[VIDEO] MBII Duels #23


Internal Beta Team
Here it is. You'll notice a weird texture box bug. Also the visual PB green flash bug I was talking about in the previous thread, but it only happens once or twice so no biggie.

Other than that these are some good duels I think.

I hope you enjoy them ^^

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Internal Beta Team
EDIT: @Sylar thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)


"We wouldn't be in the video as you are 7 times out of 10 on the losing side. I've noticed in your duel videos you only ever upload your winning duels."


Still butthurt, pulling things out of your ass. The real reason why you're not in my videos is because you always escape from me after 1 round. If you stayed around longer you wouldn't say you win 7 out of 10 duels. I'd say it would be about 50/50, but recently I've become stronger and you seem to be weaker and relying on staff stagger and red ACM monkey style more than PB and basic mechanics, so perhaps the odds would be slightly skewed in my favour.

Once again however, we think about the game from two different angles

I just play occasionally to have fun and the videos I upload are not to show off my skill and to perpetuate my ego and say 'look, I pwn'. I started uploading my videos so that people would have good examples of duels to watch and learn from and it helped tremendously. It changed the meta and people started adopting some of my tricks. The other reason is that MBII's lifespan is finite and I thought it would be nice to have memories stored as videos.

You, on the other hand, seem to play because it invigorates your ego and you enjoy feeling superior to others. I would lie If I said I didn't find winning enjoyable, but I get bored easily unless I have a challenging opponent. In contrast, I've seen you beating on noobs until you've got 50 frags and like 3 deaths, then I enter and duel you for 1 round and you always leave with no explanation and no goodbye. I can only assume you ragequit because I beat you.

On the other hand, whenever I play dymbesh or sisi I win some and lose some because they are worthy opponents. I don't rq like you and run away from challenges because I am afraid of losing and that it will hurt my ego. I've long since grown out of this childish way of thinking and as an old friend of mine I keep hoping that you would do the same. Yet time and time again I see you egoing around on the forums waving your massive e-peen in peoples faces and I feel :(

So you see, we look at the game differently you and I. Believe me, my videos would be very different if I wanted to show dominating ego duels.

Remember: My focus is on showing people good example duels, and to archive MBII memories. It is not my intention to use it as an ego-boosting mechanism as you seem to assume.


As a returning player I saw this video as a tutorial, but it would be nice if you uploaded some videos where you lose, that way we can see what strategy your opponent employed too ;)

On a side note: Is speedlunge a thing in duel? If so sith's would be in disadvantage, no?

Thanks for the video and for the saber guide, it was sure a big help to a lot of ppl ;)


Internal Beta Team
I'm really glad that the things I'm doing are helping people. That's my intention after all :)

Speedlunge is no longer a thing in duels since stagger from some special attacks have been removed.

I have been thinking about doing some basic tutorials to go with my guide, but I'm not sure how to proceed so I've been holding off on that.

Tbh I don't play that much right now, and what you see in this video is from a single session and I included pretty much all of the duels I had. So no chance to show any more deaths/losses than what's in the video already ^^ Perhaps in the future I'll get an opportunity and remember your request ;)

You can take a look at the sisi vs sekundus duels if you like. They are also quite good for learning.


Internal Beta Team
Well, I use jamme so that might improve the graphics a bit.

Then these commands:
cg_fov 97
cg_thirdpersoncameradamp 1
cg_thirdpersontargetdamp 1


I have been thinking about doing some basic tutorials to go with my guide, but I'm not sure how to proceed so I've been holding off on that.

It would be very much appreciated, needing any help I'm here to lend a hand ;)


Internal Beta Team
SeV my darling, at least be honest! You haven't been able to beat me for ages. Maybe 1 out of 3 duels. At least get your facts straight! 50/50 my ass haha. I'm not being butthurt, I just don't like people spreading a load of crap.

if you have been reduced to using aliases, losing duels, and then saying such bullcrap (knowing full well what the truth is) then lol.

You're a very good duelist, I enjoy your videos too. But please don't spew rubbish, let's be adults about the truth.


Internal Beta Team
It is you who has an inflated opinion of himself and is spewing rubbish. What I am saying is the truth as I see it. You think I'm deluded, I think you're deluded. Normally things would end there. We have a disagreement of opinion. Right, no problem. Let's be done with it. But oh no, you keep coming back and waving your wang in my face.

Let me tell you plainly. I do not care about your wang, never have, never will. What goes around comes around. If you want me to lay off you, you must lay off me first. Comprende?

I'm getting tired of this bs in every post I make, so just be quiet unless you want to add something useful.

One final thing. You keep talking about me using aliases, but I've explained this to you numerous times and it is not something new. I've been using aliases for over 5 years now, yet somehow it is only recently you've started becoming butthurt over this.

So let me tell you plainly why I use alias sometimes. (I rarely play MBII anymore, only on occasion). When I play MBII, I often get annoying lag comparable to or even worse than playing on a 200 ping American server. I use aliases because I don't want to use my real name when I'm lagging around and dying to invisible pass-throughs and other strange crap resulting from packet loss. I also asked you whether you would be willing to play with 200 ping and 40 fps as agentoo8 over an extended period of time but you didn't answer me.

So in clear terms: I have shitty internet. When I lag like fuck, I use an alias like Lag_Master to indicate I'm lagging. When I am not lagging, I call myself SeV.

So agent, why are you so obsessed with this? Is it because every time you lose to padawan[1] you think it's me playing under alias and get mad as fuck and /rq?


Internal Beta Team
The day I lose to someone with as bland a gameplay as yours, I'll apologise. You're top 5, but not the top. You posting videos of you beating randoms doesn't equate to jack, in my books.


Internal Beta Team
Good good. Continue digging your own grave. (And promoting my video by constantly bumping this thread.)
lul sev, just thinking the same thing.
Agent, SeV's Video's are in no way showing off anything, his intention really only lies to help newcomers.
When i think back, i was watching his videos too it helped me alot but also the fact i could see player names made me hyped
Because i saw how he killed Sekundus, Nero and so on, and i was like woha wtf let's try that! I stole many of his tactics i could see and still use them today, and watch his video's!
And yes, he killed me also in his videos, and exactly in one of the videos you were in!
And i used it, i found it pretty funny how he fought me but i also learned that i could see way better my own mistakes when i see it from my opponents point of view! Well i guess this still ain't from interesst of you, since you only play to win, your ego is to big to see that you're doing mistakes that you need to improve to.
Well with this post i actually only want to thank you pretty much to upload all these duelling videos, SeV! ^-^ It doesn't just help newcomers and entertain people, but also it keeps the game allife and has Memories on Record. I still have a little tear in my eye when i see the Fly on the wall video of yours! :3
Simple solution. Agent can start uploading his own duel vids:)

Video Warz!

I sense this rivalry is sexual in nature. Tell us again, what happens to the corpse after you've plowed you're saber into them? Just how far is this going?


Internal Beta Team
i've uploaded a few already, but as of now there is literally noone playing that can make for decent footage.


Internal Beta Team
Thanks dymb, it means alot to me ^_^

@Sylar the sisi vs sekundus videos are on my channel somewhere. There's quite alot of them so grab a drink and settle in ;p
>"you only ever upload your winning duels."
>sev gets litteraly backwhacked 30 seconds in.

nice video tho. I like your style and how modest you are about it, keep em going.