the new voice lines are


Earlier today a sith was hogging my cover so I told him to "Get Outtaf MY WAY" and... he did.
And then, a jedi was hiding behind a corner but my sith buddy didnt see him so I clicked my "WATCH OUT" key and he.. didn't, but it was very immersive!!
AND THEN, later, I spammed "Get Outtaf MY WAY" until my teamates got mad and knocked me down in the middle of DOTF main :(

It just.. works so well. Thank you.
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pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
the new voice lines are beautiful. @Mcbober the wizard is you.

also, binding advice: If you have a full keyboard with a numpad, you can bind the voice key to Right Arrow and then use the numpad with your right hand. It's sort of immersive, like you're taking your right hand off the trigger to raise it to your ear to say something into a communicator, and it also gives you easy access to any number quickly. Once you get used to it. Using your right hand means you can't aim or fire while doing it, but you can still strafe evasively with your left hand.