Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Wacky Legends


Internal Beta Team
Hi yall!

Some of you might remember a server and/or gamemode of the sorts called "Wacky Legends" that used to be hosted on the old EU-Legends server by Shottyz.
About a year and a half ago, Shottyz decided to screw around with some classes in Legends for april fools. This by making some way stronger than they normally are or adding some troll mechanics. It went on for some time on Spin Sundays but eventually was cancelled.
Later in May of this year i decided to revive and take over the modding for Wacky and keep it alive with regular updates as i enjoyed it thoroughly, originally on sundays, and later on a separate server to allow players the choice between either of the 2 modes.
For those that don't know what Wacky is, i turned it into a sort of mixture between Legends and Power Battles. I used the Legends mode as a basis from which i built new classes and reworked existing ones into becoming overpowered, most of these for nothing more than the memes.
Though once the EU-Legends server sadly died out, i decided it was in a better interest to change the mode from a tweaked legends base, to a new independent FA. Mostly for convenience and safety since you had to switch files between Wacky and base Legends.
I've made my final update to the mode fixing some bugs that appeared with the new Mandalorian update as well as adding some of those elements into the mode.

Some main people i wanna credit for (in)directly helping in creating this are:
- Frenzy (Creating Legends and PowerBattles for inspiration)
- Leos (Managing Legends)
- Shottyz (Allowing me to pursue this little fun project on his old servers)
- The current Legacy Legends admin team (For assisting where necessary)
- The Legends Community (Suggesting some great ideas for additions/changes)
- All independent creators from whom i used models for external weapons and characters (Credited in detail within the PK3)

If you feel like hosting or playing this, by all means, please do :)
It's a funny and very fast paced mode with a ton of surprises hidden within.
It should currently be hosted on Legacy Legends.

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