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  1. Gargos

    Official MBII Moments Series

    I already spend hours going through my own demos alone. And that is the time only spend on watching and naming the demos. I usually remember what happens when I go into my own demos so that also somewhat speeds the process. Another issue is that different people have a different sense of what is...
  2. Gargos

    Official MBII Moments Series

    @Puppytine thx appreciate it. Hardest part about making these videos is that you see the demos 1000x over when you record them and it can easily make you blind to what the viewer will see when watching the video for the first time. I always try to make them comprehensive.
  3. Gargos

    Official MBII Moments Series

    I understand where youre coming from. In no way do I want to lower my standards. Biggest problem would be that with 10 min vids I would make 10 videos in the next 10 years. With this I make 6 videos a year minimum. I think more videos more frequently could promo this game better and I bet newer...
  4. Gargos

    Official MBII Moments Series

    Critic noted. if I were to continue to make 8-10 min videos they would be coming out once a year. I think the ”problem” with this video was that I was going for a certain category; fails. Maybe problem lies there because most of my best demos did not really fit that category. I may rethink...
  5. Gargos

    Official MBII Moments Series

    this video explains that
  6. Gargos

    Official MBII Moments Series

    I could take a look but I am a very picky guy, send only your best! Also wouldnt mind if you explained from which build the demo is from and approximately in what time the action starts. Going through demos can be very time consuming even with this info.
  7. Gargos

    Official MBII Moments Series

    Hello there! Welcome to the official thread of MBII team's moments videos posted on the official MBII youtube channel. From now on every new moments video on the channel will also be posted here. Right now I am the only one producing this content and I intend on releasing a new video once...
  8. Gargos

    Hello, new here

    Hi w00ki, back for good?
  9. Gargos

    Buff Flame thrower

    By no means should you use flame as a mean of ez winbutton no matter what the jedi does. Doesnt work like that. Flame is actually one of the strongest jedi killer moves there are. Especially if the jedi is low hp it is practically a free kill. Even a full hp jedi can get hesitant and rushing...
  10. Gargos

    Farewell, Pepsi, old friend...

    I happened to join discord randomly yesterday and right away I get a message from Shock and I could hardly believe it. He struck me as a genuinely nice guy and the PuG scene wouldn't be as alive as it is without him. I am glad I joined a pug organized by him couple weeks ago for I had not...
  11. Gargos

    Jedi Knight Dakorian Returns

    Good ol ventrilo
  12. Gargos

    Forum Upgrade

    Nois work:jabba-head:
  13. Gargos

    Drunk Battles 2?

    I am glad to see memories fading:)
  14. Gargos

    Drunk Battles 2?

    Nononononoononnooo dont do dis. Especially not with tequila on twitch
  15. Gargos

    Thank you all and bye!

    Lol how could anyone hate on Klark.? One of the most sympathetic ”trolls” in game. Also the fact that you were one of the better players around even when fucking around most of the time. I guess that could piss some ppl off. You will be missed.
  16. Gargos

    Ben's Useful Replacements: Jihadist Mandalorian

    sry havent actually used this in a while and forgot about it. But since I save all the old mb2 builds I found it in one of them repair folders cheers: - Download zzz__saleelsawarim.pk3 for free
  17. Gargos

    My opinion on the game

    Welcome to the REAL jedi simulator. You will be miserably bad when you first play this but if you grind enough years into this game (both jedi and gunner: if you know how to play gunner then you will know how to counter it better) then you can become the jedi you are dreaming of. Just as it...
  18. Gargos

    Why does the cheap saber on flykick still exist as it is?

    One of my favorite builds is t21 primary + 2 sec nades so I get 4 nades in total. If you can aim then that makes the build strong especially in defense but once youre out of nades and if some gunner comes at you aggressively (or jedi) then it is a different story. I mean if youre skilled you can...
  19. Gargos

    Serath comeback?

    Yo, still here
  20. Gargos

    Why does the cheap saber on flykick still exist as it is?

    Yeah I meant it shouldnt be able to block blaster fire during the move. Blocking sabers is ok. And if the move comes as a surprise (it is very easy to use as a surprise move) then no reflex in the world will let you crouch against it. Crouch also means youre letting the saberist get even closer...