Welcome new players!

There seems to be a lot of new buzz for the mod now that The Force Awakens is out. We've been noticing that the game is proving to be quite a handful to soak up. We hope to provide better support for new players in-game in the future, but for now please try your best to refer to the in-game library as well as existing guides here on the forums!

Use these links to get started!
My First Day in MBII | Movie Battles II Community
[Guide] The Dueling Compendium | Movie Battles II Community

If any issues arise, this is a good place to start solving them.
Support | Movie Battles II Community

It's terrific to see the player count climbing higher and higher daily. It looks like we're at a risk of running out of servers at the moment. This is probably the best time for anyone interested in starting up a server to do so as you'll be guaranteed quite a lot of patronage ;)

I urge all the vets to be gentle with the newer folk. Please try to be helpful. If you see someone playing very fresh, might be a good idea to give him a few pointers for the future after you've wrecked his face once.
The Eternal Empire is pleased with this post. You are allowed to continue to invest in this line of work. That is all.

Shalak Que

US Official Server Admin
Hopefully we'll still be playing the mod 12 years from now, haha. Moviebattles hasn't ever had much mainstream success, and it's even more difficult to attain now since the engine is so old. Fortunately, the gameplay hasn't aged one bit, and the wave of new players is very refreshing. It has to be really hard for the newbies though, since most players have practised for years.
hopefully in 12 years we will have a full fledged game instead of a mod it would be great to see what the mb2 team could create with a complete sandbox and not being limited by jka base


hopefully in 12 years we will have a full fledged game instead of a mod it would be great to see what the mb2 team could create with a complete sandbox and not being limited by jka base

Is that even possible without some shitstorm from Disney?
Well, if you don't make money from it, they're less likely to go crazy, but with the MBII style and more modern tech, it would get too big for Disney to feel entirely comfortable with :/
There are fucking wolves staring at us, if that fire goes out. We are fucked.
Just keep throwing wood onto that fire and the wolves wont get us.

Just stay as some mod team, and send a few people out to go form a indy group.
And just clone all the mechanics and gameplay from mb2, and give it some generic anime bullshit name.

You gotta build that log cabin slowly, until then just keep the fire lit.
There are fucking wolves staring at us, if that fire goes out. We are fucked.
Just keep throwing wood onto that fire and the wolves wont get us.

Just stay as some mod team, and send a few people out to go form a indy group.
And just clone all the mechanics and gameplay from mb2, and give it some generic anime bullshit name.

You gotta build that log cabin slowly, until then just keep the fire lit.

Weeeeeell I would still veer away from the whole indie dev game thing until Disney fires their lawyers, they're kinda gung ho over there, fire doesn't always scare them is all I'm saying.

Otherwise my advice would be to try and make it more of an extended universe fan game (which is, yes, limiting from the canon) but that way there should be no problem cause it's extended universe and holds no place in Disney's universe with Mickey Mouse and his still not public domain ass
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Internal Beta Team
C'mon it's nothing like back in the days when you had to wait ages just to get on Spirits Within, which was the only decent server. :D
b17 hype. 2007... fat bh disruptor guy.. gud tiems. t3 and those blobs, hehe :)'

But yes, welcome to all new players! This is the best star wars game in za warudo. Factual statement.
There are fucking wolves staring at us, if that fire goes out. We are fucked.
Just keep throwing wood onto that fire and the wolves wont get us.

Just stay as some mod team, and send a few people out to go form a indy group.
And just clone all the mechanics and gameplay from mb2, and give it some generic anime bullshit name.

You gotta build that log cabin slowly, until then just keep the fire lit.

I agree with Big Boss.
Weeeeeell I would still veer away from the whole indie dev game thing until Disney fires their lawyers, they're kinda gung ho over there, fire doesn't always scare them is all I'm saying.

Otherwise my advice would be to try and make it more of an extended universe fan game (which is, yes, limiting from the canon) but that way there should be no problem cause it's extended universe and holds no place in Disney's universe with Mickey Mouse and his still not public domain ass

The fire is a metaphor for US copyright laws.
I don't know the specifics, give me a day and ill copy and paste a paragraph.

Edit: Found it.
Fair use - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We are a international community, unless Disney is willing to fight off the polish hordes.
We should be fine long as money never EVER gets involved.
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There seems to be a lot of new buzz for the mod now that The Force Awakens is out. We've been noticing that the game is proving to be quite a handful to soak up. We hope to provide better support for new players in-game in the future, but for now please try your best to refer to the in-game library as well as existing guides here on the forums!

Use these links to get started!
My First Day in MBII | Movie Battles II Community
[Guide] The Dueling Compendium | Movie Battles II Community

If any issues arise, this is a good place to start solving them.
Support | Movie Battles II Community

It's terrific to see the player count climbing higher and higher daily. It looks like we're at a risk of running out of servers at the moment. This is probably the best time for anyone interested in starting up a server to do so as you'll be guaranteed quite a lot of patronage ;)

I urge all the vets to be gentle with the newer folk. Please try to be helpful. If you see someone playing very fresh, might be a good idea to give him a few pointers for the future after you've wrecked his face once.
Hey i cant play the game since the new update :(:( when i try to update it , it gets stuck!!! what should i do??
Download new launcher manually: http://update.moviebattles.org/launcher/MBIILauncher.exe
If that won't help, explain better what problems do you have.
I have been playing the game since the new star wars movie came out. When the 2.0.0 version message popped up: There is a new version available in order to play you have to update the launcher, so i accept. Then this happens : an error from Microsoft .NET Framework telling me that my pc has denied the acces path to C:\Programfiles(x86)/SWJKJA\GameData\MBIILauncher.exe, i can still continue but then another message says: (autoupdate) please wait. new version of launcher is being installed... But it wont install nothing, it gets stuck :(