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  1. Rosh+

    My Cloud City Shaft Map (RELEASED)

    reminds me of old mysteries of the sith bespin bonus level in terms of geometry, mysteries has better geometry around the window, different texture layout, and the hallway is longer but those are some of the only differences i can see looks nice besides lighting for first map of this type...
  2. Rosh+

    Movie Battles II V1.6.2 Released

    its ben 2 weekends don maek my cum ovr ther nd beet the hotfix out of u u absolut fibber, liar, scoundrel
  3. Rosh+

    Movie Battles II V1.6.2 Released

    with proper support deka shits all over just about any other class this doesnt happen outside of organized scrims or when ppl are in voicechat tho so most of the time somebody just goes arc and rightclicks deka cus somebody at some point couldnt think of any other way to balance deka besides...
  4. Rosh+

    Movie Battles II V1.6.2 Released

    Grip 3 is still relatively mediocre given that most of the time the requirement is that the victim be alone, or the forcewhore risks being shot or even killed as they use it as they can't block. It's only really good when you've got somebody separated from their group. Grip is extremely context...
  5. Rosh+

    Movie Battles II V1.6.2 Released

    As someone who usually plays forcewhore: ARCs have far more protection from Force Powers(besides grip) than most other non-wook/non-droid gunners. Ever since the lightning stun change was introduced, all that is needed to counter ANY competent forcewhore is to either switch to ARC or Wook, this...
  6. Rosh+

    Movie Battles II V1.6.2 Released

    u betr nub new relevant meme fresh off the presses more effort than the last saber patch:
  7. Rosh+

    Anti-Trolling Mechanics is a MUST for next build

    ur mum annihilated nub
  8. Rosh+

    Anti-Trolling Mechanics is a MUST for next build

    u mean rosh+ worshippers? lol bet u cannae evun mele kyied rekt
  9. Rosh+

    MovieBattles II V1.6 Released

    wasnt me
  10. Rosh+

    MovieBattles II V1.6 Released

    meme made by weed gang
  11. Rosh+

    MovieBattles II V1.6 Released

    Great update, guys! I really appreciate the time and effort you guys put into it! It's too bad though, that the best change isn't even in the changelog! mb2_dotf_classic with balcony is the single best change that has come to this mod since the ability to block was added in mb1 jk2. This map...
  12. Rosh+

    Ideas To Improve The Melee System

    Insta-kata bug is less of a bug and more of a feature at this point. Nothing wrong with it as it is perfectly counterable and adds a lot of depth to melee, no need to 'fix' it. As always, am free to demonstrate this any time I'm available. You can reach me on Discord. If your class cannot at...
  13. Rosh+

    Official MBII Moments Series

    I have a mass-collection of demos from versions 1.4 and onward that you are free to use if you want them, mostly just me pressing my save demo key whenever I played and found something funny or whatnot. My interest in this game has been somewhat diminished recently, and I'm not prepared to scour...
  14. Rosh+

    Ideas To Improve The Melee System

    As somebody who has melee'd for years, melee is in a pretty good position as it is; more towards point, I would not be against most changes proposed except for your thoughts and proposed change on/for 'punchspam'. 'punchspam' doesn't exist. Must emphasize that anybody who whines about...
  15. Rosh+

    Can't fix Minor, but annoying bugs worth mentioning

    i agree with all except for focus, thats less of a bug and more of a skill thing, and in jedi v sith is perfectly counterable due to the fact that if you can get them to fuck up once after a pull(blocked and the pull failed or summin), it resets the force focus and if u get him quick enuf ur...
  16. Rosh+

    Dotf map with balcony request.

    none of those issues exist in new dotf cus none of those issues existed in the most updated version of dotf before dotfv2 -snip snip ppl posted things that cover last bit-
  17. Rosh+

    Whoever owns the tips.reporting servers

    ur mums a rosh destroyud kyied
  18. Rosh+

    Big problem of Duelling

    proov it i challeng u 2 mortal kombate that reminds me all my friends are/were banned at some point feelsbad
  19. Rosh+

    Whoever owns the tips.reporting servers

    yeah down with the establishment take him down chaos call spaghetti more names
  20. Rosh+

    Big problem of Duelling

    saes bad who doesnt melee cant dispute fact my frend i bet u cudnt even kill me wunce