It's really shallow, but is kinda fun in a doofy way. The ships that have four lasers (like the B-Wing and TIE Defender) can weapon mode switch to a four-lasers-at-once shot that can one-shot weaker craft, which is uhh fun.
The Sniperlabs map (another space fighter map) is an interesting proof-of-concept of... basically... Capital Ship battles, in a weird way. By which I mean, you hop in a ship from your "capital ship", fly to the enemy's "capital ship" while fighting their ships, land, get out, and go secure an objective.
But Sniperlabs is just platforms floating in space rather than capital ships, very simplistic. I imagine (based on the performance of Jakku) that MB2 has major performance limitations preventing having any really cool large scale capital ship maps from working very well?
Still, a "capital ship" map better than sniperlabs probably wouldn't be terribly difficult to make, tho thinking about it SniperLabs isn't terrible, it's just kind of... ...... overly-cramped in some spots and overly-open in other spots. Would be cool to see a map that was more or less just two big blocky ugly "capital ships" floating across from each other, with bays to land in / launch from, and objectives to secure in rooms connected to the bays. But it would probably still be weighed down by how ultimately simplistic the fighter combat is...... prrrrrrrrrobably.