How to prevent trolling of escort objectives

Greetings everyone!

I'd love to make a proposal about fixing the possibility of objective trolling on certain maps.

These maps are:


I have noticed that on EU side there has been crimes commited by one or two guys using multiple clients.
These guys join the team which has to defend a certain npc on the maps listed above, and just simply destroy the objectives, ending every round in like 20 seconds, taking away the possibility to actually play the game from everyone.
The problem is that the trolls are using VPN on servers without protection against it, so they will just rejoin if they they get kicked and start it all over.

I think the best way of fixing this problem would be to remove the ability of the defending team to deal damage to their own objectives, or just simply massively increase the tk points received after dealing damage to these npc's.

What do you guys think about this problem? I know these maps are not that popular, but that doesn't mean some jerks should be able to ruin other people's fun by doing things like these. The elevators at rebel spawn on Deathstar can be bugged, which is the opposite of ending rounds in a few seconds.

With respect: Xef
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Foggy's guide to fix NPC-trolling!
You can bodyblock objectives as a form of trolling!
Solution: make NPCs transparent to the defending team!
Also you can kill the officer on korriban by dropping a lamp on him!
Solution: remove lamps!
Also you can drown him in lava!
Solution: remove lava!
Also you can kill him in the huge axe room!
Solution: remove axes!
Also you can lead him into a room with a statue aand kill yourself with him there!
Solution: remove that room with a trap!
Also you can kill R2D2 with a lift!
Solution: make NPCs immune to lifts or remove lifts!
Also you can troll NPCs in chat!
Solution: remove chat!
Also you can lead your NPC deliberately to the enemy team as a form of trolling!
Solution: make a sophisticated AI which detects whether NPC is going the wrong direction for too long and autoban the offender.
Also if you remove all possible ways to troll everyone with an NPC you can troll in a niggerillion other ways!
Solution: play minecraft
He's right. People avoid maps such as those because of the heavy risk of some lowlifes deciding to troll the objective. Obvious solution is to play on servers where there are admins to handle these cunts but then again which server has constant admins present nowadays..
Greetings everyone!
I have noticed that on EU side there has been crimes commited by one or two guys using multiple clients.
These guys join the team which has to defend a certain npc on the maps listed above, and just simply destroy the objectives, ending every round in like 20 seconds, taking away the possibility to actually play the game from everyone.
The problem is that the trolls are using VPN on servers without protection against it, so they will just rejoin if they they get kicked and start it all over.
Honestly I admire their dedication. I don't understand their motivation though, I feel like they're either really bored of the game (obviously they're experienced players) or they're paid by Disney and their mission is to kill the population of mb2 :D. But sometimes they keep up the time waste for hours, with maps like DS and republic cruiser where they can easily make 5 mins round with nothing happenning and doing that should be very boring for them too. Also I have to give them credit, how they can pretty much always make their victim population vote for the maps (korriban, ds, republic cruiser, tantive) they want, cause if the server united in the rtv vote against them and vote normal maps, then they wouldn't be able to play this sort of shit for hours.
These maps are:

Also mb2_cmp_hotel, where tking mon mothma doesn't even give tk points at all.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
I think it would probably be best to make it so there is no longer friendly fire on in the interim before at least a couple of those get converted to payload. I am not sure when I will get to it but I can try to get it done before the next release. I have added it to my list to do.

There is a reason for them having friendly fire, but I think the cons outweigh the pros at the moment.


I can't believe people honestly think eradicating trolling possibilities is more important than the diverse gameplay.
I can't believe people honestly think eradicating trolling possibilities is more important than the diverse gameplay.
Nowhere in this thread was it stated that eradicating trolling possibilities is more important than diverse gameplay. Someone is bringing up an issue that has been around for years and hasn't been looked at for that amount of time either because it's a challenging task or because other stuff has had a higher priority. Begone with your nonsensical posts.

Maybe objectives like Jabba shoudn't be able to take friendly fire? I haven't played an obj map in a while but I'm assuming they still can take ff.