Suggestion for Dueling System

Alright, i know that ppl who rule mbII these days knows everything better than "usual" players, but i will try (0.1% of success count).

I loved mbII. Best multiplayer SW game. One of the Best multiplayer games ever.
Then we had 1.3, then 1.4....then 1.5...... And you know what happened next
I left. cry me a river...uuuuh.

But I still have hope because i still love SW and lightsabers and other far far away shit, so here is some thoughts:
Can you create new styles?
Like you changed it to full defensive which i don't like. Can you make it like:
Blue - activating what we have right now - low damage on spam, high damage on counter, combo breaker etc. Ppl who like this kind of playstyle will be happy.
As much as I will be happy if we will have Medium style which is balanced (no combo breakers and lower damage on counters, higher damage on spam, maybe something else).
And full agressive style (Red) with low defense, no pb (maybe) and high damage.

I don't know if it can be done. So this thread is more like question than suggestion.

And other stuff like remove flinch and this stupid saber hitting when they are close (can't remember name of it), bring back A-halfswing etc etc etc what you heard it before many times, because open mode is no more funny (launched a game lately, turned off in 20 minutes)

so yeah. no hope. i tried.

not really picking up what you're putting down here bud

you just kinda threw random stuff out there


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Not really into duels, but here you go, flinch explanation.
Judging by your proposal, which is all about jedi/sith changes, I may guess that your "jedi play time" : "gunner play time" is like 3:1, am I right?
If I am, then let me tell you that in previous versions gunners had little to no chances in 1v1 vs jedi/sith (especially sith due to lightning), but at the same time if there was at least 1 more allied gunner (turning the situation into 2 gunners vs 1 jedi/sith), odds flipped and jedi/sith was dying in 90% of cases (of course if the gunners were smart enough and tried to surround the saberist or bait him to swing), mostly because the damage reduction was removed and deflect arc reduced.
Going back to 1v1 situation, whether the gunner had ub3r-pr0 madskillz or a newbie, they'd both die similarly - saber to the face, because jedi/sith weren't punished for not swingblocking (in case of swingblock, the saber stopped) except for a minor HP loss. Due to that the gunner of any skill level could just die to the jedi/sith who had launched the game for the first time few minutes ago.
So now, jedi/sith are unable to kill a gunner if the gunner is skilled enough to at least shoot and hit him at a short distance.
So this is pretty much it: newbies are unable to kill more decent players if they play accurately, even with the increased deflect arc and reintroduced damage reduction (you shouldn't also forget that flinch occurs only at close range, so it really raises the chances of winning 2v1 situations for a jedi/sith).
This change is one of the many to encourage jedi/sith players to play more supportive role (that is, defending your gunners, pushing enemies and their grenades, rockets, etc), which is more difficult, interesting and rewarding (not by points but by your team's gratitude). Because I've seen too many "hold W+Attack" guys...
I hope you understood the reasons, and you should as well understand that proposals like "nuu remoove it" without proper reasoning sound really childish.
P.S. As for me (I mostly play sith), this update didn't really have any big nerf/buff. Skilled gunners are even somewhat easier to kill now, because they are confident you will flinch. But you will run around them, make them waste their ammo, reload or shoot the wrong direction, and then you (crouch optional) HIT!
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Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
You're thinking of nudge with what you mentioned in the spoiler.

Not sure how feasible it'd be to create new styles since you'd have to modify a lot of code as well as create all the animations from scratch.
Not really into duels, but here you go, flinch explanation.
Judging by your proposal, which is all about jedi/sith changes, I may guess that your "jedi play time" : "gunner play time" is like 3:1, am I right?
If I am, then let me tell you that in previous versions gunners had little to no chances in 1v1 vs jedi/sith (especially sith due to lightning), but at the same time if there was at least 1 more allied gunner (turning the situation into 2 gunners vs 1 jedi/sith), odds flipped and jedi/sith was dying in 90% of cases (of course if the gunners were smart enough and tried to surround the saberist or bait him to swing), mostly because the damage reduction was removed and deflect arc reduced.
Going back to 1v1 situation, whether the gunner had ub3r-pr0 madskillz or a newbie, they'd both die similarly - saber to the face, because jedi/sith weren't punished for not swingblocking (in case of swingblock, the saber stopped) except for a minor HP loss. Due to that the gunner of any skill level could just die to the jedi/sith who had launched the game for the first time few minutes ago.
So now, jedi/sith are unable to kill a gunner if the gunner is skilled enough to at least shoot and hit him at a short distance.
So this is pretty much it: newbies are unable to kill more decent players if they play accurately, even with the increased deflect arc and reintroduced damage reduction (you shouldn't also forget that flinch occurs only at close range, so it really raises the chances of winning 2v1 situations for a jedi/sith).
This change is one of the many to encourage jedi/sith players to play more supportive role (that is, defending your gunners, pushing enemies and their grenades, rockets, etc), which is more difficult, interesting and rewarding (not by points but by your team's gratitude). Because I've seen too many "hold W+Attack" guys...
I hope you understood the reasons, and you should as well understand that proposals like "nuu remoove it" without proper reasoning sound really childish.
P.S. As for me (I mostly play sith), this update didn't really have any big nerf/buff. Skilled gunners are even somewhat easier to kill now, because they are confident you will flinch. But you will run around them, make them waste their ammo, reload or shoot the wrong direction, and then you (crouch optional) HIT!
я приведу тебе пару примеров, которые идеально передают механику флинча: дуэль с кем-то в опене и рандомно пойманный выстрел, либо попытка убить более чем одного ганнера. раньше нужно было думать и просчитывать, когда бить, когда ставить блок. и делать это аккуратно, потому что 2 выстрела и джеди нет. сейчас же при попытке убить кого-то в тебя летит туча выстрелов (а если еще арк с миниганом), то никого ты не убьешь. я помню, как писали, что "ой, зажимай свингблок", ну, да, зажимай свингблок. с европингом на бегу хер кого поймаешь, а свингблок, как бы, ходьбу включает.
раз такое дело, то апали бы уж ганнеров (или сделали бы у жидов манакост побольше или что-то такое, хотя я считаю ,что баланс был неплохой. та же дека или сбд были жутко ОП), потому что вы не понерфили жидов, вы их просто обрезали.
не обвиняю тебя конкретно, просто с флинчем это не игра, а рандом.

You're thinking of nudge with what you mentioned in the spoiler.

Not sure how feasible it'd be to create new styles since you'd have to modify a lot of code as well as create all the animations from scratch.
nudge it is, you're right. and as i thought
you'd have to modify a lot of code as well as create all the animations from scratch
sounds complicated(


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Дуэлиться в опене в том месте, где присутствуют вражеские ганнеры - не лучшая идея (если нет выбора - поставь вражеского дуэлянта между собой и ганнерами, пущай они его застрелят сами).
Ты так и не понял, что я пытался донести. Рубить теперь невыгодно (если, конечно, ты не я - ситх с молнией 1 и пушем 3 :>), гораздо выгоднее пушнуть и таки рубануть (а может даже и не самогó лежащего, а того, кто его прикрывает - этого никто не ожидает, т.к. большинство народу ломанётся за фри фрагом), либо оставить его валяться и пускай твои ганнеры его добьют.
Если уж хочешь рубить, то руби с прыжка - тогда проблема с ходьбой пропадает (то же самое с молнией).
Возможно, стоило апать ганнеров, не спорю, не я это менял, но мне это нравится. Просто теперь самые глупенькие и слабенькие жиды/ситхи ничего не могут противопоставить хоть немного скилловому ганнеру.
Не совсем понял значение слова "европинг". Если ты о пинге на европейских серверах (а раз ты о нём говоришь, то он у тебя, наверное, высокий), то вон же есть 3 открытых русских сервера же.
И давай таки по-английски тут болтать, пушо русскоязычной секции нет, а фидбек важен всем.
З.Ы. Ещё один аргумент в пользу молнии, даже первой: она длится достаточно, чтобы успеть попасть по всем стоящим перед тобой в первом ряду где-то на 60 градусов (т.е. проворачивать мышку). Таким образом рубишь первого (или ближайшего, неважно), пока остальные не могут стрелять. Есть куча маленьких хитростей и ньюансов, которые пришлось изобрести после выхода этой версии, и это реально здорово.
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давай таки по-английски тут болтать
она длится достаточно, чтобы успеть попасть по всем стоящим перед тобой в первом ряду где-то на 60 градусов
спс за подсказку, попробую. и с прыжком тоже :)