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Mmm... are you sure you aren't confusing me with somebody else? o_O
I can't remember I was complaining about 1.4 a lot.
I like wookiee being nerfed, I like push wasn't touched, I don't like those improvements for gunners vs saberist.
Also saber system that I don't really understand was replaced with some other system that I don't really understand.
So basically I'm ok with those changes.

Saber color are used to distinct teams, therefore no color should be available for both teams.
If we add only white sabers, who's gonna have it? If we add blacks too, there will be "Doom 3. Can't see shit, captain" problem.

Look, now I have no idea how RGB works in the game. But i know that the devs can make a lightsaber that is black and you can see it in the dark. And a white light-saber you can see in the snow. I believe they are competent to figure that out. And the discussion was not that both teams should get white and black. What people wanted was that jedi get White and Sith get black.
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Slayed dreamer
What people wanted was that jedi get White and Sith get black.
Yep, that does make some sense, but...
But i know that the devs can make a lightsaber that is black and you can see it in the dark. And a white light-saber you can see in the snow. I believe they are competent to figure that out.
"Can see" isn't as good as "see it clear as red or green".
It may be not so easy, and it isn't obvious why they should spending time implementing that, since there are no white and black sabers in movies.
Can a moderator do everyone a favor and just put this Goodbye thread out of its misery?
How many times can the same person leave?

You're staying, you're going, you went, you came back, then you came back again to say you're leaving. FFS, this was only amusing the first time u did it.

Give him a good kickban to help move him along. :)

T r i s t a n

Can a moderator do everyone a favor and just put this Goodbye thread out of its misery?
How many times can the same person leave?

You're staying, you're going, you went, you came back, then you came back again to say you're leaving. FFS, this was only amusing the first time u did it.

Give him a good kickban to help move him along. :)
I wonder if you are as much of an ass hole in real life as you are as a keyboard warrior.

I have been called the Devil. But it came from a place of love.

Now, tits or gtfo.:)

T r i s t a n

I have been called the Devil. But it came from a place of love.

Now, tits or gtfo.:)
I am not savvy enough in the forum ways to know what a kick ban is, but it sounds treacherous and something I don't need to deal with. If you don't want to see this thread. Unwatch it. Otherwise say something productive or gtfo.

T r i s t a n

For someone who left, you sure are on the forums more than people still active in the MB2 community.
Well with the recent post by Sev stating that 1.4 indeed was a failure. My moral was bolstered that 1.3 may in fact live on and yet see a day it receives tweaks in optimization and perhaps added features. Yes, I will stick around and see MBII through.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Yes. Dead silence means the team hasn't communicated (1.4 not being implemented yet), even to the beta team because there haven't been a lot of tests recently. It was a "waste of time" because there wont be massive changes to 1.4 only tweaks, then 1.5 will implement larger changes so that we can get the update out faster. Waste of time because he may believe it would have allowed the update to come out quicker, which is only part of the issue. Drop in playerbase because a majority are frustrated with the arguably incredibly shitty 1.3 build and are waiting for 1.4. Disappointing because of the above points.

Failure? Far from what his words say.


Slayed dreamer
Well with the recent post by Sev stating that 1.4 indeed was a failure. My moral was bolstered that 1.3 may in fact live on and yet see a day it receives tweaks in optimization and perhaps added features. Yes, I will stick around and see MBII through.
Didn't you even read my post where I was quoting @SeV?
SeV said:
After people have played 1.4 for a week, and if the devs then take it down so that you're no longer able to play 1.4 for some reason, then I predict a drastic decrease in the number of active users until 1.4 is once again playable.

Once you go 1.4, you never go back.
As you can see, Sev meant something completely opposite than "1.4 was a failure".
You're staying, you're going, you went, you came back, then you came back again to say you're leaving.
First he was in then he was out, in, out, in, out... You know, I think he's just trying to have sex with us all. :)



Internal Beta Team
Yes. Dead silence means the team hasn't communicated (1.4 not being implemented yet), even to the beta team because there haven't been a lot of tests recently. It was a "waste of time" because there wont be massive changes to 1.4 only tweaks, then 1.5 will implement larger changes so that we can get the update out faster. Waste of time because he may believe it would have allowed the update to come out quicker, which is only part of the issue. Drop in playerbase because a majority are frustrated with the arguably incredibly shitty 1.3 build and are waiting for 1.4. Disappointing because of the above points.

Failure? Far from what his words say.

Yep, what Mace said.

Calling 1.4 a failure is completely ludicrous. It's one of the best updates that MBII has ever seen. I haven't really participated in this thread so far because it just seems to me to be to be a weird abomination. A sort of hybrid mix of an attention whore thread coupled with a very weird and skewed/deluded feedback/discussion thread. I think it needs to die in a fire.
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