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  1. Chaos the Chaotic

    [Minor buff] Wookiee Charge

    I thought the conversation was about wookiee charge and how to tweak that particular ability. You're saying the ability is fine because you have other abilities? So if deflect sucked, itd be fine because you have push? If yellow style sucks, its fine because you have red? Glad to know we don't...
  2. Chaos the Chaotic

    SeV's Saber System Fix

    The word you are looking for is: Tedious.:p The flow is gone. We're all chewing on under-cooked steak. God, how much more must we chew? It's tedious! Or if you need a sexier analogy. I like yoga pants. I love young, attractive women in yoga pants. With yoga pants you can appreciate every...
  3. Chaos the Chaotic

    SeV's Saber System Fix

    Evidence? I see the future. No doubt you're next move will be to lock types of swings to those pb hitboxes as well. Actually, wouldnt it have made more sense to have done that:), if you lot are so concerned about yawns and wigglesworth, to lock the corresponding swing types to what is now...
  4. Chaos the Chaotic

    SeV's Saber System Fix

    Or....You've made you're arguments. They haven't convinced me. Does that shock you?:) And I had to lol. More skill? Um, yeah.....lets cut that nugget apart. We.............simplified blocking to a limited number of specific points that is the same regardless of saber style...and you think that...
  5. Chaos the Chaotic

    I guess we can't use kissing cousins to describe. Denied!!

    I guess we can't use kissing cousins to describe. Denied!!
  6. Chaos the Chaotic

    Or is it really your unrequited love for your cousins?

    Or is it really your unrequited love for your cousins?
  7. Chaos the Chaotic

    SeV's Saber System Fix

    What it was always intended to be? News to me. All I heard for a decade was there is no master plan. Frankly, this whole pb system came out of left field to me. Never heard a whisper or a suggestion about it until it was implemented. And please, wordplay. People aim where the saber is, not...
  8. Chaos the Chaotic

    SeV's Saber System Fix

    Because that's what he said? I know it's only natural to defend your work but don't twist such nonsense. I don't enjoy the current pb system and its not because it requires a brain, if you call aiming at specific points regardless of saber placement - using you're brain. It actually makes my...
  9. Chaos the Chaotic

    Questionnaire regarding Jedi/Sith

    My question you keep your windows mouse acceleration on...or off!
  10. Chaos the Chaotic

    SeV's Saber System Fix

    The blocking system is garbage. Made it too easy, too hard. Encourages combo/spam style of play. Previously blocking made sense. You put your saber to meet theirs. Angle appropriately. That was fun, intuitive and yet took skill to master. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. More than...
  11. Chaos the Chaotic

    [Minor buff] Wookiee Charge

    Red in general is annoying now. Half of duels are spam them red combos, nice and quick. I know I do it when I bother to remember what combos to use. I say screw it and reduce red run speed even more. You close that distance on that wook before you swing. Better yet, instead of knockdown, rage...
  12. Chaos the Chaotic

    [Minor buff] Wookiee Charge

    I never really noticed that. It should knock them down. There are times when melee wook is weak against sith and then times when they're almost too strong. Against multiple sith, especially bad to average, in close quarters, god-like. They're panicked swings interrupt against each other while I...
  13. Chaos the Chaotic

    Feedback and ragequit

    They always come back. *zzzzzzzzz* Want to know the secret? Point and click. Learn where to aim and you'll find everything gets a lot easier. My reflexes and control are shit. It's at times painfully obvious where I'm missing. But thanks to this carpal tunneled hand of mine, I can no longer...
  14. Chaos the Chaotic


    You can always re-enlist in the Legion.
  15. Chaos the Chaotic

    The Dark Side of the Force Awakens

    You can't help but feel sorry for the Mecha Feet Maul. Because really, he's missing more than just his feet.
  16. Chaos the Chaotic

    Feedback and ragequit

    [Guide] The Dueling Compendium | Movie Battles II Community
  17. Chaos the Chaotic

    [flame] Favorite map

    Spawns that move; depending on team location or what area they've unlocked; along with that, the option to choose where you'll spawn.
  18. Chaos the Chaotic

    Put that saber down boy. Fap along quietly now.

    Put that saber down boy. Fap along quietly now.
  19. Chaos the Chaotic

    [flame] Favorite map

    My personal 'Good Map Criteria': Overall Design - a minimum of two choke-points; properly placed, a coherent objective that is balanced regarding round length and map size. Graphical Quality - aesthetics of the map; it must please mine eye:) as well as have reasonable fps. While consistency in...
  20. Chaos the Chaotic

    Questionnaire regarding Jedi/Sith

    Aim gun - pull trigger = Profit.