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  1. SeV

    [VIDEO] MBII Duels #22

    I put the demos in MMEMB2 demos folder. I put the skin pack in the MBII folder. What should I give you? H.B pack is downloadable here on the forums. Also for the record, I did download jamme 1.9 and re-downloaded MBII 1.3.1, deleted MBII folder and extracted MBII 1.3.1 to gamedata. The weird...
  2. SeV

    [VIDEO] MBII Duels #22

    It's the H.B pack. Every time I put it into the MBII folder as normal, it doesn't load the textures of the skins (White untextured). Yeah I rendered it with Jamme /capture avi 60 name for nice smooth demos instead of capturing with fraps. It took longer and was much more HD intensive though...
  3. SeV

    Just out, new MBII duels vid

    Just out, new MBII duels vid
  4. SeV

    I see Movie Battles II as a lot more competitive and skill based than CS:GO or most any other game

    Yeah KD ratio would be a stupid way to do it. I imagine it would be best to get some small xp reward for a kill, and a larger xp reward for doing the objective (Or being near an objective). That way, we could reward objectives more than xp and encourage ppl to play objs and not the hide and seek...
  5. SeV

    I see Movie Battles II as a lot more competitive and skill based than CS:GO or most any other game

    I kinda like the idea of rewarding people with something after awhile. Maybe a prestige system would be better than unlocking skins etc? How about you gain ranks for each class as you play them, and maybe duel mode seperately and get badges or rank ups. Leveling up a class could potentially...
  6. SeV

    [VIDEO] MBII Duels #22

    Yes, it's here. If you want more duels you'll have to wait for friday when 23 comes out. That one will be 20m long.
  7. SeV

    ARC Grappel Hook?

    I like the idea, but it would have to be vastly different from the grappling hook in ja+ for example. That was some buggy crap. It would take some time to implement, but I wouldn't mind it. As it stands it seems arc is a slightly underplayed class and maybe this would help popularize it a bit...
  8. SeV

    Perfect Block

    I don't like Ben's idea of simplifying PB and I would much rather prefer going back to the previous PB mechanic than even trying out his idea. It simply makes PB, which is a good chunk of skill, redundant and furthermore encourages spamming, running, dodging etc, thus vastly decreasing the...
  9. SeV

    Duel server pass

    Nobody gief :(
  10. SeV

    Duel server pass

    I lost it when I reinstalled the game. Please PM me something I need to sort the fucking server out.
  11. SeV

    [VIDEO] Open Mode Things 1

    Thanks. Damn I could've called it too much for mblock. Guess there's still time :)
  12. SeV

    [VIDEO] Cinematic Open mode 1v2+sniper

    Thanks. Yes I suppose that'd be good.
  13. SeV

    [VIDEO] Open Mode Things 1

    Maybeee :p
  14. SeV

    [VIDEO] Open Mode Things 1

    Just a little open mode montage from a few demos I had lying around. I hope you enjoy it :) #TimelyFridayRelease
  15. SeV

    Yes, game is bugged currently but will hopefully be fixed shortly. For now you can use...

    Yes, game is bugged currently but will hopefully be fixed shortly. For now you can use and /connect
  16. SeV


    Awesome. I've also got something hopefully good coming out this week.
  17. SeV

    Favorite lightsaber suggestion

    When I first started playing Jedi Knight Jedi academy I used Firebrand/defender in base around 2003-2006. I remember my favorite hilt in B17 was Defender and agent's was consul. When revan's hilt came out I started using that. Now I use a variety of hilts for... variety. But I think the idea of...
  18. SeV


    I know the feels. Launcher is so convenient :)
  19. SeV

    [SOLVED] Jamme

    That seems to have fixed the blaster bolt bug, but when I go first person with clone rifle there's some weird white outline stuff like a part of a model is missing. Looks a bit like a fucked up helmet view. It's fine and clear when using clone pistol. It still says version 1.2.1 when I load...