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[SOLVED] When Joining a server, the game crashes... sort of...

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WARNING: You are missing some files referenced by the server:
MBII/MBII_Mac.pk3 (local file exists with wrong checksum)
MBII/MBAssets3.pk3 (local file exists with wrong checksum)
MBII/02_MovieGameMappack.pk3 (local file exists with wrong checksum)
You might not be able to join the game
Go to the setting menu to turn on autodownload, or get the file elsewhere

glGetError() = 0x500
Loading dll file ui.
Loading dll file cgame.
WARNING: shader 'textures/starforge/SF_Fog' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
WARNING: shader 'textures/starforge/SF_Fog' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
WARNING: shader 'textures/starforge/SF_Fog' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
WARNING: shader 'textures/starforge/SF_Fog' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
WARNING: shader 'textures/starforge/SF_Fog' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
WARNING: shader 'textures/starforge/SF_Fog' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
WARNING: shader 'textures/starforge/SF_Fog' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
WARNING: shader 'textures/starforge/SF_Fog' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
WARNING: shader 'textures/starforge/SF_Fog' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
WARNING: shader 'textures/starforge/SF_Fog' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
RE_RegisterModel: NULL name
Z_Malloc(): Failed to alloc 4194304 bytes (TAG_TEMP_WORKSPACE) !!!!!
Zone Tag Bytes
-------- -----
BOTLIB 7196 ( 0.00MB) in 2 blocks ( 3598 average)
GENERAL 2152 ( 0.00MB) in 269 blocks ( 8 average)
HUNK_MARK1 13901936 (13.25MB) in 10344 blocks ( 1343 average)
EVENT 65511 ( 0.06MB) in 60 blocks ( 1091 average)
FILESYS 3743365 ( 3.56MB) in 260 blocks ( 14397 average)
SMALL 31409 ( 0.02MB) in 2367 blocks ( 13 average)
MODEL_MD3 2749450 ( 2.62MB) in 142 blocks ( 19362 average)
MODEL_GLM 4724635 ( 4.50MB) in 51 blocks ( 92639 average)
MODEL_GLA 11904656 (11.35MB) in 7 blocks ( 1700665 average)
SHADERTEXT 4062954 ( 3.87MB) in 1 blocks ( 4062954 average)
SND_RAWDATA 2048 ( 0.00MB) in 1 blocks ( 2048 average)
TEMP_WORKSPACE 250772 ( 0.23MB) in 9 blocks ( 27863 average)
IMAGE_T 105160 ( 0.10MB) in 1195 blocks ( 88 average)

The zone is using 41551244 bytes (39.63MB) in 14708 memory blocks
The zone peaked at 64989712 bytes (61.98MB)
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
(Repeat): Z_Malloc(): Failed to alloc 4194304 bytes (TAG_TEMP_WORKSPACE) !!!!!

Above is The Error Text that comes up in the console when the game stops after I attempt to join any server... I Tried to turn on autodownload to fix it... But no servers are allowing auto download... Is there some kind of map pack I was supposed to get originally or something?


Movie Battles II Team Retired
You are welcome :)
I'm sorry to sound harsh but people just keep thinking that their problem is unique, their case is special and don't use search.
Have fun playing the mod :)
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