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  1. ent

    [Enhancement]Please provide .arm builds of mbiided and required mod files

    Direct access to the mod modules: game, cgame and ui through vmMain function. Any engine seeks for vmMain function then loads it from any library. Something like this:
  2. ent

    Max FPS

    It's the id tech 3 (game engine) design: more FPS - smoother you play.
  3. ent

    [SOLVED] JAMP and OpenJK crash

    The repository above was forked to use the engine code only that does not use bg_public.h and other mod code at all. The MBII mod is based on the mod code only (from JKA SDK) that is not open source at all. The repository you are linking here is only used for the custom engine purposes with...
  4. ent

    [SOLVED] Can't Save Demos!

    Launch with admin rights, launch with jamp or jamme engines.
  5. ent

    Max FPS

    I wanted to also note that the topic starter can cap the FPS to his monitor refresh rate (actually the best cap is 77fps but it's already offtop) but for the best game experience he supposes to have up to 100 frames for the smooth gameplay because as I explained above he generates much more user...
  6. ent

    [SOLVED] JAMP and OpenJK crash

    Wrong. MBII uses their own mod code. And bg_public.h file is not used in the engine. The repository you gave is only used for the engine. This explanation is unrelated.
  7. ent

    Max FPS

    That usually happens on server with high ping (>100) when your fps is too high. I unfortunately cannot say what exactly causes it right now, but here is the solution. You don't need more than 100fps for this game actually since we usually send up to 100 user commands (moving, atacking etc) per...
  8. ent

    [SOLVED] Jamme

    Redownload MBII to get the proper assets and modules. Copy cgame module from MBII.pk3 from MBII folder to mmeMBII folder.
  9. ent

    [SOLVED] Jamme

    Also I know an issue where sounds get delayed on Linux only. Are you on Linux? Try to change s_mixahead value. Anyways just shift 'em in your video editor. :p
  10. ent

    [SOLVED] Jamme Everything works fine on my end. Check if you don't have missing assets, or loading the correct cgame module.
  11. ent

    [SOLVED] Jamme

    The things you just stated are much more different from the previous post.
  12. ent

    [SOLVED] Jamme

    Open what? There are plenty demos. What does "scroll to combat" mean?
  13. ent

    [SOLVED] Jamme

    There are not timestamps. Provide, please.
  14. ent

    [SOLVED] Jamme

    Unfortunately, I don't have all of your demos, thus unable to help.
  15. ent


  16. ent

    [SOLVED] Jamme

    Send the problematic demos and mark the timestamps w/ the problems. Dunno about sounds.
  17. ent

    [SOLVED] .net framework error launching game from steam/launcher

    Just get the framework redistributables, mebbe?
  18. ent

    [VIDEO] - Movie Battles II: Montage [#02]

    Fps counter in the left bottom corner. Noticing you, tag-master.
  19. ent

    [SOLVED] Jamme

  20. ent

    [SOLVED] windows could not find "jamp.exe" - plz help

    So install it again. Start through Steam, and in the main menu do Setup -> Mods -> MBII. Or google how to make executable parameters on Steam and add those: +set fs_game MBII