    Me vs. AOD This is why im banned from their scrims.
  3. Arthas

    It's Kinda Ironic

    Can we have a server that kicks all the noobs? I'm tired of fighting stupid easy players. There's no challenge in this game anymore.
  4. Arthas

    MovieBattles II V1.6.1.2 Released

    Second this. I think from the start, jedi and sith should be looked at first and foremost as a supportive class. From a scrim perspective, that's usually how they play and it just feels right. They are arguably the most important class in a scrim because of their supportive kit, and I would...
  5. Arthas

    MovieBattles II V1.6.1.2 Released

    Tfw jedi/sith mains can't jedi/sith main anymore and actually have to play the 6-7 other classes intended for open :(
  6. Arthas

    Lack of "Playable" maps

    Anyways not trying to derail from this thread.... my point was it created a shitstorm within the community. Some of the things people are saying are ridiculous. Ultimately, there should be no enforcement of different maps or penalty for those that have 24/7 maps. There's a place for both, and...
  7. Arthas

    Lack of "Playable" maps

    Tfw you're literally the first leader
  8. Arthas

    Lack of "Playable" maps

    Lol I remember the last time tR was removed from the master server list :)
  9. Arthas

    Lack of "Playable" maps

  10. Arthas

    Lack of "Playable" maps

    Deathstar balance-wise favors Sith and Jedi due to tight corridors and pits you can push ppl down. NA noobs hate the other maps because they tend to be more open and any decent gunner will shit on their FP before they get close. I've made 1st dayers ragequit pretty fast on dotf as they block...
  11. Arthas

    1.6 Feedback

    Why not just revert dodge back to the way it was when it just automatically dodged a shot like once every 4 seconds or so? It was mainly used as a deterrent for ruptor down dotf hall and it accomplished that goal well. I usually main sniper, but after this patch and what I have experienced, I...
  12. Arthas

    MovieBattles II V1.6 Released

    It would be nice if in the future, the devs could provide some sort of explanation for drastic balance changes like the proj and EE3 nerf. Obviously there is something the devs are seeing that I am not, because if we are basing it off of most played classes, I would assume a jedi/sith nerf would...
  13. Arthas

    MovieBattles II V1.6 Released

    My bad.
  14. Arthas

    MovieBattles II V1.6 Released

    Its almost as if the dev has openly admitted to being diagnosed with autism and you guys are surprised this happened?
  15. Arthas

    MovieBattles II V1.6 Released

    tfw you nerf proj but don't nerf sbd 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
  16. Arthas

    The Colton Games

    Can't believe so many ppl disrespecting a dark lord of the sith smh my head
  17. Arthas

    Ideas To Improve The Melee System

    Hmm you don't like my ideas bruh??? U N F O R T U N A T E
  18. Arthas

    Ideas To Improve The Melee System

    Oh hell ya let's give the trolls more incentive to troll! I love the idea man 10/10 finally getting back to the Star Wars roots! On that note, can we also buff rocket arc to where you can't push the rocket and if you kill your teammates it counts as an actual kill? Also I think we should buff...
  19. Arthas

    Anti-Trolling Mechanics is a MUST for next build

    Trolls ruin this game - change my mind.
  20. Arthas

    Newbie dueling

    This is absolutely not the case. I'm considered a vet now, but I started playing this game when it was considered past its prime and became better than most of the "vets" in terms of overall skill. Dueling is a little different, because some people have played this game since its birth and still...