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  1. ent

    Connection problem

    MBII folder and other files has to be in GameData next to base folder.
  2. ent

    Connection problem

    Redistributables architecture is dependant on the application architecture, not OS architecture. The application uses x86 architecture so you needed x86 redistributables. Edit: nvm, you found it out by your own as I see. :)
  3. ent

    Game Performance&Hardware

    Set affinity to 1. -_-
  4. ent

    Game Performance&Hardware

    If you see a lot of players in game then it's the issue. Models are rather detailed and maybe you also have volumetric shadow enabled. Also lower effects amount with fx_vfps (1000 is max, try 100 or something). Many effects use physics so they bounce from objects and it also eats much fps.
  5. ent

    [SOLVED] Windows 10 issues

    tiramisu irc client Ask guys in there, but do not expect an insta answer - sit idle.
  6. ent

    Reshade - SweetFX for MBII/JKA

    Alright, suz.
  7. ent

    Game Performance&Hardware

    The game is single threaded and most stuff is done by CPU. So the best you can achieve is to force to use one core per game process - com_affinity 1. Getting CPU with higher frequency is also an option.
  8. ent

    [SOLVED] Connection Interrupted...

    How does it crash?
  9. ent

    Hello Again

    As I told, there is nothing you can do to lower the ping. Timenudge is just a joke feature in general. It does not force to predict anything at all. You just force to delay packets recieving, so you are even more in past on your client side. So you see the game a bit more synchronized with the...
  10. ent

    Reshade - SweetFX for MBII/JKA

    Nowhere. Brw, @Orion, your modification adds overlay for the 2d stuff too (as I see FPS counter is also got changed) and that's not cool.
  11. ent

    Reshade - SweetFX for MBII/JKA

    Bloom fx that does correct blooming w/ contrasting and w/o any other shit. O:
  12. ent

    [SOLVED] Windows 10 issues

    I think you need to get VC++ Redistributables (2003, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015), but not sure. I remember I had exactly the same issue on fresh Win10.
  13. ent

    Reshade - SweetFX for MBII/JKA

    Yeah, it is what I was talking about - just some overlay on the screen. No, thank you, I have my own better enhancements.
  14. ent

    Hello Again

    The only way to fix ping is get closer to the server physically. Ping is a physical delay, there are no commands to make it lower, unfortunately.
  15. ent

    [SOLVED] Connection Interrupted...

    This game needs up to 90 KB/s, your dl speed does not matter. High fps (over 100) can make you lagging on servers with high ping (over 150). Your connection settings are fine? snaps 40 rate 25000 cl_maxpackets 100 Set those. And be sure no other processes eat your bandwidth. Ctrl+shift+esc ->...
  16. ent

    [SOLVED] Connection Interrupted...

    You prolly set your FPS too high. (Set limit to 100.) Or something outside the game is using your internet connection. Try to enable lagometer (cg_lagometer 1) and see if you have stable green graph or not.
  17. ent

    Reshade - SweetFX for MBII/JKA

    Q3 shader? No. GLSL shader? Kinda.
  18. ent

    Reshade - SweetFX for MBII/JKA

    Saturation and contrast affect the whole screen, how is it related to textures? You just like some post-process filters above the screen (hi instagram), someone doesn't like those. That's all. They do not change textures at all. I do like the actual colours, the actual contrast and brightness...
  19. ent

    Reshade - SweetFX for MBII/JKA

    So basically it's the bloom effect only, nothing more special. Eh.
  20. ent

    VM_Create on UI failed
