Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Feedback Thread: Open Beta (after V1.4.9) - Drop 3

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I've been a player for a little while now and I think grenades on the ET/Commander class need a massive point reduction. At the moment it's currently impossible to have four grenades on the class and also have a decent primary, even if you take no extra life. You can have four overpriced grenades, a level 2 E-11, and only 1 life.

Fire Grenades should be at least 5 points and frags should be reduced down to 10 or less, the class's identity is supposed to be heavy on grenades but currently it's completely unviable to take them. Sonic grenades are weird and any amount of point reduction wouldn't really help them, they need a complete rework because the situations they're supposed to solve don't really happen enough to make them in any way viable no matter how much they cost.
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#Cumulative feedback
Fusion your old friend @GoodOl'Ben says ion blobs are nice and he will be "exploiting them", knockback is a nice replacement and it's good that flinch is gone, concs are still usable against mandos and everything in air, ammo nerf on project rifle was a bit of a bummer for him but he didn't lament for long. Seemed okay with nade change. Knockback on pistols is fine although it's super high on weapons with higher firing speed.

"Padawan", owning everybody under this alias including @Yellow 13 and @ez.HTD says no damage resistance and current drains from BETA are broken - one thing needs to change and he likes higher drains, being a gunner is going to be fun for him. Okay with granade change. He is suggesting jedi should be able to buy armor with leftovers of points. Says bowcaster is literally s godcaster now 4 hits to drain from 100 FP to 0. He doesn't want to play a jedi in this build.

I noticed super push deals no damage.
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He is suggesting jedi should be able to buy armor with leftovers of points.
This is an interesting idea, maybe adding agility or something (running/jumping speed) too!
So saberist had to decide if he wants to play slow but defensive saberist or a fast one.
Just palying with these thoughts, i always felt there is so much more you could do with this class.

Some years ago someone of the devs mentioned they want to make saberist more different to play.
In this time there were nice suggestion, maybe look these up again.
But whatever im excited to see the new update, lot of things will change i guess.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Completely remove alt nade quickthrow, and make regular quickthrow free. I think mb2 could use some more free innate abilities for characters to make them more unique no matter the build.
This would definitely be worth exploring. Especially in tandem with the sec nade change it would feel pretty nifty.
Jedi being able to buy armor would also make blue and cyan less awful to deal with for jedi mains, they would be able to survive a hit from one if they have even 20 armor and haven't taken damage previously, though at that point they could just be finished off with a slap or two so this wouldn't work unless they could get at least 30 or 40 armor.

Edit: Personally I'd have it so if a jedi takes jump 3 or speed they can't have armor since they'd be too restricted by it.
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You already have increased FP drains because of the velocity change, why on earth would you increase them further. They are WAAAAY too high!

As other people have said you're going to force Jedi players to ambush or corner camp because of the insane drains, and for a support class that's counter productive.
FP drain is utterly retarded, about nothing you can do but camp on corners and (hope) to pick people up!

I just tryed it with my friend and we're legit laughing at it. I cant begin to imagine what kind of mess its gonna be when 2, or 3+ gunners shoot on you, full fire at same time... or Droidekas?

At this point, just remove jedi and keep them only for duel mode. :/

Beside: Using Speed or Deflect only cause further handicap... and before anyone argue me with with Mindtrick... It's only good agaisnt scatered targets, which also bring us back to what i said at the begining.

I didnt test Sith, but I fail to see why would it be any different, if not any worse.
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pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
FP drain is utterly retarded, about nothing you can do but camp on corners and (hope) to pick people up!

I just tryed it with my friend and we're legit laughing at it. I cant begin to imagine what kind of mess its gonna be when 2, or 3+ gunners shoot on you, full fire at same time... or Droidekas?

At this point, just remove jedi and keep them only for duel mode. :/

Beside: Using Speed or Deflect only cause further handicap... and before anyone argue me with with Mindtrick... It's only good agaisnt scatered targets, which also bring us back to what i said at the begining.

I didnt test Sith, but I fail to see why would it be any different, if not any worse.
FP drains may be too high, but this kind of wailing melodrama isn't entirely helpful.
No to armor. Sabers should 1 hit saberists.

Make having force defense 3 and saber defense 3 grant the previous 20% damage reduction and increase the cost of saber defense 3 from 4 to 8 or 10.

This is a good idea. Saber defense costing 8 and being actually useful.
An idea came to me. What if saber defense level one grant you a 10% damage reduction and 10 extra FP. Saber defense 0 give you 20% damage reduction and 20 extra FP.
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