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  1. H

    *you walk into moss esley canteena*

    Can I please get a ride Mr Solo
  2. H

    to anyone wanting to join gonk's discord

    I have followed this path, and the secrets and lores that were divulged to me beggared belief. I was reborn anew, and sacrificed my one eye, and a Teste to give thanks for this great and terrible knowledge I was allowed to ascertain.
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    Feedback Thread: v1.11 Open Beta #2 - May 31st 2024

    You are not wrong that it does still require some tricks to land that stagger even on a 2nd or 3rd hit, but I still think it shouldn't be as easy as it is now. Requiring velocity for the stagger if it is not the first swing of combo or a spin move would be what I would prefer if not simply ONLY...
  4. H

    Feedback Thread: v1.11 Open Beta #2 - May 31st 2024

    I think most styles feel better in this update, however as mentioned by some other posters, Blue/Red/Purple feel overtuned, for various reasons. With Red, if the stagger were restricted to ONLY the first swing in a chain OR a spin attack, it would be less oppressive, currently you can miss the...
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    amban is shit and sniper ee3 wasnt
  6. H

    Moviebattles II Version 1.8 Released

    Good update. I like the rocket nerf, mostly
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    Mando Jetpack Assisted Quick Get Up/Melee Skill

    Removing proj from mando was a sensible change. Reading comprehension
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    Mando Jetpack Assisted Quick Get Up/Melee Skill

    Remember that mando used to have proj rifle, and silence yourself
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    Mando Jetpack Assisted Quick Get Up/Melee Skill

    I agree. You shouldn't be able to just fly away from being pushed down with no recourse. I would balance the cost around the cost of fuel required to set a jedi on fire, as an ostensibly 'anti-jedi' ability. Probably 150%-200% could be reasonable for a 'get out of death' card. Good to know...
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    Mando Jetpack Assisted Quick Get Up/Melee Skill

    I think mando would benefit from some more gear selections, and could be a more interesting class to play and fight against. A 5-10 point rocket boots attachment is what I would suggest. It would allow a quick get up into jetpack (using extra fuel for the quick get up), and could allow a...
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    MovieBattles II V1.6.1.2 Released

    I logged in just now after not reading or participating on this forum for years to say this is the worst set of ideas I have ever heard.
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    Teeny buffs to pistols... (pistol 2, dual pistols, burst shot)

    I much preferred P2 burst shot, I find that P2 charge shot is only worth using if you have happened to sneak up behind someone. A buff to the damage/ammo ratio would be really nice for P2 charge shot Dual pistols definitely need a crosshair fix, and that would make them work perfectly well in...
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    Lightning Stun

    No, I'm not. It isn't a "must have", I play without it regularly and rarely do I do badly or not support my team. If you block with your saber and walk you are mostly immune to force powers. It isn't difficult to either keep enemy force-users on the other side of their teammates where they...
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    Lightning Stun

    if you're playing well you aren't giving the other player a chance to use force against you. most of the time blocking is sufficient, and swingblocking prevents you from being knocked down by push/pull. consider that you have more offensive forcepowers than they do unless they also have no force...
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    Lightning Stun

    do people actually use force block? i've always found it to just be a waste of points, like saber defense 3 (most of the time)
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    Bullet speeds

    travel speeds are fine. i like the balance between psychological play (faking out other gunners with strafing) and physical skill (making your shots). think about how this would affect saber fights in open. faster shots means less chance to swing against that pesky sith without being shot...
  17. H

    Not enough DoT in the game ?

    both teams elite trooper has dodge as an option. the only differences are t21 and fire nades/a280 and sonic nades
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    Auto-roll on small elevations

    seems like a simple case of git gud
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    1.4.5 Open Beta Dueling Feedback

    is it just me, or has the camera angle during ydfa been locked? i used to be able to turn in mid air with it but now it forces me to do a 180 before i can turn, well after the downward swing is over.