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  1. foggy

    a return

    Looking forward to have a mobile confirmation on forums
  2. foggy

    CLAN The Galactic Republic

    nice emblem, mein captain
  3. foggy

    Anyone offering professional saber training?

    I will pay you 10$ to teach you my in game name is Anal? please pm me your card number, 3 numbers on the other side, and the expiration date
  4. foggy

    Dueling System too Complicated

    i went to boxing club for 2 days and mohammed ali beat my ass!!! boxing is too hard what do???? pls help?
  5. foggy

    Scott The Scout's Shitshop

    Why in the world out of all weapons he is using P3??????????????? sbd with FP3 could be 10 times more deadly
  6. foggy

    Def!led's Events

    good and evil. The one and the only map for jedivssith
  7. foggy

    Good SW comics?

    Why not Marx/Engels? they are good fantasy writers
  8. foggy

    Complete noob looks for secret knowledge to be OP in no time.

    That ois actaully the best advice here. If you go solo you are most liekly going to die; that 's a mistake many new and even experienced players make. Forget about positive k/d at first, stick to the biggest crowd of your teammates and try to be helpful. SOmetimes if you see a very good player...
  9. foggy

    My honest opinion, and my humble suggestion.

    he is a fucking clown what do you expect)))
  10. foggy

    My honest opinion, and my humble suggestion.

    it was a joke Same with dueling, every style was uniquely OP and fun to play. Chainsaw blue, club-liek red, moderate yellow
  11. foggy


    Walls and stones could use some custom design. Take a look at levels from other games in the same key (ruins of something). I see that the initial purpose for this map is Jedi vs SIth, but in order to make a map viable for open you need muuuuch more than that. I mean, take a look at dxun...
  12. foggy


    actually i wrote this prematurely but then decided to ask first whether you are going to make an open version, so here are my 2 cents I liked the concept of a vertically based map, there are no such maps in mb2 currently to my knowledge, so it'd be fun to see something like this in the future...
  13. foggy


    Are you planning on adapting it for open someday?
  14. foggy

    My honest opinion, and my humble suggestion.

    I always imagined mb2 as Bilbo and the gnomes wandering in circles in the Mirkwood in complete darkness searching for the path. Nudge is a good idea! nudge is fucking terrible let's get rid of it! Oh guys look what we came up with! If you are close to an enemy you can attack quicker! Should work...
  15. foggy

    The REAL reason why MB2 is dying.

    What are you tolkien about? Haters gonna say half of these players play lugormod or kotf
  16. foggy

    Is Moviebattles 2 dying?

    alright, im sorry Q11, this is all fun and games. We all like you in an older brotherly way. Please dont consider a school shooting
  17. foggy

    Is Moviebattles 2 dying?

    if that doesnt get a trolling infraction i'll quit twitter