Feedback Thread: v1.11 Open Beta #2 - May 31st 2024


Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
Hey everyone. It's been good seeing all of the feedback (both positive and negative, albeit mostly positive) during our first iterations last weekend. Everyone's hard at work adjusting and cleaning things up based on the many discussions had throughout the week. Here's round 2 with what I'm hoping will land everything in a pretty stable spot. Still trying to hunt down some of the bugs and outlier interactions that have snuck through as the codebase has been rearranged but we're making good progress. Don't forget to brush up on the first set of changes.

  • Change: Reduced view based drains from 33% to 20%.
  • Fix: Miscellaneous fixes to various input combos and input lockouts that were broken due to backend changes.
  • Fix: Droideka:
    • Health and Shields adjusted for weapons having their damage increased. Shield Discharge shield drain also increased accordingly.
    • Projectile shield pierce ratio reduced from 33% to 25%.
  • Fix: Sprint interactions should now be pretty close to how they are in the live version.
  • Force Block:
    • Fix: Force Focus should now properly bypass Force block.
    • Change: Adjusted Force Block thresholds from 90/70/50/30/10 to 80/60/40/20/10.
  • Push/Pull/Repulse:
    • Change: Repulse adjusted to also stagger those without force block (might need to adjust time here).
    • Change: Pull 3 no longer steals weapons on area targets. Can now knockdown on area targets (still has reduced knockdown time).
  • Sense:
    • Change: Boosted range of all 3 levels by 512 units.

  • Change: Moved extended blocking arc vs sabers from Staff/Duals to Saber Defense 3
  • Change: Reduced downstab damage from 75 to 65.
  • Fix: Fixed instant attacks out of forced saber shutdown.
  • Fix: Should no longer regen BP during specials.

Saber Styles:
  • Fix: Fixed an issue that caused some chains to not have proper speed adjustments.
  • Fix: Fixed speed adjustments applying to air chaining when unintended.
  • Yellow:
    • Change: Same side diagonals should feel more responsive.
    • New: Now gains additional 0.25 ACM on Mblock counter
  • Blue:
    • Fix: Readjusted half swing timers.
    • Change: Removed extra ACM gain on Mblock counter. Replaced with additional BP damage on Mblock counter equal to half of ACM (4 ACM = 2 extra BP damage on any damage calculations).
    • Change: Swing count lowered by 1.
    • Change: Gains 1 additional swing in any chain started with a PB counter body hit.
  • Purple:
    • New: Now has its stab again. Crouch + forward to activate. Having the "use" key active will do the spin special move.
  • Red:
    • Change: adjusted crouch+forward special attack timing to be more reliable.
  • Duals:
    • Change: Overall swing speed reduction of 15% on top of other adjustments.
    • Change: Increased delay in damage damage window from 350ms to 400ms.
    • Change: Duals moved to Medium styles for partial ACM modification (0.50x to 0.33x).

Feedback on the Tempest Saber Patch for Movie Battles II​

Overall Impressions so far​

The Tempest saber patch introduces some notable changes and improvements to the saber mechanics in Movie Battles II. The intention behind these updates is clear: to refine saber combat and provide a more balanced and enjoyable experience for players. While there are several positive aspects to the patch, there are also areas that could benefit from further tweaking.

Positive Aspects​

  1. Enhanced Responsiveness: The improved responsiveness in saber combat is immediately noticeable. The fluidity of movements and attacks feels much more natural, making the gameplay experience more immersive and enjoyable.
  2. Balance Adjustments: The return of perks and unique style mechanics has made every style very powerful in their own manner. This adds much needed variation and uniqueness between the styles, not just faster animations and different attack and defense values like in Live, actual perks that you need to be mindful of in every duel. This makes Gameplay much more strategic requiring you to learn more mechanics than currently in Live. I really love the somewhat comeback of Manual Block Counters, they feel really satisfying to pull off just like back in 1.4.8.:
  3. Variety in Combat Styles: The differentiation between various combat styles has been improved, making each style feel unique and offering players more strategic options in battles. I really love the addition of perks, it really makes this build fun I'd say more fun that live in some aspects. However keeping the balance between styles and perks seems to be a bit of a problem at the moment. Styles like Blue, Purple and Red seem to be outperforming all other styles. Dualies seem to be a very button mashing friendly style, Cyan is incredibly dangerous in the hands of someone with good timing. Yellow seem very well balanced and fit the role of jack of all trades master of none. Staff is interesting its animations for my eyes at least seem very Janky and need some more improvement.

Areas for Improvement​

  1. Overall Thoughts of Gameplay: Even though the build looks on paper more refined for skill and strategy, in effect this build actually feels more mindless and inconsistent than Live in that winning heavily relies on abusing counters for free return damage and the only effective way to avoid that is running which is far less engaging than Live. High ping duels is drastically worse. The speed up on parry interactions just throws you out of combos which isn't very enjoyable. The smaller hitboxes also make it incredibly hard to catch runners on High ping as you can be inside them and still not land any swings.
  2. Stamina Management: The new stamina changes may need further balancing. Some players feel that stamina drains too quickly, but also regens really fast. I feel like maybe if you could pb returns it could be fixed but I'd have to physically test it first, but coming from live it seems like a good fix. It's really annoying every-time you attack you just get counter spammed back for free ez return damage and end up losing encounters that you should realistically be winning from a skill vs skill pov. It's also very confusing at times when you feel like you have your opponent low even with visualdamage enabled having 120 damage stack up and die to see your opponent is 80bp. Also the opposite where you feel like you've hardly damaged your opponent only traded a few returns and hs and suddenly they're dead cause you had more ACM than them.
  3. Style Mechanics: The new style mechanics and perks are a great idea, but they can be difficult to master and comprehend. A more comprehensive tutorial or in-game guidance on how to effectively use combos would be beneficial, especially for newer players. Blue and Red for example have very oppressive perks on opposite ends. Red is oppressive in offensive engagements out right winning fights with little effort besides landing the first hit and being able to do a full combo which takes half of your opponents block points. This makes duels with Red feel like I don't really earn my win I just hit them and won without much care aside from masking my first swing which is incredibly easy to abuse with the current pb zones. Blue, like Red feels like I don't really earn my win and is rather op and boring playstyle to use. It is pardon my language is actual cancer to deal with against a good blue user. once Blue gains its of ACM its almost a guaranteed win the second they get their first pb and disrupt bp regen. Part of the reason styles tied to ACM are so difficult to beat is due to no pbs on returns, Blue can keep its ACM very easily with its fast counters and half-swing and its quick recovery means it actually can pb returns majority of the time. Just bring back the ability to pb returns and blue wont be as cancer to fight since the only way I could find to consistently beat good blue users was using Purple and pbing the returns and countering to keep their ACM low. Speaking of Purple, its overturned, does way too much damage and could just be me but feels way to fast. The speedup on the animations also make them look janky.
  4. Bug Fixes: There are a few minor bugs that need attention, such as occasional animation glitches with specials and staggers also pb zones seem to be inconsistent, they seem to follow 1.4.8 zones but don't feel as solid. Addressing these issues will help in providing a smoother experience.

Suggestions for Future Updates​

  1. Fine-Tuning Hit Detection: Focus on refining the hit detection algorithms to ensure more consistent and reliable feedback during combat(for high ping, Live is far more consistent).
  2. Balancing Stamina Usage: Consider tweaking the stamina usage rates to find a better balance that maintains the intensity of combat without overly penalizing aggressive play styles. (For example return pbs making a comeback)
  3. Expanded Tutorials: Adding more detailed tutorials or guides for advanced mechanics like combos, styles, perks and stamina management would help players adapt to the new system more quickly.
  4. Community Feedback Integration: Continue to actively gather and integrate feedback from the community. Engaging with experienced players through forums or in-game surveys can provide valuable insights and help prioritize future updates.


The Tempest saber patch for Movie Battles II is pretty fun, more fun than live I'd say. However Live is far more consistent and competitive. Overall a commendable effort that significantly enhances the saber combat experience. With continued refinements and attention to player feedback, it has the potential to become one of the standout features of the game. Keep up the great work, and we look forward to seeing more improvements in future updates!
Duel Feedback.


Non pb cs needs to go, mb2 allows for a lot of freedom when to attack which helps make the game feel fluid. However, being able to launch an offense when getting hit cleanly does not follow game design of having disadvantage when being hit. I'll explain more below for different styles, but this change would allow style specific interactions to be more balanced and the styles themselves.

Pb in returns needs to return on all saber interactions, being parries and pbs. Not being able to pb in returns from pbd/parried swings, means you cannot poke safely with single swings and cannot pb swings after you stop swinging from parries/cs. I understand the sentiment for not having pb in returns for whiffed swings, but not having them on all saber interactions dulls the game's skill level down considerably.
-Being able to cs past your swing count is probably something that should be looked at as well, especially if it is tied to pb, allowing constant back and forth pressure.

ACM generally feels very potent when you have it. Light styles probably need to lose acm faster when being hit. Generally, I have noticed it is quite hard to make a comeback when the opponent has acm, even if they have been outplayed a few times, when I was spectating decent players on eu/na.


Hitboxes don't feel that great to me. The saber hits a lot deeper into the model compared to live, doesn't have the same impact.

-Pb zones feel somewhat weird. I know they have been changed, standing still feels ok, but when the opponent is moving around it gets a little funky compared to live.

-Interrupts should set you back to neutral+return time of swing, again should not be able to launch an offense from them.

-Slap needs to not be able to pb after the animation has finished for short duration, considering it is live the whole time the animation is out, allows for more consistent punishes. I shouldn't be able to whiff slap on someone/push them away then pb their punish.

-Yaw damage clamping, needs to go.

Style specific:
Plays fine, the same side changes were cope, but the slow swings offered a pre slow yawed combo I guess, would just leave how it is in beta now. The 'a' half swing needs to be changed to be on hit only, it's too strong of a conditioning tool in its current state being able to reset your combo on block because the opponent is mindful of the hs all the time. The 'a' hs not being only on hit also trivialises parry interactions, where you would default to it always.

Blue: Still cancer, as mentioned by Sev needs a change to its return times. My solution would be when you are pbd as blue your return time is increased, probably around 400ms which is a's return time on hit. This encourages better swing usage from the blue player besides sd/d neutrals and should give the defender some time to engage from pb. Not having non pb cs counters would mean blue can't cs into you whenever it feels like, but also pbing a blue swing gives you a lot of options. Three swings are more manageable only having two hs mix-ups after woods, could even test just two swings as well.

Cyan: Plays well, very good at getting into the opponent's timing. See acm changes.

Staff: Think the style is fine, just overshadowed by other styles currently. Probably just needs changes to its perks.

Feels relatively fine. I like the hs perk, would be cooler with pb in returns, do stuff like cs, stop and pb, then cs again etc resetting your swing count. Could potentially use blue treatment I suggested above. I don't know if it's intentional, but the global speed changes you did made the combo input timer longer and the attack frames from my testing.

Needs a damage nerf considering the neutral swings are more in line with yellow now, some even being faster 'sa'. Other than that, plays alright.

Interesting concepts. On stagger there are faster combos where you can get all three hits, namely same sides and (sa/sd)+(a/d)+whatever. Feels pretty dumb to just run around someone and get this off, should probably be able to pb subsequent hits. Using combos to parry as red is a no go or getting csd into, then parrying. Hence why Pb in returns need to come back as well as no non pb cs. I would prefer to see some type of swing mix-up for red to engage rather than just unga mask into stagger or pb bleed. Interestingly the bug that allowed the saber to shut off and start another swing would be novel for red, maybe with a limited scope? To me a change like that would be better than nudge or beta's implementation.
I think most styles feel better in this update, however as mentioned by some other posters, Blue/Red/Purple feel overtuned, for various reasons.

With Red, if the stagger were restricted to ONLY the first swing in a chain OR a spin attack, it would be less oppressive, currently you can miss the 1st swing or feint it and hit extremely quickly with a second swing to get stagger, and the 3rd for follow up with no risk. If you can hit with the last swing of your combo first, then you have a completely free 3 hit combo (with another stagger) lined up after it. This should not be possible, or at least should be tied to a more telegraphed animation (the spins).

Purple now no longer needs to mask the first swing at all, and is extremely oppressive against Yellow/Staff/Duals. The SA/SD swings probably could be slowed down a bit, or have their damage reduced. I've had people mop the floor with me using purple, and after switching to it myself I just hold LMB them to death with no regard to actually using any perks of the style (because they are just flat bonuses to dueling well). It's somehow more simple than stagger red. Unlocked swing directions + the new combo speed just does not feel good to play against, nor particularly good to play, it feels cheesy.

I really would suggest the return of an older feature against these two styles in particular (mblocking a swingblock ends their combo), because currently there is 0 need to mask with them at all and it makes them very very annoying to play against. This would really help shut down the insane spamming that is currently viable with the heavy styles. Mblocking a swingblocked red swing should also prevent ANY BP damage bleed.

Blue is spammy as ever, I think the other posters have explained the current problems really well.

I would also say it is a strange design decision to lock some styles perks behind ACM, for example staff. By the time I have got 4 ACM with staff, mblocking a swingblock giving me a stagger is useless. The fight is over.

Other styles have perks that are immediately active and only get STRONGER as they gain ACM. Using Red style to force a stagger is always an option, even if you have no ACM. Switching to cyan and parrying a combo to bleed BP is always an option, even with no ACM. Why do Duals/Staff require ACM for their perks to become active (and in the case of Duals for the style to be useable, 3 hits is not enough), Yellow/Purple/Red only gain base mechanical BP damage advantage through ACM, and Cyan/Blue have perks that are always active but gain strength as ACM is built? If it were an argument of Heavy/Medium/Light styles, this would make sense, but the lines are more blurred than ever. Red builds more ACM on a combo than yellow, accomplishes the combo faster, and does more BP damage base.

I also do not understand the intent behind the staff perk for using Mblocks to Pblock. There is never a situation where I have read the swing direction and can Mblock the animation and also NOT look in the Pblock zone. With the punishments for missing mblock now increased, it makes even less sense to attempt this. If staff/duals gained more of a block arc it could I guess be theoretically possible to Pblock 2 different players at once, but with the reduced block arcs even at SD3 it is incredibly unlikely you are able to both look at one Pblock zone and touch the other players saber with your Mblock and not just be side/backwhacked. If staff had a much lighter punishment or none for missing Mblocks then this could make sense, but right now I consider it a dead perk.

I don't know whether this was an intended design, but you also retain ACM across styles now, which makes the heavy styles even more oppressive if utilized. I can build 4 ACM with Purple for example, switch to Staff, miss a bunch of pblocks, return to Purple, and I still have the 4 ACM. I do like the idea (if it is intended), but combos like Blue/Red, Cyan/Purple, Staff/Red, Staff/Blue, are going to be wildly powerful if this stays the way it is without the perks being looked at. Building ACM with blue, pblocking once and switching to Red will end nearly every opponent in one combo.

I think a lot of the changes for sabering are good, but when looked at together as a system there are clear issues.


Internal Beta Team
I think most styles feel better in this update, however as mentioned by some other posters, Blue/Red/Purple feel overtuned, for various reasons.

With Red, if the stagger were restricted to ONLY the first swing in a chain OR a spin attack, it would be less oppressive, currently you can miss the 1st swing or feint it and hit extremely quickly with a second swing to get stagger, and the 3rd for follow up with no risk. If you can hit with the last swing of your combo first, then you have a completely free 3 hit combo (with another stagger) lined up after it. This should not be possible, or at least should be tied to a more telegraphed animation (the spins).

Purple now no longer needs to mask the first swing at all, and is extremely oppressive against Yellow/Staff/Duals. The SA/SD swings probably could be slowed down a bit, or have their damage reduced. I've had people mop the floor with me using purple, and after switching to it myself I just hold LMB them to death with no regard to actually using any perks of the style (because they are just flat bonuses to dueling well). It's somehow more simple than stagger red. Unlocked swing directions + the new combo speed just does not feel good to play against, nor particularly good to play, it feels cheesy.

I really would suggest the return of an older feature against these two styles in particular (mblocking a swingblock ends their combo), because currently there is 0 need to mask with them at all and it makes them very very annoying to play against. This would really help shut down the insane spamming that is currently viable with the heavy styles. Mblocking a swingblocked red swing should also prevent ANY BP damage bleed.

Blue is spammy as ever, I think the other posters have explained the current problems really well.

I would also say it is a strange design decision to lock some styles perks behind ACM, for example staff. By the time I have got 4 ACM with staff, mblocking a swingblock giving me a stagger is useless. The fight is over.

Other styles have perks that are immediately active and only get STRONGER as they gain ACM. Using Red style to force a stagger is always an option, even if you have no ACM. Switching to cyan and parrying a combo to bleed BP is always an option, even with no ACM. Why do Duals/Staff require ACM for their perks to become active (and in the case of Duals for the style to be useable, 3 hits is not enough), Yellow/Purple/Red only gain base mechanical BP damage advantage through ACM, and Cyan/Blue have perks that are always active but gain strength as ACM is built? If it were an argument of Heavy/Medium/Light styles, this would make sense, but the lines are more blurred than ever. Red builds more ACM on a combo than yellow, accomplishes the combo faster, and does more BP damage base.

I also do not understand the intent behind the staff perk for using Mblocks to Pblock. There is never a situation where I have read the swing direction and can Mblock the animation and also NOT look in the Pblock zone. With the punishments for missing mblock now increased, it makes even less sense to attempt this. If staff/duals gained more of a block arc it could I guess be theoretically possible to Pblock 2 different players at once, but with the reduced block arcs even at SD3 it is incredibly unlikely you are able to both look at one Pblock zone and touch the other players saber with your Mblock and not just be side/backwhacked. If staff had a much lighter punishment or none for missing Mblocks then this could make sense, but right now I consider it a dead perk.

I don't know whether this was an intended design, but you also retain ACM across styles now, which makes the heavy styles even more oppressive if utilized. I can build 4 ACM with Purple for example, switch to Staff, miss a bunch of pblocks, return to Purple, and I still have the 4 ACM. I do like the idea (if it is intended), but combos like Blue/Red, Cyan/Purple, Staff/Red, Staff/Blue, are going to be wildly powerful if this stays the way it is without the perks being looked at. Building ACM with blue, pblocking once and switching to Red will end nearly every opponent in one combo.

I think a lot of the changes for sabering are good, but when looked at together as a system there are clear issues.
Agree with points re Staff. Regarding Red, however, I think the stagger needs to be kept on the first hit you deliver (be that after a feint, during a combo, or whatever) because you absolutely have to try and trick a competent duelist if you want to pull it off. I also feel the stagger atm is nowhere near as oppressive as others may perceive it to be.
Agree with points re Staff. Regarding Red, however, I think the stagger needs to be kept on the first hit you deliver (be that after a feint, during a combo, or whatever) because you absolutely have to try and trick a competent duelist if you want to pull it off. I also feel the stagger atm is nowhere near as oppressive as others may perceive it to be.
You are not wrong that it does still require some tricks to land that stagger even on a 2nd or 3rd hit, but I still think it shouldn't be as easy as it is now. Requiring velocity for the stagger if it is not the first swing of combo or a spin move would be what I would prefer if not simply ONLY the first swing or a spin.

I think in a vacuum, no, the stagger is not that big of a deal. It is however a problem when a competent duelist is utilizing multiple styles and has the ability to pull this out of their pocket at any time with how available the stagger is to someone who is good at swing manipulation and footwork.


Internal Beta Team
We still need to fix counters: I got interrupted too often when I hit a perfect, juicy MBC on uppercuts in facehug (WA/WD counters) which would, in a good patch like the 1.4.5-1.4.9 iterations, result in a counter, yet here, my dude did a spastic mblock anim and I was punished for playing properly. The uppercut counters to overheads while backing away seem to work better, as do A/D counters while stafing left and right at distance.
Meanwhile, countering without mbc/pb, off of parry or even after being bodyhit, is faster, which is a problem I've been complaining about since at least 2017. Pbc/mbc should be consistent and work flawlessly so you can trust in the mechanic, and if the counters have to be instant to accomplish this, then so be it -- plus it would be good for open mode to kill disarmed players swiftly with insta counters off of the disarm.

Counter swing SHOULD trigger even if you've passed your style's swing count.
Counter swings SHOULD ALWAYS at least be on pace to parry an opponent during a combo.

Spamming feels too strong, and playing skilled defense is not rewarded enough. This is in large part due to the counters not functioning, because the good stuff is tied to them. I still think there should be some mild ACM drain on PB to alleviate the insane strength of flailing spam and run tactics, and if not acm, at least some bp regen to foster the lacking comeback potential.

There is no reason to not have PB in return: its absence forces people to hit and run, shoe-horning them into one playstyle and making that playstyle far more powerful than a more stationary one. This is in part due to the fact that it builds partial ACM, and the ACM is overpoweringly dominant in determining victory or defeat.

I'm not sure I like the way the ACM works (when it works). It comes with a massive problem. If someone gets a slight ACM lead, the other has to contort himself into pringles trying to re-capture the lead or he will lose by default even with reasonable exchanges, because there is no way to adequately drain it defensively (such as pb, mb): this basically means that you have to spam and hope for the best, which is very bad.

I prefer a no acm system, but if you're going to keep this kind of ACM in the game, we absolutely need to bleed it off on perfect blocks so that you're not forced to hit and run spam like a noob. PB should drain ACM, an Mblock should drain more ACM, and an Mblock+attack, i.e, mblock counter, should drain and then the counter should deal more damage and give more acm than a normal swing.

I'd even be happy to see a BP reward on top of the acm drain, because it means skilled people can go toe-to-toe for longer while dispatching swiftly those of lesser skill. Right now, there is a distinct lack of reward for skill imo.

Tie defensive rewards to defensive mechanics (PB, MB), because just mitigating bp damage is not enough of a reward in the contest of such rapidly ramping ACM; and tie the offensive rewards (attacking) to counters: this is intuitive and would go a long way towards fixing the biggest problem with the ACM system. If not ACM, defensive actions should at the very least reward BP or something - it is much harder to PB a competent player than just flail and run away.

Reward skill mechanics like swingblock and pb, mb and countering to deincentivize bad play and reward skilled play - why this fundamental principle is ignored is beyond me.

Nobody wants a system that rewards noobs and punishes skilled players. Top-tiers will be very dissatisfied, but so will noobs when they learn that all there is to dueling is spam and run tactics; we want more subtle skill mechanics at the top, not a dumbed down, flat system with no nuances beyond weird, arbitrary nerfs to certain skillsets like pb and 'whiffs' into insta-hits (which is a cool and advanced tactic that takes far more skill to execute than just flailing, and so should actually be rewarded and not punished...)

I still think slap knockdown is too strong due to the current damage multipliers. A single slap can end the duel since there is no come-back potential.

It's a shame there is no comeback potential. Need consistent counters and pb acm drain for this to be the case. The damage multiplier on knockdowns also make groundstab ridiculously strong; it should be nerfed further.

I felt that hit-registration was very bad/slow to update. I experienced many cases of dodging by running far away, only to leave my hitbox behind and get hit by a ghost-swing. I don't know if the code is super slow, or if server needs to run at higher snaps, but this was a consistent issue. Hit-reg could not catch up with me moving away. It's a bit like the old counter-strike issue of getting shot after you've gone behind a wall due to lag compensation. Please look into fixing this, since the old code felt more responsive and good in this regard. It is a downgrade. You want it to be crisp, and register small micrododging to allow for skilled manoeuvering on the battlefield (who dares karus-crouch under a swing with these hitboxes?).

I liked the airswings from the previous iteration better - more fun and creative ways to engage, and chasing felt better with the faster air-chains. Bring it back!

The parry window is too tight
. I can say this conclusively after testing more. One issue happens at long-range, tip-to-tip engagements, where the swing should be a parry, but ends up somehow bodyhitting one guy and causing him damage despite the fact that he is almost two lightsaber-lengths away from the enemy. It feels extremely bad and plastering it over with a larger parry window would be preferable to the current proliferation of ghosting hits.
It would be ideal to extend only the last bit of the swing to guarantee parries, while keeping the tight interrupt window at the start, but if you have to sacrifice the interrupt window and extend the middle-portion of the swing where a parry happens, do it, because it's better to have consistency with things like parries and counters, than adding a lot of weird variables that on paper sound nice but in practice ends up producing inconsistency and borked interactions.

Special attacks are pretty fucked up in general. I experienced the old bug of hitting someone after their YDFA missed, only to get hit by an invisible insta ydfa hit. It's weird why they have to be so bugged when you could just parry them in the old days. I think we should still be able to just parry them with a normal swing, funky specials should not dominate dueling, so having a clean way of dealing with them, i.e, parry, would be ideal. It's good that ydfa doesn't do as much damage though, because you can still insta facehug bug it, and I imagine you can also hit the facehug RDFA insta. Special attacks hitting multiple times leads to bugged exchanges, for example, I saw purple stab hit once, and then again to kill the opponent. This kind of buggy interaction should be eliminated from the game.

It feels bad to die from a frontal attack or a swing exchange that should've been a parry in the old system when you still have BP left, especially when you're quite far away from the opponent.

Duals are too weak and I am not a fan of the perk. It'd be better to copy the staff spin perk to duals, since it also has some interesting ways to spin, give it 4 hit combo like a normal style, and give it medium def and off values. Its other perk could be to give it the ability to block and pb when disarmed (since it still has one saber present). This could apply to open mode blaster blocking too.

Staff's spins are really elegant and a fun way to play, but I still think the halfswing spins should be sped up and damage lowered a bit to compensate. Also, staff's mblock stagger perk should also activate stagger on direction only (without pb) when the opponent is not swingblocking to help mitigate run-spam, which would also work well in a 2v1 situation against lesser skilled players trying to flank.
The way to play staff currently is to sit passively and wait for an attack, then mbc and just spam fast facehug combos (WA/WD) into the opponent until you have an acm advantage. In other words, the most cool and skilled mechanic for staff, the spin-attacks, is hardly ever worth it and doesn't happen often in actual play, whereas just spamming completely overshadows it. This should be reversed, so that staff spins define the style and the spam is not a necessary component of playing staff skilfully.

Cyan and purple are in a good spot, and both are possibly slightly stronger than yellow. Some might want this to be the case. Yellow would have more of a chance with proper counters in the game, so I don't think the balance skew is too bad. I do think that the perk activating on ACM is a bit underwhelming.

Perks should define a style, not be inconsequential additions that are overlooked; to learn a style proper should be to learn and play around the perk.

I still like the design and feel of red style, which is a bit unexpected since I am not a fan of stagger mechanics. It bleeds a lot of dmg through PBs though, and its crouch attack still looks retarded. Can you not give it some other attack, or maybe butterflies like staff, to lean into it being ataru/basejka-style - having red play more acrobatically would also help people coming over from the base game to adjust to MBII, which is a nice bonus.

I don't have much to say about blue, because I like that it's a bit weak due to how cancerous it is to fight against. Buff its defensive capabilities by allowing blue to drain more acm and regen more bp on pbs and mbs. Right now, you're shoe-horned into spamming back with all you got and cannot focus on a deliberate defensive strategy, which in my opinion should be the crux of blue style's game. Ideally, I'd want momentum based perfect block like stassin developed, and have blue-style be a fortress and a way to recover and come-back in duels. This sort of design would promote style switching, and you'd still have acrobatic red bleeding through defenses to overcome the switch to blue when low bp.

Dropping the saber when you have insufficient BP seems a bit bugged and not working very well. Sometimes, saber drops when you have plenty of BP. I would prefer if it were just a stagger instead, since the complete disarm seems a bit iffy atm.

It might be a good idea to make mblock defense stagger or at least flinch (short stagger) people who do not swingblock, so as to further mitigate noob run spam. In other words, if someone just runs at you in facehug and does WA/WD spam while moving to shift pb zones, you could at least mblock defense to stagger and break the noob spam. It could be a flinch for all style mblock defense vs non-sb swings, and for staff, a longer stagger for the same mechanic.

I still think we should add the momentum-based PB to at least one style, because it's an interesting variation and switches things up. Blue is the prime candidate for it. I also want one style with nudge as a perk -- adding such things as a perk to a style will fundamentally change how it plays, which is exactly how a perk should function. By leaning into a perk, it should make the style better. The perk should not be an inconsequential addition, but something that is meaningful to use and play around -- in other words, perks should define a style or not exist at all.

Neutral block should be added to the game to distinguish between hitting the saber and the body. It's bizarre and bad that hitting the opponents lightsaber counts as a bodyhit. I don't even care how you balance it. Even if it's just a 10% dmg reduction, or a slight reduction of the ACM gained by an attack, but please just fucking add this distinction so that hitting the tip of someone's lightsaber isn't the same as digging your lightsaber into their gut.

Running into someone and holding m1 and WA/WD is overly rewarding in comparison to defending properly and attacking with carefully timed and aimed attacks. I find this particularly gross. SKILL NEEDS TO BE REWARDED MORE. This means buff pb and mb with rewards like acm drain or bp regen, and give extra oomph to counters while also making counters reliably executable, none of that bullshit making them inconsistent, just have them happen...

It feels like there's too much bullshit and buggery going on under the hood that nerfs skill and lowers the skill ceiling, like the fucking mblock animation that happens sometimes and locks you out of playing, and the arbitrary and completely horrible 30% reduction in damage from certain insta-attacks - that in combination with lowering the impact of highly skilfully executed mechanics such as pb, mb and mbc, and the buffing of spam due to the high damage, compounds into a big but luckily solvable problem that can be solved by rewarding skilful play.

I also think that the general inconsistency in the damage profile is a problem. It's going to have the opposite effect to the desired outcome, since eventually, the meta will become extremely narrow and everyone will be forced to play the same way.

Things like not allowing people to full pb in returns or reply after the chain limit have a profound impact on the meta-generation. The absence of pb in return promotes spamming and running away to get an acm advantage; the inability to reply after your chain promotes passive play where you wait for the opponent to strike, and then mbc into a full counter-combo and run away. These two things combine into an ugly core of basically rewarding the one that gets attacked, spams and then runs away and just repeats this tactic over and over again. The cure to this malady of the saber system is quite simple: allow pb in returns, and make it so you can continue with singles after your chain, so that active play is promoted. It's a major issue that you can't attack and then last hit with a single after initiating the exchange, to snipe ppl that run away after a combo and keep the flow of the duel going. Without this mechanic, dueling stalls and becomes a cat and mouse game. There was a good reason why stassin added it back in the day and I agree with the reasoning for the addition even if the ACM system has changed.

Video of testing session:



Internal Beta Team
who dares karus-crouch under a swing with these hitboxes?)
Tbh the dodging with crouch is even more op and can be done with your lightsaber still on, at least from what I saw.

That's the only thing I will say as you all have said valuable feedback with which I agree.

But do you think you'll be listened to enough for mechanics to be changed/adjusted/removed?


Internal Beta Team
We still need to fix counters: I got interrupted too often when I hit a perfect, juicy MBC on uppercuts in facehug (WA/WD counters) which would, in a good patch like the 1.4.5-1.4.9 iterations, result in a counter, yet here, my dude did a spastic mblock anim and I was punished for playing properly. The uppercut counters to overheads while backing away seem to work better, as do A/D counters while stafing left and right at distance.
Meanwhile, countering without mbc/pb, off of parry or even after being bodyhit, is faster, which is a problem I've been complaining about since at least 2017. Pbc/mbc should be consistent and work flawlessly so you can trust in the mechanic, and if the counters have to be instant to accomplish this, then so be it -- plus it would be good for open mode to kill disarmed players swiftly with insta counters off of the disarm.

Counter swing SHOULD trigger even if you've passed your style's swing count.
Counter swings SHOULD ALWAYS at least be on pace to parry an opponent during a combo.

Spamming feels too strong, and playing skilled defense is not rewarded enough. This is in large part due to the counters not functioning, because the good stuff is tied to them. I still think there should be some mild ACM drain on PB to alleviate the insane strength of flailing spam and run tactics, and if not acm, at least some bp regen to foster the lacking comeback potential.

There is no reason to not have PB in return: its absence forces people to hit and run, shoe-horning them into one playstyle and making that playstyle far more powerful than a more stationary one. This is in part due to the fact that it builds partial ACM, and the ACM is overpoweringly dominant in determining victory or defeat.

I'm not sure I like the way the ACM works (when it works). It comes with a massive problem. If someone gets a slight ACM lead, the other has to contort himself into pringles trying to re-capture the lead or he will lose by default even with reasonable exchanges, because there is no way to adequately drain it defensively (such as pb, mb): this basically means that you have to spam and hope for the best, which is very bad.

I prefer a no acm system, but if you're going to keep this kind of ACM in the game, we absolutely need to bleed it off on perfect blocks so that you're not forced to hit and run spam like a noob. PB should drain ACM, an Mblock should drain more ACM, and an Mblock+attack, i.e, mblock counter, should drain and then the counter should deal more damage and give more acm than a normal swing.

I'd even be happy to see a BP reward on top of the acm drain, because it means skilled people can go toe-to-toe for longer while dispatching swiftly those of lesser skill. Right now, there is a distinct lack of reward for skill imo.

Tie defensive rewards to defensive mechanics (PB, MB), because just mitigating bp damage is not enough of a reward in the contest of such rapidly ramping ACM; and tie the offensive rewards (attacking) to counters: this is intuitive and would go a long way towards fixing the biggest problem with the ACM system. If not ACM, defensive actions should at the very least reward BP or something - it is much harder to PB a competent player than just flail and run away.

Reward skill mechanics like swingblock and pb, mb and countering to deincentivize bad play and reward skilled play - why this fundamental principle is ignored is beyond me.

Nobody wants a system that rewards noobs and punishes skilled players. Top-tiers will be very dissatisfied, but so will noobs when they learn that all there is to dueling is spam and run tactics; we want more subtle skill mechanics at the top, not a dumbed down, flat system with no nuances beyond weird, arbitrary nerfs to certain skillsets like pb and 'whiffs' into insta-hits (which is a cool and advanced tactic that takes far more skill to execute than just flailing, and so should actually be rewarded and not punished...)

I still think slap knockdown is too strong due to the current damage multipliers. A single slap can end the duel since there is no come-back potential.

It's a shame there is no comeback potential. Need consistent counters and pb acm drain for this to be the case. The damage multiplier on knockdowns also make groundstab ridiculously strong; it should be nerfed further.

I felt that hit-registration was very bad/slow to update. I experienced many cases of dodging by running far away, only to leave my hitbox behind and get hit by a ghost-swing. I don't know if the code is super slow, or if server needs to run at higher snaps, but this was a consistent issue. Hit-reg could not catch up with me moving away. It's a bit like the old counter-strike issue of getting shot after you've gone behind a wall due to lag compensation. Please look into fixing this, since the old code felt more responsive and good in this regard. It is a downgrade. You want it to be crisp, and register small micrododging to allow for skilled manoeuvering on the battlefield (who dares karus-crouch under a swing with these hitboxes?).

I liked the airswings from the previous iteration better - more fun and creative ways to engage, and chasing felt better with the faster air-chains. Bring it back!

The parry window is too tight
. I can say this conclusively after testing more. One issue happens at long-range, tip-to-tip engagements, where the swing should be a parry, but ends up somehow bodyhitting one guy and causing him damage despite the fact that he is almost two lightsaber-lengths away from the enemy. It feels extremely bad and plastering it over with a larger parry window would be preferable to the current proliferation of ghosting hits.
It would be ideal to extend only the last bit of the swing to guarantee parries, while keeping the tight interrupt window at the start, but if you have to sacrifice the interrupt window and extend the middle-portion of the swing where a parry happens, do it, because it's better to have consistency with things like parries and counters, than adding a lot of weird variables that on paper sound nice but in practice ends up producing inconsistency and borked interactions.

Special attacks are pretty fucked up in general. I experienced the old bug of hitting someone after their YDFA missed, only to get hit by an invisible insta ydfa hit. It's weird why they have to be so bugged when you could just parry them in the old days. I think we should still be able to just parry them with a normal swing, funky specials should not dominate dueling, so having a clean way of dealing with them, i.e, parry, would be ideal. It's good that ydfa doesn't do as much damage though, because you can still insta facehug bug it, and I imagine you can also hit the facehug RDFA insta. Special attacks hitting multiple times leads to bugged exchanges, for example, I saw purple stab hit once, and then again to kill the opponent. This kind of buggy interaction should be eliminated from the game.

It feels bad to die from a frontal attack or a swing exchange that should've been a parry in the old system when you still have BP left, especially when you're quite far away from the opponent.

Duals are too weak and I am not a fan of the perk. It'd be better to copy the staff spin perk to duals, since it also has some interesting ways to spin, give it 4 hit combo like a normal style, and give it medium def and off values. Its other perk could be to give it the ability to block and pb when disarmed (since it still has one saber present). This could apply to open mode blaster blocking too.

Staff's spins are really elegant and a fun way to play, but I still think the halfswing spins should be sped up and damage lowered a bit to compensate. Also, staff's mblock stagger perk should also activate stagger on direction only (without pb) when the opponent is not swingblocking to help mitigate run-spam, which would also work well in a 2v1 situation against lesser skilled players trying to flank.
The way to play staff currently is to sit passively and wait for an attack, then mbc and just spam fast facehug combos (WA/WD) into the opponent until you have an acm advantage. In other words, the most cool and skilled mechanic for staff, the spin-attacks, is hardly ever worth it and doesn't happen often in actual play, whereas just spamming completely overshadows it. This should be reversed, so that staff spins define the style and the spam is not a necessary component of playing staff skilfully.

Cyan and purple are in a good spot, and both are possibly slightly stronger than yellow. Some might want this to be the case. Yellow would have more of a chance with proper counters in the game, so I don't think the balance skew is too bad. I do think that the perk activating on ACM is a bit underwhelming.

Perks should define a style, not be inconsequential additions that are overlooked; to learn a style proper should be to learn and play around the perk.

I still like the design and feel of red style, which is a bit unexpected since I am not a fan of stagger mechanics. It bleeds a lot of dmg through PBs though, and its crouch attack still looks retarded. Can you not give it some other attack, or maybe butterflies like staff, to lean into it being ataru/basejka-style - having red play more acrobatically would also help people coming over from the base game to adjust to MBII, which is a nice bonus.

I don't have much to say about blue, because I like that it's a bit weak due to how cancerous it is to fight against. Buff its defensive capabilities by allowing blue to drain more acm and regen more bp on pbs and mbs. Right now, you're shoe-horned into spamming back with all you got and cannot focus on a deliberate defensive strategy, which in my opinion should be the crux of blue style's game. Ideally, I'd want momentum based perfect block like stassin developed, and have blue-style be a fortress and a way to recover and come-back in duels. This sort of design would promote style switching, and you'd still have acrobatic red bleeding through defenses to overcome the switch to blue when low bp.

Dropping the saber when you have insufficient BP seems a bit bugged and not working very well. Sometimes, saber drops when you have plenty of BP. I would prefer if it were just a stagger instead, since the complete disarm seems a bit iffy atm.

It might be a good idea to make mblock defense stagger or at least flinch (short stagger) people who do not swingblock, so as to further mitigate noob run spam. In other words, if someone just runs at you in facehug and does WA/WD spam while moving to shift pb zones, you could at least mblock defense to stagger and break the noob spam. It could be a flinch for all style mblock defense vs non-sb swings, and for staff, a longer stagger for the same mechanic.

I still think we should add the momentum-based PB to at least one style, because it's an interesting variation and switches things up. Blue is the prime candidate for it. I also want one style with nudge as a perk -- adding such things as a perk to a style will fundamentally change how it plays, which is exactly how a perk should function. By leaning into a perk, it should make the style better. The perk should not be an inconsequential addition, but something that is meaningful to use and play around -- in other words, perks should define a style or not exist at all.

Neutral block should be added to the game to distinguish between hitting the saber and the body. It's bizarre and bad that hitting the opponents lightsaber counts as a bodyhit. I don't even care how you balance it. Even if it's just a 10% dmg reduction, or a slight reduction of the ACM gained by an attack, but please just fucking add this distinction so that hitting the tip of someone's lightsaber isn't the same as digging your lightsaber into their gut.

Running into someone and holding m1 and WA/WD is overly rewarding in comparison to defending properly and attacking with carefully timed and aimed attacks. I find this particularly gross. SKILL NEEDS TO BE REWARDED MORE. This means buff pb and mb with rewards like acm drain or bp regen, and give extra oomph to counters while also making counters reliably executable, none of that bullshit making them inconsistent, just have them happen...

It feels like there's too much bullshit and buggery going on under the hood that nerfs skill and lowers the skill ceiling, like the fucking mblock animation that happens sometimes and locks you out of playing, and the arbitrary and completely horrible 30% reduction in damage from certain insta-attacks - that in combination with lowering the impact of highly skilfully executed mechanics such as pb, mb and mbc, and the buffing of spam due to the high damage, compounds into a big but luckily solvable problem that can be solved by rewarding skilful play.

I also think that the general inconsistency in the damage profile is a problem. It's going to have the opposite effect to the desired outcome, since eventually, the meta will become extremely narrow and everyone will be forced to play the same way.

Things like not allowing people to full pb in returns or reply after the chain limit have a profound impact on the meta-generation. The absence of pb in return promotes spamming and running away to get an acm advantage; the inability to reply after your chain promotes passive play where you wait for the opponent to strike, and then mbc into a full counter-combo and run away. These two things combine into an ugly core of basically rewarding the one that gets attacked, spams and then runs away and just repeats this tactic over and over again. The cure to this malady of the saber system is quite simple: allow pb in returns, and make it so you can continue with singles after your chain, so that active play is promoted. It's a major issue that you can't attack and then last hit with a single after initiating the exchange, to snipe ppl that run away after a combo and keep the flow of the duel going. Without this mechanic, dueling stalls and becomes a cat and mouse game. There was a good reason why stassin added it back in the day and I agree with the reasoning for the addition even if the ACM system has changed.

Video of testing session:

I didn't play last weekend but I gotta say AMEN. I agree with like 90% of your points here