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  1. foggy

    Dakorian Returns....

    reading this gave me ADHD
  2. foggy

    Unban Request

    Hello, vortex, your appeal has been ignored. Best regards, mb2 administration.
  3. foggy

    A duel with a friend

    the best shitpost on this forum by far
  4. foggy

    Unban Request

    you... monster
  5. foggy

    New patch

    Goliath, i unironically want you to adopt me irl
  6. foggy

    streaming trash play

    I'd really come by if you streamed mb2 with a mic make a coop with omelette prince, would be fun to watch you
  7. foggy

    Saber Lock?

    That's the dumbest idea i've seen on this forum ever
  8. foggy

    how to get better at movement prediction?

    It depends on the distance and the fact whether your opponent knows about your existence. If he sees you and actively dodges at long distances it is impossible to make prediction shots, because your opponent can change direction before your shot reaches him. So you just spam in his general...
  9. foggy

    Such bullshit staff on Tin server letting this happen

    It seems like the purpose of this thread was to promote DN by using dirty marketing well played, dildiyka, well played
  10. foggy

    Such bullshit staff on Tin server letting this happen

    Thank you for your report. Cyberbullying is a huge issue in today's society. Our small community is not an exception. This is a perfect example of a digital rape and identity theft. You can safely express your feelings here, on this safe space forum, nobody is going to be judgemental. The...
  11. foggy

    help pls

    how do you play with FOV like on a Hubble telescope
  12. foggy

    (Basic) How to kill a Soldier as Jedi and Sith

    How do i apply spinning in a jedi vs gunner? I heard spinning was a good trick
  13. foggy

    (Basic) How to kill a Soldier as Jedi and Sith

    I disagree. I made lots of kills when i jump very high and troopers forget where i was and then i land right on their heads and hold W + attack
  14. foggy

    CLAN Knights of Revan

    read it in my head with Vader's voice giggled for 4.5 minutes
  15. foggy

    (Basic) How to kill a Soldier as Jedi and Sith

    What if the sold is in spec what do i do???
  16. foggy

    (Basic) How to kill a Soldier as Jedi and Sith

  17. foggy

    How to prevent trolling of escort objectives

    Yes, i did read the entire trilogy in 1 round. The books are about rings
  18. foggy

    How to prevent trolling of escort objectives

    i read an entire lotr trilogy sitting in a cell on TR deathstar
  19. foggy

    How to prevent trolling of escort objectives

    Foggy's guide to fix NPC-trolling! You can bodyblock objectives as a form of trolling! Solution: make NPCs transparent to the defending team! Also you can kill the officer on korriban by dropping a lamp on him! Solution: remove lamps! Also you can drown him in lava! Solution: remove lava! Also...