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  1. Chaos the Chaotic

    It's been a while...

    I'm no expert but that is the sickest dildo I have ever seen. :) My God, tentacles, drills, balls and fluid even got a hamburger. That's several levels above what I thought you capable of. I salute you for your creativity even as I shudder to think what a dark intent one must have...
  2. Chaos the Chaotic

    Sooo I just got reaaaally mad...

    James Earl is gud guy. You're a bad person and by your own actions, a bad teammate.:) Honestly, bad-mouthing others. What a horrid, little man. Good day, sir.
  3. Chaos the Chaotic

    Oberserver failed to register

    Does this have something to do with that reserved slot? I vaguely recall something about something.:) I know the last week or so most of the day servers have been getting hit hard. Never saw an observer crash before.
  4. Chaos the Chaotic

    Low Playerbase

    Can't. Star Wars has it copyrighted. Did I say Star Wars? I guess it's Disney now lulz.
  5. Chaos the Chaotic

    MB2 Community Event: Screenshot Competition!

    That exhaust coming out of his bum:)
  6. Chaos the Chaotic

    Low Playerbase

    Sounds questionable:) Only things that can be done: Advertise on other forums/blogs/sites with parallel interests. Youtube vids - spam harder. Ride the new SW wave. Or, some actual effort, print out some t-shirts with the site and logo. Hire some strippers to pass out fliers in the city. Sex...
  7. Chaos the Chaotic

    What are wookiees weak against?

    Two words. Deka Jetpack. There's more.:)
  8. Chaos the Chaotic

    Which keys are you using for class specials?

    Wasd Vermin. Numpad 4 and 7 for the specials. Numpad 5 for reload. And arrow keys for direction. As it should be. As it was. As it will be again once the extermination has begun.
  9. Chaos the Chaotic

    What are wookiees weak against?

    Now I see where you're going with this, Deka leg sweep to knock down those pesky wooks running around you. It's that or a faster turn rate? :):):)
  10. Chaos the Chaotic

    [Minor buff] Wookiee Charge

    Get over yourself. I already repeated myself way too many times. If you don't get it, you don't get it. Stop hijacking this thread with garbage.:rolleyes:
  11. Chaos the Chaotic

    What are wookiees weak against?

    I see where you're going with this. Deka shields need a buff. Charge static shock for pulse like paralysis against all!
  12. Chaos the Chaotic

    [Minor buff] Wookiee Charge

    Didn't hull 3 used to negate wookiee slap? Tweak the points or make it part of the heavy armor make-up and its bueno. Lulz. Nope.
  13. Chaos the Chaotic

    [Minor buff] Wookiee Charge

    Oh Lord. Keep telling yourself whatever.:rolleyes: I'll repeat one last time: You measure the risk/reward of the ability and what it's faced up against, in this case crouch-whoring. You measure risk/reward against each other by how easy it to use and counter. Crouch-whoring is EZ mode. Even...
  14. Chaos the Chaotic

    [Minor buff] Wookiee Charge

    Why doesn't he use a grenade? Why doesn't the player switch classes? It's about the ability not what *else* you can do. The question is should 'charge' knockdown crouching sith. Yes or no.
  15. Chaos the Chaotic

    [Minor buff] Wookiee Charge

    The question is not what else you can do but what it, the ""ability"" *should* do. Some people are apparently intimidated by a wookiee being able to smack down crouch-whores. One extremely easy tactic vs another that requires some skill and risk. You measure the risk/reward of the ability. My...
  16. Chaos the Chaotic

    *yawn* Welcome to 2004.

    *yawn* Welcome to 2004.
  17. Chaos the Chaotic

    [Minor buff] Wookiee Charge

    You're confusing tactics with mechanics. There's a fine line you have yet to grasp my young Beef.
  18. Chaos the Chaotic

    [Minor buff] Wookiee Charge

    I was actually replying to your last post on the 1st page:) This 2nd page didn't show up until I posted. /still win.
  19. Chaos the Chaotic

    SeV's Saber System Fix

    This is a little puzzling, if you don't play anymore than why are you arguing so hard defending it?:) Whose whispering in your ear, compelling you to introduce new mechanics no one knew about or really debated? I'll drop this bomb and you guys can deal with the radioactive fallout? From what I...