Yavin-4 Academy

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Internal Beta Team

Unique rank system, trials and events. Read more on the website (Link above.)


Concept of the clan is cool and something I think is long overdue for MBII, but your rank abbreviations aren't the best. I would suggest either write them in full or shorten them further. KNGT, ADPT, INST, MSTR, I mean come on bro. Best of luck with the endeavour though. Site looks noice. Just do something about ADPT INST etc.

It's nice to see you're making events and trials and other RP stuff. I appreciate that kind of thing and wish more clans would do that. This will probably help distinguish Y4 from other clans.

From what I can tell, this looks like the kind of clan that alot of newer players could benefit alot from joining. I know I'd love to have smth like this around were I starting over from scratch again. So all the more props to you and good luck with the clan!
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Concept of the clan is cool and something I think is long overdue for MBII, but your rank abbreviations aren't the best. I would suggest either write them in full or shorten them further. KNGT, ADPT, INST, MSTR, I mean come on bro. Best of luck with the endeavour though. Site looks noice. Just do something about ADPT INST etc.

It's nice to see you're making events and trials and other RP stuff. I appreciate that kind of thing and wish more clans would do that. This will probably help distinguish Y4 from other clans.

From what I can tell, this looks like the kind of clan that alot of newer players could benefit alot from joining. I know I'd love to have smth like this around were I starting over from scratch again. So all the more props to you and good luck with the clan!
cheers - few people have said clashing things about our tags. Some love them some hate them, I suppose it's something we will discuss in the future

Fletcher Time

Master of Puppets
Community Liason
This is really cool! I love the design of your landing page, and the concept is awesome! Keep it up!

Deleted member 2572

If this wasnt to House's attitude this would be perfect. But acting like an asshole to everyone on the server and showing his power over other duelists really ruins the picture.
If this wasnt to House's attitude this would be perfect. But acting like an asshole to everyone on the server and showing his power over other duelists really ruins the picture.
fuck off you absolute clegnut

its banter and you're too pussy to take it
Wow what a cunt. Thought about applying but no thanks
we aren't cunts to people who aren't cunts to begin with - we just aren't going to let immature/oversensitive people into the clan and that was my point above, although worded more crudely
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Recently, i've been hearing some stuff about Y4 and one of their leader's, Noel. And he hasn't been saying very nice things about me...



So it's been a while since Y4 started and I think it's been growing very well and is currently a very good clan.

The way this clan is structured is very nice. It's amazing you've managed to come up with all of this stuff by yourselves.

But for some reason, this all looks so familiar to me. I wonder why...

Concept of the clan is cool and something I think is long overdue for MBII
It definitely is long overdue. No other clan has this concept at all, and I think Y4 should be praised and listed in MBII's hall of fame for being such an amazing thing!

It's nice to see you're making events and trials and other RP stuff. I appreciate that kind of thing and wish more clans would do that. This will probably help distinguish Y4 from other clans.
I dont see what more Y4 could do to distinguish itself. It really is an amazing experience that could never have been copied from another clan. The fact that most of the members were applying to J| or were part of J| at one point is also very interesting and very much a lovely part of the clan. Not to mention the * custom made map* that totally wasnt stolen from Jedi Outcast.

Indeed, Y4 is very much unique and the only of it's kind in MBII. Too bad J| was too late to the scene.


I also wouldn't say that your clan is very friendly at all. Based off what I've seen on your forums, how you take criticism, and how you treat players in game, I wouldn't recommend this clan to new players. You're constantly rude to people who you don't like, which isn't normally a bad thing, but in this case, you're an owner of the clan. You're supposed to act professionally if you want ro keep a good clan reputation.


This really doesn't justify anything. You're still being rude to him, even though he hasn't been rude to you at all. In fact, im sure this goes against your own point, right?


If we actually take a look at his introduction on your forums, you can see that he was trying to be nice to you guys:



Im sure you wouldn't act like this in real life to someone, and I'm 100 percent sure you wouldn't say "It's banter and you're too pussy to take it" to them after you've randomly been rude to them. Any normal clan leader would remain professional, and act mature despite disliking someone (that's if you actually care about your rep). I mean, we've all got angry with people and said shit to them in the past, but it's not like this is the odd occasion for you.

Here's a video from Killercann, where he talks about his experience with a member from your clan:

Here's how you responded to him:






It looks like you take criticism very well. Not only did you personally insult Killercann over him saying something about your clan, you also decided to show off your "dueling skills" by asking one of his friends to duel you. Super cool, you must feel like a proper big man after beating him.

Very mature response, anyway. lul :p Im sure people would love to join your clan after seeing how you talk to 99 percent of people who aren't of use to you.

On the topic of treating people with little to no respect, shall we talk about how you're scamming your members?

Take a look at these screenshots and tell me what you think:


Interestingly enough Y4 uses the same forums and server host as J|. I'm bringing this up because J|'s server *which has the same host* only costs 10€ instead of the 15€ you've lovingly put up on your forums, and our forums only cost 1€ a month. Where does the excess money go to, noel?

*Server host*


*Web host*


I mean, this isn't scummy right? I'm sure you're putting the money to good use so your members can have a great time in your amazing community. It's not like you're lying to them anyway, and I honestly doubt you would ever go that low to even think about doing it. I mean, it's not like you've done anything like this in the past, right?

Also, it's not like noel asked me to raise the donations for J| just to get more money, right? "The members will never know!!!"

Hopefully @Archiiv isnt upset when he finds out the money he gave you so you can host the forums and server also went so you could buy yourself some good craic.

But I mean, it can't get worse than this, right? It's not like noel's decided to shut down other people's forums just because they've disagreed with his points before? Nah, surely not.

In conclusion, I believe Y4 is the safest, most comfortable space for new players. They offer a variety of unique things such as events that have never been seen before, trials which have also never been seen before, and top-quality craic. Noel looks like a great leader, one who cares about the well-being of his members and his clan. I honestly, don't think you could find a better experience in gaming.

If you're looking to join, make sure you can take that great banter! But don't be too nice, otherwise, they might use that kindness against you. Y4 is no ghetto, poor looking neighbourhood like my house. It's a clan full of the guys who aren't "too pussy to take it". Remember guys, don't get scammed!

Friendly clan with a leader who has great morals : - D
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Recently, i've been hearing some stuff about Y4 and one of their leader's, Noel. And he hasn't been saying very nice things about me...



So it's been a while since Y4 started and I think it's been growing very well and is currently a very good clan.

The way this clan is structured is very nice. It's amazing you've managed to come up with all of this stuff by yourselves.

But for some reason, this all looks so familiar to me. I wonder why...

It definitely is long overdue. No other clan has this concept at all, and I think Y4 should be praised and listed in MBII's hall of fame for being such an amazing thing!

I dont see what more Y4 could do to distinguish itself. It really is an amazing experience that could never have been copied from another clan. The fact that most of the members were applying to J| or were part of J| at one point is also very interesting and very much a lovely part of the clan. Not to mention the * custom made map* that totally wasnt stolen from Jedi Outcast.

Indeed, Y4 is very much unique and the only of it's kind in MBII. Too bad J| was too late to the scene.


I also wouldn't say that your clan is very friendly at all. Based off what I've seen on your forums, how you take criticism, and how you treat players in game, I wouldn't recommend this clan to new players. You're constantly rude to people who you don't like, which isn't normally a bad thing, but in this case, you're an owner of the clan. You're supposed to act professionally if you want ro keep a good clan reputation.


This really doesn't justify anything. You're still being rude to him, even though he hasn't been rude to you at all. In fact, im sure this goes against your own point, right?


If we actually take a look at his introduction on your forums, you can see that he was trying to be nice to you guys:



Im sure you wouldn't act like this in real life to someone, and I'm 100 percent sure you wouldn't say "It's banter and you're too pussy to take it" to them after you've randomly been rude to them. Any normal clan leader would remain professional, and act mature despite disliking someone (that's if you actually care about your rep). I mean, we've all got angry with people and said shit to them in the past, but it's not like this is the odd occasion for you.

Here's a video from Killercann, where he talks about his experience with a member from your clan:

Here's how you responded to him:






It looks like you take criticism very well. Not only did you personally insult Killercann over him saying something about your clan, you also decided to show off your "dueling skills" by asking one of his friends to duel you. Super cool, you must feel like a proper big man after beating him.

Very mature response, anyway. lul :p Im sure people would love to join your clan after seeing how you talk to 99 percent of people who aren't of use to you.

On the topic of treating people with little to no respect, shall we talk about how you're scamming your members?

Take a look at these screenshots and tell me what you think:


Interestingly enough Y4 uses the same forums and server host as J|. I'm bringing this up because J|'s server *which has the same host* only costs 10€ instead of the 15€ you've lovingly put up on your forums, and our forums only cost 1€ a month. Where does the excess money go to, noel?

*Server host*


*Web host*


I mean, this isn't scummy right? I'm sure you're putting the money to good use so your members can have a great time in your amazing community. It's not like you're lying to them anyway, and I honestly doubt you would ever go that low to even think about doing it. I mean, it's not like you've done anything like this in the past, right?

Also, it's not like noel asked me to raise the donations for J| just to get more money, right? "The members will never know!!!"

Hopefully @Archiiv isnt upset when he finds out the money he gave you so you can host the forums and server also went so you could buy yourself some good craic.

But I mean, it can't get worse than this, right? It's not like noel's decided to shut down other people's forums just because they've disagreed with his points before? Nah, surely not.

In conclusion, I believe Y4 is the safest, most comfortable space for new players. They offer a variety of unique things such as events that have never been seen before, trials which have also never been seen before, and top-quality craic. Noel looks like a great leader, one who cares about the well-being of his members and his clan. I honestly, don't think you could find a better experience in gaming.

If you're looking to join, make sure you can take that great banter! But don't be too nice, otherwise, they might use that kindness against you. Y4 is no ghetto, poor looking neighbourhood like my house. It's a clan full of the guys who aren't "too pussy to take it". Remember guys, don't get scammed!

Friendly clan with a leader who has great morals : - D
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