Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Dev ignorance boogaloo

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Supremacy Maintainer
Probationary Developer
That is not me. You may compare by ips if you wish.


Supremacy Maintainer
Probationary Developer
I mean you can believe what you want to believe, but that is not my account.


Supremacy Maintainer
Probationary Developer
Right and I the person that edited spag’s vpn shield to include marktk that a lot of people use, would feel the need and desire to use a vpn to spoof a forum account. … right.


Supremacy Maintainer
Probationary Developer
One thing you will learn about me is I could alias and do half the fuckery other people do on this game, but I don’t. I am unconditionally me.


Supremacy Maintainer
Probationary Developer
I don’t think you believed in me even when I wanted you to test gameplay, otherwise we wouldn’t have been arguing about any of it.


Supremacy Maintainer
Probationary Developer
Mm, poor insignificant little Mace, retreating to the Discord server and attempting to use the cacophony of his echo chamber to deafen himself to the insecurities he so obviously feels when reflecting on the criticisms I have imparted to dismantle his paperweight rationalizations for the state of such a decaying framework as MBII’s development hell.

Now we’re playing fucking amongus because you got served by some random using gpt, I’m not in the mbii discord either.

People were sending me screenshots of chat but I told them to quit doing that.

I seriously just want to feel like my contributions to this game are valid, and wanted to be added by the team which seems a little too difficult to ask for?
There sure are a lot of "I"s in a post from someone who has only had an account for a few hours about contributing and collaborating, and writes an AI-like response before this. Nice one 2c. That's hilarious. Almost bothered to take the time to respond anyway until I saw this second post... whooo weee.

even pada tker can use a vpn.... xD
Ah, the predictable refuge of the cornered: baseless accusations and deflections. Mace, Lindsey, I can’t help but marvel at the sheer cowardice of your remarks. Rather than address the glaring criticisms levied against the MBII development team—criticisms backed by years of frustration and evidence—you both resort to unsubstantiated conspiracy theories to shield yourselves from accountability.

Let me be clear: your attempt to dismiss these posts as the work of 2cwldys on an alternate account is not just laughably desperate; it’s a transparent attempt to derail the conversation. Where is your evidence? Where is your proof? Instead of providing it, you hide behind vague insinuations of VPNs and IP obfuscation, as if that somehow absolves you of the responsibility to engage with the actual issues raised. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t.

These comments reek of fear—fear of confronting the harsh realities about the state of this project, fear of admitting fault, fear of change. But this tactic, this feeble attempt to smear critics rather than address their points, is a disservice to the community you claim to care about. You aren’t silencing dissent; you’re only exposing your inability to respond with substance.

So go ahead, keep leaning on your baseless claims. Keep dodging, deflecting, and running from the criticisms that continue to pile up. But know this: your silence on the actual issues speaks volumes, and no VPN conspiracies will save you from the accountability this community demands.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
I don’t think you believed in me even when I wanted you to test gameplay, otherwise we wouldn’t have been arguing about any of it.

Dude, I literally said I wasn't doubting you in gameplay. I don't test legends gameplay either and never did because it was frenzy, john, ipod, etcs project and they had to organize the testers. However, things like UI or general modding capabilities, whatever I still gave feedback on when it involves the image of the mod as a whole. I did the exact same to you, and said that I don't think it should be released without certain features.

It is just the little things you think about when you've been doing this a while. I don't have the energy or time to test every little nuance of everyones additions especially something as massive as yours or legends and even more when I'm retired from the game. My focus for testing was always open mode and maps was because I as one person could only focus so much energy on something.

I'm not going to treat you any differently than I treat anyone else. You can ask many other team members how many times that I have believed that something is being released too early, that some feature is being half-assed... whatever. Its not something against you.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Let me be clear

Anyone who uses this phrase often does it as a preface to manipulate.

Which your AI just did. It doesn't dare address the criticism of using phrases like "Perhaps I have lost the dream of contributing freely to a project I once loved" or "perhaps I have lost the time and energy I poured into this work" Ah yes, some no name account that was made a few hours ago definitely poured a lot of time and energy into collaborating for this mod. We see through the bullshit.
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Anyone who uses this phrase often does it as a preface to manipulate.
Ah, Mace, your deflections are as transparent as ever. Sweeping generalizations seem to be your weapon of choice—an attempt to drown out valid criticism by painting everything with the broadest, laziest brush possible. And yet, for all your posturing, you’ve done nothing to address your egregious failures as a person of influence in the MBII development sphere. Your reliance on flimsy false equivalencies, like equating a newly created forum account with an inherent lack of credibility, is nothing short of pathetic.

Do you think these weak attacks will somehow erase the substance of the criticisms directed at you? Do you honestly believe that dismissing someone’s arguments based solely on their account age negates the very real, very persistent issues that plague this mod? If you and the rest of the development team actually bothered to properly interact with third-party content developers—or any developers, for that matter—you might be aware of the vast contributions happening outside your insular bubble. But alas, your refusal to engage speaks volumes about your arrogance and lack of perspective.

Take, for instance, your ignorance of 2cwldys’s work, or perhaps your cluelessness with regards to the state of Open Mode. This isn’t just negligence; it’s outright disqualification. How can you hold any useful opinion in this discussion when you’ve made it painfully clear that you don’t even understand the landscape you attempt to preside over?

And as for your comment about phrases like “Perhaps I have lost the dream of contributing freely to a project I once loved”—what exactly is your point? Are you so desperate to discredit your critics that you’ll nitpick the tone and style of a post while ignoring its message entirely? That’s not very clever, Mace—that’s avoidance, clear as crystal. It’s the behavior of someone who knows their position is indefensible but would rather sling mud than face the truth.

The irony, of course, is that while you sit atop your imagined pedestal, dismissing dissent and clinging to your narrative, the cracks in your foundation grow wider. You aren’t just out of touch with this community—you’re out of touch with reality. So I’ll make this simple: until you’re willing to address the actual criticisms leveled against you and the state of this mod, your words hold no weight.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Lol this is great, I'm loving the creativity of this thing at least.
“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can’t reach, so you get what we had here last week which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. And I don’t like it any more than you men.”


Internal Beta Team
I took the time to read and translate this entire mass of text, with the exception of the gpt text.
What can I say? So:
1. No respect or understanding. Just insults. This is unacceptable.
Moreover, all this is pulled out into the field of general discussions in order to once again set the community against the developers.
I think this is as wrong as possible, in fact it is harassment and a "cancellation culture" from your social networks. To interweave someone politics, race, and nation is an outright disgrace.
This needs to be decided personally, respecting time, boundaries and personalities. You can throw poo at each other directly in the game.

2. It's clear that no one bothered to explain the time zones. That we, the entire large community, live on a huge globe where the sun can always be on only one side. Based on this, we can follow the further logic. I wasn't at any of the tests, just because I was already asleep most of the time.
It takes time to understand how the file system (and most likely the code) works inside MB. Instead of chasing, and rather cramming new things into the game.
Plus, the developers have a development plan, as Defiant told us in another topic, and the team doesn't want to deviate from it too much if they don't stick to regular updates at all.

3. It is very likely that 2c REALLY wants to be useful, especially since he himself has written about it several times. This is understandable, but what I can't understand is the desire to implement Supremacy in the way 2c wants it, as it is convenient for him. Into a project that moves with its own team and its own methods. There is a big disagreement between the leader of the main team and the leader of the side branch of Supremacy.

4. Yes, I made some models, including for use in Supremacy, but I said from the first message that I was doing this for the entire community. And they using in MB too. And I don't think the works were stolen or unappreciated. I am pleased that my other works have been included in MB, such as z6 and detonators. And I was also initially faced with misunderstanding and rejection, but I did not yell or write on the forum that developers are blind and wrong.
This behavior is very childish.

5. And finally, I wrote to you personally about this. Frequent avatar changes are the first red flag. Inside you, there is not only rage at injustice (as you think), but a huge youthful maximalism and rebellion. The second flag is that, over and over again, and not just to me, you are spilling information about how you are not respected, how you are not accepted, all your actions are in vain, once again showing how you are rushing to conclusions.
Any activity, even if it's just modding, is a huge confusing machine, and getting into it showing strong evil emotions, attracting the community to take your side against the developers is the third red flag.

And then you can understand why Defiant says so, as a leader, he needs to clearly understand what to expect from you and not get involved with a person who has a bundle of emotions and impulses.

Impulsivity and detachment - this seems to be the most painful point of MB2 for all time.
If I can give my two cents as a humble player with no coding skills to contribute to the game with, but having 12 years of MBII experience, and having recently decided to give my humble contribution to make the game more known on the internet through youtube videos (which means I need to play the game for extensive periods of time on end to make a good montage out of it), what I find unconceivable is the fact that the the leaders of this project don't even play it. Why should we, as a community, accept our favorite game to be handled by people who mostly have second-hand experience on the matter? I think this point flies over the head of most people when it comes to addressing the issues within this community. About more technical concernments, I do not have anything to say because I do not belong to the development branch of the community, but I am hearing enough anecdotes to form my opinion on that matter.
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