New year, new contest 🎉◄►

Training Document(in developement maybe?!)

Is this something you want? or will I waste my time making an EPICLY AMAZING GAME CHANGING DOCUMENT

  • Yes Please! We'd greatly appreciate a document that'll make noobies and experienced players improve!


  • W-What.. is going on here? I mean, you do you boo-boo

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Hey everyone.

You probably know me as Exorcist!
Yeah, that guy e-e

Well hey! I've been trying to muster time to work on a project for about 3 or so months into the development of a training document for the usage of my peers, and I had a thought: Why not make a training format for everyone?
Hmph, this seems a little more interesting now, doesn't it? ^_^

Well anyways, straight to the point.
Throughout the time I've spent inhabiting the lands of MB2, I find that there are old guides that aren't useful on how saber combat and gunning combat reside due to the recent changes the community has endured. This is not necessarily a crutch, but information that is accurate always helps.
This project would include:

-A Source sheet for all class specs, damage ratings and functions(Library on duh web, something i've been looking for forever btw, so I guess I'll have to make one! MWAHAHAHAH)
-Class Configuration Guidelines and further settings in controls etc. for customization(Noobies will luv dis one)
-Individualized training scenarios for your piers, group scenarios for challenges and teamWERK("What's Teamwork Exor?" Well, Teamwork is where you work together with someone to achieve a goal or accomplish a task that would be easier if you had more than one person. Heard of that before? Well now you have!)
-A Level type system that allows easier advancement in technical mechanics of MB2 Sabering and Gunning("Master Exor, but i'm level 100 and you're like level 15... What is this blasphemy?" SHADAP HEATHEN. THIS IS MY THREAD!)
-Healthy tips for all playstyles and Scenarios (if only google docs let me have a thing like the loading screen in MB2 where random tips pop up. EEEEEEEEE)

I have an example of this document here:

MB2 Training Document

Feedback is appreciated. Just don't yell at me. I hate getting caps locked at. :C

Oh also! Poll will end in about 7 Days. So YEAH! VOTE!
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How would a level system benefit anyone in getting better at MB2? It's impossible to mark peoples progress in-game without just using hours in-game or months played.
-A Level type system that allows easier advancement in technical mechanics of MB2 Sabering and Gunning("Master Exor, but i'm level 100 and you're like level 15... What is this blasphemy?" SHADAP HEATHEN. THIS IS MY THREAD!)
-Healthy tips for all playstyles and Scenarios (if only google docs let me have a thing like the loading screen in MB2 where random tips pop up. EEEEEEEEE)

If that ever happens, i will quit the game.
Still dont understand what the poll is for
It will tell me if its worth putting time to or not. I'm going to make a fully detailed document that helps people better understand MBII in its entirety. This will take awhile to complete due to so much information to explain and simplify it for everyone to understand.

I am fairly certain that your poll is a cancer hazard.
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Deleted member 5707

why does training have to be split up like this and so like complicated? why not learn everything all at once? last time i checked the best way to learn is to ask questions and learn from your mistakes. this "training document" seems kinda good, but really it isn't the most optimal way to learn in my opinion.
This isn't really necessary since there are already 2 guides, both of which are up to date
i'll say this again:

This is something that is an idea. I want to be able to get input from the community, so if you think that there's something that i'm missing, i'm willing to allow people to contribute to this so it can be beneficial for the community.
i'll say this again:

This is something that is an idea. I want to be able to get input from the community, so if you think that there's something that i'm missing, i'm willing to allow people to contribute to this so it can be beneficial for the community.
Your idea is a great one and I commend you for it but your presentation just sucks ass. With the way you talk in your post, no one takes you seriously, even more so when you talk about wanting to write an informative piece of writing. You don't even have much to show as for your writing since you've only written out a contents page that doesn't demonstrate anything that you're capable of.
Your idea is a great one and I commend you for it but your presentation just sucks ass. With the way you talk in your post, no one takes you seriously, even more so when you talk about wanting to write an informative piece of writing. You don't even have much to show as for your writing since you've only written out a contents page that doesn't demonstrate anything that you're capable of.

fair enough. I just wanted to sound fun, but ended up sounding childish. you got it boss.
I'll be creating another post with actual documentation and a list of things that I would like to accomplish.
Thanks for your input Tylenol.