Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Open is finally dead.

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just yesterday played on open without any problems. so much whinners this days. everyone crying about "deEVS KILLED DA GAAAYME", but no one actually can explain how exactly they did it. old players now just cant rekt everyone like in old times, cause mechanics changed and they are too lazy to learn new mechanics. then, they get couple of kills by noob, become salty, and start crying in chat. imagine that, honored veteran crying in chat about DEVS!!!! shame

Yesterday was kind of an exception.

Since the R20 release Open servers are empty almost everyday, even on week-end (at least in EU).
MB2 open has been slowly dying for a moment now, with only one open server with people most of the time, but since the update even one server is becoming rare. Since september I have found populated open server only two times when I wanted to play, whereas before I could find people almost everyday.
just yesterday played on open without any problems. so much whinners this days. everyone crying about "deEVS KILLED DA GAAAYME", but no one actually can explain how exactly they did it. old players now just cant rekt everyone like in old times, cause mechanics changed and they are too lazy to learn new mechanics. then, they get couple of kills by noob, become salty, and start crying in chat. imagine that, honored veteran crying in chat about DEVS!!!! shame
I highly recommend you run your thoughts through chatGPT before posting them here
just yesterday played on open without any problems. so much whinners this days. everyone crying about "deEVS KILLED DA GAAAYME", but no one actually can explain how exactly they did it. old players now just cant rekt everyone like in old times, cause mechanics changed and they are too lazy to learn new mechanics. then, they get couple of kills by noob, become salty, and start crying in chat. imagine that, honored veteran crying in chat about DEVS!!!! shame
just yesterday played on open without any problems. so much whinners this days. everyone crying about "deEVS KILLED DA GAAAYME", but no one actually can explain how exactly they did it. old players now just cant rekt everyone like in old times, cause mechanics changed and they are too lazy to learn new mechanics. then, they get couple of kills by noob, become salty, and start crying in chat. imagine that, honored veteran crying in chat about DEVS!!!! shame
can u imagine?"!1


im imagined right hard now

if only i cdould think to imagine imaigined..

teach me how to host a server and I will make a locked Republic (players) vs Sith (bots) 24/7 smuggler server so it can never truly die
Honestly? I'm gonna say it: I'm glad Open is dead. That mode was boring as hell, the customization while neat, was kinda sub-par. It felt super restrictive in terms of abilities. Overall it just wasn't that interesting. Not to mention the servers were toxic, players did absolutely nothing to complete the objective, just fart around and waste time.

Legends on the other hand, made me fall in love with the mod again, and it's more fun. Yes it's somewhat un-balanced, but you know what? I have an absolute blast every time.
Open died because the developers spent more time on updating dueling than open which was literally the main attraction of MB2 now dead.
Open died because people played nothing but Deathstar and DOTF.

They're both classics, but people can only play the same two maps for so many years.
there were many years back in the days before rtv existed where servers were set to dotf classicb 24/7 with no rotation and the playerbase was bigger than it is today. and everyone played open

open is dead because it's boring. the game actively encourages sitting behind cover and not taking fights. most of the maps are 2 corridors where 20 players meet and have a blind shootout until enough people have died to spam damage. back in 2010 there weren't as many good shooters around, but now there are. if i have a choice of playing something like the finals, or even new overwatch, games where i actually get to play for the majority of the time instead of sitting in spectator or hiding behind a box while 10 imperials are spamming down the corridor i need to run into, i'm probably not choosing movie bagles 2

dotf classicb is still one of the most played maps in the game, and it takes a solid 1min30 for rebs to be able to leave their spawn on most rounds. that kinda says it all imo. this game hasn't evolved since 2010 and others have

its also inaccessible to new players. there are so many hidden and/or unintuitive mechanics, most new players probably quit within 30 mins of installing the game

it's not that legends solves any of these issues, but most of the players that have stuck around to play legends don't care about this stuff ^ so legends is perfect for them as a silly gamemode where they can just fuck around and not have to try
open is dead because it's boring. the game actively encourages sitting behind cover and not taking fights. most of the maps are 2 corridors where 20 players meet and have a blind shootout until enough people have died to spam damage. back in 2010 there weren't as many good shooters around, but now there are. if i have a choice of playing something like the finals, or even new overwatch, games where i actually get to play for the majority of the time instead of sitting in spectator or hiding behind a box while 10 imperials are spamming down the corridor i need to run into, i'm probably not choosing movie bagles 2
There are countless other maps to. But what is even the point of playing or creating a new map when the vast majority of are just going to play the same 3 maps that are all good for sniper mains farming easy K/D/A by taking advantage of long ass corridors.
MBII is dead? Couple nights ago I literally populated an empty server alone by just joining and waiting 10 minutes. And I have done that several times in the past. People are just like sheep, they are very easy to get convinced by what the majority cry about. If they hear people whine about the game being dead, they take it for granted, but when they see somebody on a server they don't lose time and join to play (because even the loudest crybabies deep down still crave to play the game with every ounce of their being). It just takes a couple dudes with the actual willingness of joining an empty server and wait a bit. Sometimes the easiest action is also the most effective. Of course that doesn't deny the fact that mechanic-wise, Open mode became stale compared to Legends and people prefer the latter now, but that's another story. So, I close this speech with one simple advice. If you have constructive and positive critique for MBII development, go speak with the devs. Otherwise, stop crying, shut the fuck up, boot the game and come play with us.
Open has finally died. After countless horrific developer changes and numerous complaints, the once glorious mode has been over taken by legends. Gonk has been on legends more, only legends based servers gain traction, and worst of all; the game population is lowering.
It's not actually from
Most of the movement stuff that got "nerfed" were physics bugs, things that players didn't notice or even know about for years, loved the game regardless. However, there are a lot of stuff just sitting on the backburner not getting finished, like an actual open mode class getting a form of grapple/ "ascension guns", a new rebel class with a jetpack, and even a new rebel class with a mount that rivals dekas traveral speeds, better rally/assembly spawning. Plus additional acrobatic and melee abilities that we want to add.

None of it is going to get finished in any reasonable amount of time though with the current teams ADHD problem that only tackles flavor of the week issues, and doesn't have any long term goals other than ones I gave them over 10 years ago that they're trying to work on now (like Conquest).
Nope, nothing to do with that at all.

Open was boring from the start but there were no options, now players see something like legends and see a gamemode where they can play as their favourite characters instead of being a mini version of darth vader or grievous, because nobody plays this competitively and just want to have fun no matter the bugs or imbalance, I told you from the start buff everything and give tons of options and people will love open, now I guarantee you open will remain dead.

Good riddance open you were never loved you were just.. mediocre
just yesterday played on open without any problems. so much whinners this days. everyone crying about "deEVS KILLED DA GAAAYME", but no one actually can explain how exactly they did it. old players now just cant rekt everyone like in old times, cause mechanics changed and they are too lazy to learn new mechanics. then, they get couple of kills by noob, become salty, and start crying in chat. imagine that, honored veteran crying in chat about DEVS!!!! shame
The devs were told by me how to fix open, and how to bring more communities in, instead they bash the rp community and then the dueling community


KotOR Mapper & Cultist
Movie Battles II Team
Open died because the developers spent more time on updating dueling than open which was literally the main attraction of MB2 now dead.
Nah, it died because the developers catered to a small group of whiny competitive players, nerfed everything into uselessness, and dismissed constructive feedback by labeling it as toxic whenever it didn’t align with their vision.
If anything is more likely to harm this game in the long run, it’s not the community, it’s the egos of the developers behind gameplay changes.
Always remember, this game ONLY survives because of its community. :)
Nah, it died because the developers catered to a small group of whiny competitive players, nerfed everything into uselessness, and dismissed constructive feedback by labeling it as toxic whenever it didn’t align with their vision.
If anything is more likely to harm this game in the long run, it’s not the community, it’s the egos of the developers behind gameplay changes.
Always remember, this game ONLY survives because of its community. :)
At this point team killing is going to be removed just to cater to the sweats.
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