V1.4.4 Update Released!


V1.4.4 Update

The sabering changes included in this release are a prelude to the extensive adjusting and tuning that has been done overall. Not all of these changes were completely polished and ready to be put out into the wild so some minimal adjustments that lean the gameplay toward where the rest is heading have been included. These, along with the entirety of the planned and currently being tested features will be available for play within scheduled open beta sessions. More details on when and how to get in on these will be included when they're ironed out.

CHANGELOG (11-12-16)

  • Soldier
    • Change: Close Combat 1 now gives all melee move options, Close Combat 2 (which thus now only gives higher speed at all times and quicker getups) is no longer available in Open Mode.
Developer Comments said:
At this point we felt that fully mobile Soldiers are generally too strong and also removed most of the incentive to use ETs/Commanders.
  • SBD
    • Fix: Advanced Targeting crosshair should finally work correctly in all situations.
  • ARC
    • Change: Westar M5 Max Ammo increased from 240/360/480 to 360/480/600.
Developer Comments said:
In general ARC is very well rounded and performs its role as a multi-function class, where players are able to be build it to best counter any specific class as required. However the maximum ammo the Westar M5 could carry was causing issues while playing a supporting Sniper role or during high population engagements which required varing degrees of cover fire. This small change puts the weapon in-line with other weapons of its class.
  • Droideka
    • Fix: Quick Deploy animation is now correctly smoothed so it no longer jitters upon switching modes.
    • Fix: Instantaneous shield projection upon deploying with Shield Projector level 2 or 3 now properly applies when the Droideka does not have full shields.
    • Fix: Discharge no longer drains FP.
Developer Comments said:
Droideka fills a very strategic niche compared to the other Gun classes, the recent change to power management has put the ability in-line with the likes of Discharge and Quick Deploy - creating more valid build options for Droideka players. We aren't looking to change much of how Droideka plays and are happy with how its performing in games.
  • Jedi - Sabering
    • Change: Nudge toggle removed.
    • Fix: Visual clashes on saber/saber collision should no longer be causing massive and/or random FPS drops.
    • Removed: Visual animations on saber/saber collision.
    • Change: Nudge now only available for Purple, Red, and Yellow styles.
    • Change: BP drain for attacks moved from being based on button inputs (holding vs tapping) to being flat drains based on style:
      • Blue drains 4 BP per swing.
      • Cyan drains 5 BP per swing.
      • Yellow drains 6 BP per swing.
      • Staff drains 4 BP per swing.
      • Duals drain 4 BP per swing.
      • Purple drains 6 BP per swing
      • Red drains 7 BP per swing.
Developer Comments said:
Currently, the amount of BP you spend is based on whether you're activating attack per frame that's run by the server. This is unintuitive to say the least.
    • Change: Adjusted Parry drains
      • Base drains depend on "weight" of style.
      • 1 additional BP drain added per 2 ACM
      • Parrying vs the same style is 1 BP drain
      • Parrying vs a style 1 level heavier is 2 BP drain
      • Parrying vs a style 2 levels heavier is 3 BP drain
      • Perfect Block counters now increase the base drain of a parry by 2
    • Change/Fix: Red stagger now triggers on the third swing if the second swing was a body hit. Duration of body hit stagger is longer than a perfect blocked Red swing.
    • Perfect Parry
      • Allows for no BP damage between saberists clashing (except Duals)
      • Change: Similar to Mblock inputs (incoming top left swing would be PP'd by doing SA)
      • Applies to all styles by default
      • Cyan's perfect parry now has a visual stagger to go with the combo break
Developer Comments said:
There will be an extensive discussion in a separate thread about the upcoming direction for the rest of the sabering changes post-1.4.4.
  • Jedi - Force
    • Fix: Sense 2 shows enemies through walls and not just allies.
    • Change: Sense activation/duration changed to work similar to Speed.
      • Rank 1:
        • 15FP Activation, 5FP Ticks.
      • Rank 2:
        • 10FP Activation, 5FP Ticks.
      • Rank 3:
        • 5FP Activation, 5FP Ticks.
        • Can no longer be activated for free using Meditate.
    • Change: Force Sense level 3 can now dodge ee3/westar M5 snipes.
    • Change: Push 3 arc reduced from 180° to 120°.
Developer Comments said:
The previous changes to force sense worked to constrain users from leaving the ability on all the time, but lower levels like Sense 1 could give a poor feeling of control with the rapid deactivation. Changing to a activation + tick model achieves the same effect while remaining intuitive.

The arc on Push 3 has been reduced in order to punish careless usage. 180° was perceived as too forgiving especially with projectiles.
  • Jedi - General
    • Change: Restored normal single style run animations to Cyan/Purple.
    • Change: Cyan/Purple/Duals/Staff no longer have their respective gunner perks. Point costs are now 8/0/2 or 8/2/2. Duals/Staff are once again granted the perk of having higher blocking arcs than single blade styles.
    • Change: Blocking FP drains now have a 0.5x multiplier instead of 0.4x, non-blocking FP drains still have a 1.2x multiplier.
    • FP regeneration changes:
      • Change: When the player is unable to block or their saber is off, the FP regen is maximal (1.0x).
      • Change: When the player is able to block, the FP regen is 0.75x, and when switching to a state of being unable to block, there is a cooldown of 3 seconds during which the FP regen gradually increases from 0.75x to 1.0x.
      • Change: Whenever the player deflects projectiles, they enter a state signaled by a darker FP bar where their FP regen is reduced to 0.375x only while holding altattack. 1s after the last time deflecting a single projectile, the player leaves this state; this cooldown slightly ramps up to 2s if deflecting several projectiles in quick succession.
    • Change: FP drains are now capped at 50 at all times when not holding altattack and at 35 when holding altattack.
    • Change: Mblock deflect now works by holding attack while blocking instead of tapping it (even with Saber Defense level 0), FP regen is halted during this. Additionally, level 1 drains 6 FP per second, level 2 3 FP per second and level 3 does not drain FP. For all levels, mblock deflects cannot be accurate within flinch range.
    • Updated Wallgrab Logic:
      • Change: Wall Grab requires at least 1FP to initiate.
      • Change: Wall Grab prevents FP Regeneration until the player is on the ground again.
      • Change: Wall Grab drains 1FP per second.
      • Change: Wall Grab auto-releases upon reaching 0FP.
Developer Comments said:
The changes to wallgrab are intended to keep its utility for setting up short term ambushes while mitigating its viability for time wasting. It makes intuitive sense that sticking to a wall like Spider-Man will use some amount of force power.
  • Hero/Commander
    • Change: Dash no longer has stamina points and is a 4s cooldown ability.
    • Change: Dodge now works in any situation for all levels (standing/crouching/walking/running/jumping). Level 1 drains full dodge points (DP) in 1 second, level 2 2 seconds, level 3 3 seconds, and level 3 also significantly reduces the DP drains for dodging at close to very close range. Dodge points are now displayed as a yellow bar on the bottom right HUD.
    • Change: Dodge can now be activated in two different ways. If /dodgetoggle has value 0, dodge is still activated/deactivated via holding/releasing class special 1, if /dodgetoggle has value 1, dodge is toggled on/toggled off via tapping class special 1. /dodgetoggle is 1 by default. Notes: dodge cannot be toggled on while poisoned or while having 0 dodge points (and it will be toggled off automatically in those cases), however it can be toggled on in the other cases where one cannot dodge, namely while scoped, knocked down or dashing with dash level 2 - in these cases, dodge will still be toggled on, and become active and drain DP once the player stops scoping, gets up or finishes their dash move.
Developer Comments said:
The manual dodge change introduced in the previous build was a good starting point, but experience post release led us to believe it was too situational and difficult to use. The ability is now generally stronger and an activation option is available for those who do not have control setups suited to holding another ability key.
  • Blaster Pistol
    • Fix: Pistol level 3 in combination with Ammo level 2 no longer gives less ammo than Pistol level 2 with Ammo level 2.
    • Change: Pistol Max Ammo has been normalized to 120/240/360.
  • Change: Replaced lightsaber hilts Stinger and Luke (episode 6) with higher quality versions made by Rooxon.
  • mb2_tantiveiv_classic
    • New: Added B16 version of Tantive IV.
Full Authentic
  • Change: Classflag CFL_FUEL_REGENERATION is now modified by MB_ATT_FUEL. Regeneration will stop at the maximum fuel for each respective level.
  • Fix: Slight change to allow more useful OpenJK crashlogs.
  • Fix: Possibly fixed one source of clients crashing on map change.
  • Change: Support for "capture stop" command in jaMME.
  • Fix: Tempban now works with long IPs (e.g.
  • Fix: Server no longer crashes when completing objective on certain maps (affected mb2_cmp_fdepot).
  • New: Added custom mpdefault.cfg to assets. Clicking on Setup > Defaults will now set all important MBII binds and proper network settings. Strongly recommended for new players.
  • New: Added Dodge Activation option to Setup > Game Options. Sets state of dodgetoggle.

Changed Files ( Server downloads ) ( Linux OpenJK server lib ) ( ARM OpenJK build )

Changelog Legend

New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name
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{Δ} Achilles

I'll just re-state that I see Soldier as a class that is fundamentally limited in its individual capacity, while also being the class that benefits the most from being stacked on itself (with good coordination). I think that's its fundamental nature, and that it's ridiculous to make Soldier a class that can slaughter a whole team on its own. That function is contradictory to its nature. There are many other classes with that function, and Soldier is not one of them.

That's just my vision of Soldier though.

i'll also draw your attention to my little edit above about frag nades

If the game were balanced properly, then one soldier should be capable of slaughtering a team on his own skill, if he is good enough, and the enemy team isn't. This isn't a MOBA, it isn't balanced enough or well designed enough to be one, so it shouldn't be balanced around the concept of one. The idea that some classes are more effective than others based on how they are spammed, is utterly stupid. All classes should be balanced and capable of standing up to one another, and CONSISTENTLY. Consistency is a huge issue in MB2 as well as horrendous imbalance at low-mid levels of skill. You wouldn't believe how many new players I've seen leave MB2 because of how frustrating it is to do anything. What you end up with, are the trolls and casuals that stick with it. (Open mode, anyway, the rest play FA/Duel)

You will never get your idea, your 'vision' of coordinated team play, because the game isn't friendly to it. You won't attract the hard-core team-players. Every day in open mode on this game is basically stack-cancer on each team, with trolls and casuals everywhere. With everyone spending more time laughing at the mod, than actually taking it seriously. The only thing I see people are able to take seriously, is the sabering system.

edit: I also personally don't mind the knockdown frags. It makes soldiers more legitimately dangerous and "brutal," making them sort of like little glass cannons instead of just fragile fodder, AND it's something that makes groups of soldiers much stronger than lone soldiers, because as you stack soldiers, you get much more capitalization on any one knockdown.

It is a gimmick that makes Soldier blindingly lethal for 1 nano second, and has 0 counter play. It means that you can't avoid it unless you're A) Arc, B) Jedi/Sith, C) Hero/BH, or D) SBD/Wook/Deka. The game is laughably imbalanced to have rock-paper-scissors counterplay, so it basically means a guaranteed kill from the soldier, regardless of his skill level, or the opponent's skill level, just because he chose a specific item. That, again, is more of a MOBA level of design choice, which is utterly stupid. "Just cuz I picked this character, and you had no way of knowing that I was picking this character, means you now have a way harder time, because fuck you, that's why." - Moba counter-pick logic.

Again, I don't mind classes with unique roles/playstyles, but they must all be balanced against each other, skill-based, and equal in their own rites.
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pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
To all that I just somewhat apologetically (because I edited it while you were writing your reply) point to my edit on my last post. Point being: I think we just have differences in vision. I respect yours (and really honestly do value it and have the same kind of stance about certain other games, and about MB2 to a lesser degree) but I think otherwise. By its name and by its nature, Soldier is entirely reasonable to me as a class that is weak individually and strong when "spammed."

And spamming soldiers isn't a mindless affair either. Coordination takes effort.

Also, I think that one has to choose to a degree whether to balance a game around low or high skill level, and I prefer this game balanced for higher skill and coordination, at the cost of accessibility.

Also, you just said that half the classes are capable of avoiding frag nade. That in itself constitutes counterplay to frag nade. Team composition is strategic counterplay, and the fact that those classes are good at dealing with secondary frag makes them very strong against lone soldiers, which fits into the overall design of soldier by my idea of it.

And my idea of it considers "all must be balanced against each other" insane, because you have to choose between balancing for 1v1s or balancing in the larger strategic context.

(also, amusingly, supposing people come along later and Like some of our posts in this conversation, whichever one of us gets more Likes will be #20 on the Most Likes list. I must defeat you!)

{Δ} Achilles

To all that I just somewhat apologetically (because I edited it while you were writing your reply) point to my edit on my last post. Point being: I think we just have differences in vision. I respect yours (and really honestly do value it and have the same kind of stance about certain other games, and about MB2 to a lesser degree) but I think otherwise. By its name and by its nature, Soldier is entirely reasonable to me as a class that is weak individually and strong when "spammed."

And spamming soldiers isn't a mindless affair either. Coordination takes effort.

Also, I think that one has to choose to a degree whether to balance a game around low or high skill level, and I prefer this game balanced for higher skill and coordination, at the cost of accessibility.

Also, you just said that half the classes are capable of avoiding frag nade. That in itself constitutes counterplay to frag nade. Team composition is strategic counterplay, and the fact that those classes are good at dealing with secondary frag makes them very strong against lone soldiers, which fits into the overall design of soldier by my idea of it.

And my idea of it considers "all must be balanced against each other" insane, because you have to choose between balancing for 1v1s or balancing in the larger strategic context.

(also, amusingly, supposing people come along later and Like some of our posts in this conversation, whichever one of us gets more Likes will be #20 on the Most Likes list. I must defeat you!)

It is possible to balance the game for high level, and low level, as well as balance the game around 1v1s, and group play. This isn't something that is impossible, most first person shooters today do that. You can also balance all the classes against each other, especially if you want something as nonsensically stupid as a rock-paper-scissors counter system.

And by 'avoiding it' when referring to secondary frag, I mean avoiding getting insta-gibbed by it. You'll still take the damage. In a game without healing (even in a game with healing, it'd be stupid), anything that gives guaranteed damage is fucking beyond stupid. I don't like how secondary nade, or conc nades function, they're weapons that are the equivalent of a 'cheap kill' on most classes. Whereas, on the other hand, Wookiees are insanely overpowered against Solds, and can tear through them like nothing, which is just as stupid as Soldier being able to kill another soldier without any form of skill being involved, just because he put points into getting a nade.

(belated edit: i do recognize your stance as far as how... you want any class, when played really really well, to be capable of being very strong, and you want any situation, when played really really well, to be winnable. I do respect these ideas abstractly, but ultimately i think i have to disagree with them because i think they disrupt the game's strategic core too much in favor of individual skill.)

But you don't need to hurt the game's strategic core to do that (as if camping down hallways with sniper rifles can be considered strategic). Because individual skill won't save you against a team of people just as good as you are. I don't see why this is such a hard concept to understand. Even in the most skill-based games, teams become required at a certain point, because you can't win against 2-3 people that are your skill level, without help. The problem in MB2, is that skill ceiling where you NEED a team, is so ridiculously low, that you can't even kill 1 shitty player depending upon their class and yours.

"stassin [2:12 PM]
well no, even if you are the better player, soldier should still die to hero"

^ Is the most atrocious concept I've ever witnessed to balance a game around. Where skill, dedication, and practice, takes a backseat to the singular decision to pick a specific class?
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pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
It is possible to balance the game for high level, and low level, as well as balance the game around 1v1s, and group play.

Is it possible without compromise? Most first person shooters today are much dumber games than MB2 is.

I don't mind "rock paper scissors," it's a fact of real life, I think it's fundamentally necessary for strategic depth, and i don't think it drastically overwhelms skill level in most cases in MB2, although there are some exceptions. But some of those exceptions (such as any given class dominating lone Soldiers or Soldiers who aren't coordinating with a good support saberist) again seem inherent to my view of the game.

Even if it is possible to balance the game for so many situations without making it dumber and shallower, there's still an argument to be made that that would be something of a waste of valuable effort, with the limited amount of dev effort we have available.

edit: also, I like that Stassin quote you edited in, and I'm glad that, between the Stassin quote, the Like from Tempest, and other stuff I've seen, my vision seems basically in line with the devs' general vision. Maybe you should find another game? Especially if, as you said, most other shooters hit the kind of balance goals that you value.

{Δ} Achilles

Is it possible without compromise? Most first person shooters today are much dumber games than MB2 is.

I don't mind "rock paper scissors," it's a fact of real life, I think it's fundamentally necessary for strategic depth, and i don't think it drastically overwhelms skill level in most cases in MB2, although there are some exceptions. But some of those exceptions (such as any given class dominating lone Soldiers or Soldiers who aren't coordinating with a good support saberist) again seem inherent to my view of the game.

Even if it is possible to balance the game for so many situations without making it dumber and shallower, there's still an argument to be made that that would be something of a waste of valuable effort, with the limited amount of dev effort we have available.

If anything, my 'vision' (as you call it) of MB2 would allow for far more depth, more options for every single class, and more strategic variation for both teamplay, and individual play. Where a bad player can work towards a support-oriented role, so that he can help his team work to fight and defeat an extremely good player, rather than how brainless it currently is. You cannot look at MB2's current gameplay, and think that ANY of it is strategic. Hell, even sabering isn't very strategic. That is because MB2 shoe-horns you into specific roles/strategies. That is why almost every game of open mode turns into the same spam-slogfest where everyone tries to pick counters, or pick whatever class he thinks is 'cool'. Where you get stuck with 5 casuals on your team that drag you down, against a team of 5 hard-core trolls that all spam counters to whatever class you pick.

I really enjoyed playing Battlefield 'Squad Rush', as well as Search and Destroy in CoD (hardcore only of course), now while I certainly have no interest in making MB2 similar to those games, they should be considered as examples of highly strategic play. Both sides end up with a LOT of options for dealing with the objectives, with very ingenious ways of defending them. Every round would always end up different, even if they all had the same classes/weapons. Specifically, because they would try new strategies.

However, on the contrary, in MB2... you have two hallways on most maps, with one objective, and everyone just crams into these hallways, and uses specific classes that force specific strategies, and it always ends up basically the same way. The only 'intense' matches occur when you have a whole bunch of people sharing a closely occupied space with the strongest classes they can pick.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
The saber system (thanks in part to contributions by you?) seems to be heading in more strategic directions. I've usually played gunner, though, so what do I know.

A bad player can already help significantly to kill a good player. Spray shots or go for knockdowns (frags, blobs, Push, etc). I mean, as you said, the game is very stacked towards teamplay over skill, so I really am not sure what you're saying with your second sentence.

I think the theoretical heights of how strategically MB2 can be played have barely been explored, because people are content to lone wolf.

edit: i guess your vision is partially that every class should be able to play every strategic role, so that even at a team level you could use any mix of classes you wanted? Whereas I see classes as each only covering a few strategic roles. At some point here I'm going to have to commit to just saying "I disagree."

{Δ} Achilles

The saber system (thanks in part to contributions by you?) seems to be heading in more strategic directions. I've usually played gunner, though, so what do I know.

A bad player can already help significantly to kill a good player. Spray shots or go for knockdowns (frags, blobs, Push, etc). I mean, as you said, the game is very stacked towards teamplay over skill, so I really am not sure what you're saying with your second sentence.

I think the theoretical heights of how strategically MB2 can be played have barely been explored, because people are content to lone wolf.

Mathematically, there is only so much a good player can do, because there are so many factors allowing for guaranteed damage, and skill plays such a small factor in gunning, before his health is whittled down to nothing. If a form of passive healing (out of combat) were introduced, for all classes, and then all classes balanced around each other, then skill would instantly make a far greater difference. It wouldn't affect teamplay at all, infact, it would probably enhance team play, as you would provide cover for teammates to heal.

edit: i guess your vision is partially that every class should be able to play every strategic role, so that even at a team level you could use any mix of classes you wanted? Whereas I see classes as each only covering a few strategic roles. At some point here I'm going to have to commit to just saying "I disagree."

No. I want all classes to be equal to each other in regards to combative capabilities. I don't mind specialized support classes that enhance team-fights. Every class should be able to contribute something of equal value to a team fight, I do agree the standard team fight classes should be soldier/commander/et, but the specialized classes should be able to contribute unique strategies.

However, that isn't the case as it currently is.

I would rather the PLAYER make the conscious decision, whether he wants to build his class, regardless of what it is, to be of more strategic or combative advantage.
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pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
I like the whittling. I like the limited resources and the fact that there's not a way to survive indefinitely while fighting (unless you're a very conservative saberist). I like the fact that there's only so much you can do. I like that even when you're really skilled some chaotic bullshit can happen so you die horribly, and I'm someone who has a history of very strongly disliking games with a bunch of RNG.

I also liked Rogue One for the same kinds of reasons, in a weird way. I liked that the heroes got worn down and killed, and sometimes died in random unfair ways. I guess I sort of like the whole line of thought of "trying even when there's not a guarantee of success."

I don't disagree that MB2 could benefit from having deeper maps/objectives, but that is a bunch of work. From what I've read about the base Siege mode, MB2's objectives system is basically unchanged from there. Moreover, the engine is not an engine that seems very good for complex maps, but I also don't know exactly what you mean the complexity and degree of options in the Battlefield game.

I think that as it is, most classes can already be built in very combative or very strategic directions, but by that I just mean "pure firepower vs support options like knockdowns, stuns, and radars."

(And knockdowns are central to MB2, and I don't mind that.)

{Δ} Achilles

I like the whittling. I like the limited resources and the fact that there's not a way to survive indefinitely while fighting (unless you're a very conservative saberist). I like the fact that there's only so much you can do. I like that even when you're really skilled some chaotic bullshit can happen so you die horribly, and I'm someone who has a history of very strongly disliking games with a bunch of RNG.

I don't disagree that MB2 could benefit from having deeper maps/objectives, but that is a bunch of work. From what I've read about the base Siege mode, MB2's objectives system is basically unchanged from there. Moreover, the engine is not an engine that seems very good for complex maps, but I also don't know exactly what you mean the complexity and degree of options in the Battlefield game.

I think that as it is, most classes can already be built in very combative or very strategic directions, but by that I just mean "pure firepower vs support options like knockdowns, stuns, and radars."

(And knockdowns are central to MB2, and I don't mind that.)

Well, unfortunately, you aren't the majority population of the world, and just because you like it, won't stop the new players from leaving, and telling their friends how much of a joke MB2 is. The biggest selling point of MB2, is Sylvar's god damned videos, does that not strike you as a bad thing? You couldn't sell this as a game on its own mechanics, because the only decent mechanic in the entire game is the saber system.

From what I've seen the MB2 developers doing, I don't think adding better objectives is too complicated.

No, the problem is that you're forced into these roles, it isn't your choice, because any other choices are unviable. And some classes have firepower and support, like Clone, or Hero, or Wookiee, or Jedi, or SBD. I don't like how these classes are set up, because there is no decision, no strategy, no skill involved.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
Thankfully, I'm not interested in MB2 achieving widespread popularity. You would HAVE to dumb it down to achieve to the masses, and you would be rewarded with a dumber, more toxic community (which, yes, is possible.) Hell, the current toxicity of the MB2 community may well be because it's "marketing" to the wrong people. There's the Sylvar videos, and then there's the name of the game too. I campaigned for a name change a few months ago, because this name targets the wrong audience. This is a niche game for a certain brand of tactical player, marketed as a fun Star Wars fuckaround.

At higher levels of team coordination, I think more extreme support class configurations become more viable. The main reason why they're usually not viable is because sacrificing firepower is terrible if nobody's going to really try to protect you.

also i gotta gg on this conversation since i think we've said our pieces and i have College Bullshit looming over me

{Δ} Achilles

Thankfully, I'm not interested in MB2 achieving widespread popularity. You would HAVE to dumb it down to achieve to the masses, and you would be rewarded with a dumber, more toxic community (which, yes, is possible.) Hell, the current toxicity of the MB2 community may well be because it's "marketing" to the wrong people. There's the Sylvar videos, and then there's the name of the game too. I campaigned for a name change a few months ago, because this name targets the wrong audience. This is a niche game for a certain brand of tactical player, marketed as a fun Star Wars fuckaround.

At higher levels of team coordination, I think more extreme support class configurations become more viable. The main reason why they're usually not viable is because sacrificing firepower is terrible if nobody's going to really try to protect you.

also i gotta gg on this conversation since i think we've said our pieces and i have College Bullshit looming over me


This feels like everyone's argument whenever I suggest changing something in MB2.

I mean, you could extinguish the fires a bit... but I suppose that would be 'dumbing it down'.

Also no, MB2's community is one of the worst I've *ever* seen, it is actually worse than the online community for MK9 was before they removed KotH mic communication.

Have fun with your college things.
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This feels like everyone's argument whenever I suggest changing something in MB2.

I mean, you could extinguish the fires a bit... but I suppose that would be 'dumbing it down'.

Also no, MB2's community is one of the worst I've *ever* seen, it is actually worse than the online community for MK9 was before they removed KotH mic communication.

Have fun with your college things.
I've seen so many of your suggestions now, and I haven't disagreed with one of them. You should be on the dev team, seriously. Your suggestions are very grounded and non biased.
Anyway, you hit the nail on the head with the mod being viewed as a complete joke (aside from the sabering system, well.. lol... its not in a very healthy place atm).
I try to stay away from Open as much as possible. It's an utter joke. It's littered with annoying fucking trolls (yeah im talking about you Bob Billy you little shit, I'll find you), complete chaos caused at random and its unbalanced to say the least.
It's a real fucking shame, I do love this mod but sometimes I want to know what kind of weed the devs are smoking because it really shouldn't make you cook up such a clusterfuck.
I'm praying the next update to sabering is good, so I can focus on that, rather than get bored of its current broken build and be forced to go play Orgy *COUGH* Open mode.
I'm not an amazing player, nor do I analyse the game on a serious level, so don't take my comments about the game at face value guys. Mans just a player out here ya get me
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