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  1. Gargos

    Character Specific Voicechat Replacement Pack

    @Lessen it may take you a moment to learn but trust me, after using them for a while the knowledge will come out of your backbone sooner or later. It also makes the game so much more immerse and hilarious
  2. Gargos

    Character Specific Voicechat Replacement Pack

    HOLYYY SHIIT IT IS FINALLY BACK! Ive missed you my darling, I’ve missed you so much my dear ultimate sound replacement pack
  3. Gargos

    Star Wars meets black metal - mb2 frag video

    @Lessen If it were a community frag vid I would put in the names but I havent made those in years. These frags are actually all mine except for couple instances that I credited at the end of the video (put in names and the time when it happened). I was thinking of highlighting them but it would...
  4. Gargos

    Star Wars meets black metal - mb2 frag video

    What happens when black metal meets star wars? Find out in this video. This is my final frontier in the frag video genre for a while, for I have just used the last of my demos that still worked with the old JAMME. Not sure where moments series is headed, we will see about that later. Hopefully...
  5. Gargos


    @JamJarBinks I just like to call it whining since so many ppl whine about it even tho 99 percent of a time theyre blaming the game for their lack of skill. Yeah sure I could have worded it better but the fact is that I did back up my insults with fact based arguments.
  6. Gargos


    Yeah I could have worded it a lot better agreed but I just had woken up and typing on my phone.
  7. Gargos


    Never encountered this. Are you referring to getting pushed while walking on stairs? I can't remember the last time I got pushed due to that. Didn't that get fixed years ago? Never seen that happen at least in 1v1, guess could happen 2v1 with 2 saberists but honestly dont even see that ever...
  8. Gargos


    Funny thing is that I actually did attack on all of his arguments.
  9. Gargos


    Sorry to see a player leave but I just cant help but comment on this -repulse is quite easy to counter: hold block. -rest of your whining is either because your ping is constantly 100+ or because you WANT to see that the game is faulty instead of admitting that you just suck at the game. Did...
  10. Gargos

    Older Versions?

    How old are we talking about? Some ppl may have older versions lying somewhere. Ive only got the couple latest builds saved so I can run older demos better. I also think I got rc1 somewhere
  11. Gargos

    Pole on server side modifications

    I dont usually see eye to eye with mace but he has honestly brought nothing more but sensible answers and cold arguments to this thread. It is more like the most vocal yes voters are shooting all his arguments down with sheer stubborness of wanting to be right and in the defense of the ffa...
  12. Gargos

    A simpler saber system?

    It is a whole lot easier to just ask a experienced dueler to spar with you and ask tips. They can put your readings into perspective. Like simple things as letting you try to pb saber swings until you have some sort of sense of pb zones, let you mblock, let you practice combos and provide...
  13. Gargos

    Pole on server side modifications

    How dense are you? He just answered your question 100 percent and it was also a logical explanation. What more do you want? There is definitely more than just 100 concurred players.
  14. Gargos

    A simpler saber system?

    @Blazer if a newb just charges you sabers blazing then you take him out with a slap and spam back. Even better: mblock them. Their first swing is usually very predictable and they dont swingblock.
  15. Gargos

    A simpler saber system?

    Completely untrue. It only takes 2 decent saberist to beat basically ANY duelist out there. All it takes is to use swingblock so the enemy cannot mblock and just relentlessly spam the enemy together to make it humanly impossible to pb both. Add the fact that the other saberist can just keep...
  16. Gargos

    Pole on server side modifications

    @Tylenol could not have said it better myself. It would be like eating your favorite food everyday for breakfast, lunch, supper and evening snack. There has to be pacing to make things interesting. Edit: @ZuZo it would hurt the mod, because the player base is not that big. Having a game mod...