Some game balance opinions / suggestions

MB2's balance tends to be... unsatisfactory, which is my opinion and may not be totally shared by everyone. Right or wrong, opinion or fact, feedback needs to be provided for development and I am here to provide mine.

Saberist vs Saberist:
- The Saber system is... too much:
* Perfect blocking
* Semi-Perfect blocking
* M-Blocking
* BP
* Counters
* Special attacks
* Seperate button for blocking
* Slap / Melee

Complicated, hard to learn, very difficult to master. All for a 5-minute, round-based, team-based, game. Perhaps save this stuff for Duel and Full Authentic, and let Open mode have a much simpler version? I know you guys love your saber system, but it's too much, imo. It really should be it's own jka saber duel mod.

Saberists VS Gunners:
- Jedi/Sith do not really need damage reduction towards blasters, they possess a one-hit kill weapon. The exceptions being Blue/Cyan styles, Wooks, SBDs, and Dekas. With those exceptions in mind, I would take away damage reduction from damage caused by classes they can one-hit, and keep it towards classes they can't.
- Similar to another thread, Wooks, SBDs and Dekas do not need to cause flinch towards Saberists, their firepower / melee abilities tend to be quite enough.
- Force Lightning and Grip, should really reduce the rate of fire, perhaps based on power level, but not outright prevent Gunners from shooting. Other than that, they are fine.
- I'd suggest to have Pull be unable to pull secondary weapons, no one should be left to their fists over a mistake, and suddenly be useless if they live.
-- Alternatively, disallow everyone but the original owner to pickup the pulled weapon, so they always have a chance to get it back. Despawn dropped weapon upon death. ( Its certainly fun to pick up a sniper rifle as a soldier, but do we really need that? )

Gunners vs Gunners:
- Probably the most balanced, Wooks and Dekas are nightmares for poor little soldiers though.
- Snipers should have to stand still to shoot perfectly, if there is still view bob, there should still be inaccuracy. ( Pretty sure this doesn't already happen, snipers can just let go of movement for a frame and shoot perfectly, even if they still have velocity )

- Knockdowns happen way too often for them to be as effective as they are. If they were more rare they'd be fine, but they happen too much, and are too easy to cause, for them to nearly ( or in some cases, absolutely ) guarantee your death. Push is not the only means of knockdown, and it tends to be less rewarding to knock a Saberist down as a Gunner ( Unless a sniper is nearby and ready to shoot ), than to knock a Gunner down as a Saberist.

Team work:
- When someone does the Request Assistance voice chat, they'll be highlighted like Sense 3 for a few seconds for all teammates to see. Maybe allow this for Medic voice chat as well.
- Weapon Here voice chat, Highlights nearby dropped weapons.
- Maybe some other voice chat commands can do stuff, like enemy spotting ( maybe restrict to certain classes, like ARC and Mandalorian ).
- Tracking darts could get a time limit instead of lasting until death of either the tracker or trackee, and in turn, allow fellow BountyHunters and Mandalorians to see who is tracked as well. Give 10 points to tracker for every BH + Manda that can now see the affected enemy.
- Add Stim Darts, is temporary, let's a BH dart an allied soldier to give them the health and speed boost they would usually only get through a rallied respawn. Can maybe give Sith a BP and AP boost with it. Does nothing to SBDs and Dekas ( wouldn't even make sense ), Lets Mandalorians dodge and quick-getup, Commanders... I don't know. Bountyhunters... no clue either. You get the idea, even if its too much.
- Generally, there needs to be more team work motivation and abilities.

Here goes nothing. Controversy away!
'Complicated, hard to learn, very difficult to master. All for a 5-minute, round-based, team-based, game. Perhaps save this stuff for Duel and Full Authentic, and let Open mode have a much simpler version? I know you guys love your saber system, but it's too much, imo. It really should be it's own jka saber duel mod.'

Stopped reading there tbh
Hmm, agree on everything except weapon pulls and chat commands.

I also think that force push should be somehow reworked and rebalanced. Right now, with it's pathetic fp usage and tremendous effect on gunners, it's a low risk/high reward ability. Saberist trades 2 secs of inability to block for a possibility of AoE knockdown (which usually results in death of it's targets). In my opinion, saberists should think more about how to outsmart gunners at point blank range, instead of thinking about when to spam push for some ez kills.

Keep in mind that this is a biased opinion of a hardcore gunner, so take it with a grain of salt.


Internal Beta Team
Agree with most of what you say, with the exception of the pulled weapons idea and the voice command buffs, and time limit on trackers. The new saber system is so unintuitive compared to older builds it isn't fun to play for me. Maybe a separate type of saber combat strictly for duel servers? The people who harp on saber mechanics are mostly duelist only players, anyway.

This is just silly though. Very easy to kill wook or deka as a 3 life soldier.
- Probably the most balanced, Wooks and Dekas are nightmares for poor little soldiers though.

Hmm, agree on everything except weapon pulls and chat commands.

I also think that force push should be somehow reworked and rebalanced. Right now, with it's pathetic fp usage and tremendous effect on gunners, it's a low risk/high reward ability. Saberist trades 2 secs of inability to block for a possibility of AoE knockdown (which usually results in death of it's targets). In my opinion, saberists should think more about how to outsmart gunners at point blank range, instead of thinking about when to spam push for some ez kills.

Keep in mind that this is a biased opinion of a hardcore gunner, so take it with a grain of salt.

I suggested a change for Push to be aimed for knockdowns and like it is now for grenades/rockets... but the flood of tears washed the thread away. I think the Push easymode is here to stay, at least we got flinch.
Agree with most of what you say, with the exception of the pulled weapons idea and the voice command buffs, and time limit on trackers. The new saber system is so unintuitive compared to older builds it isn't fun to play for me. Maybe a separate type of saber combat strictly for duel servers? The people who harp on saber mechanics are mostly duelist only players, anyway.

This is just silly though. Very easy to kill wook or deka as a 3 life soldier.

I suggested a change for Push to be aimed for knockdowns and like it is now for grenades/rockets... but the flood of tears washed the thread away. I think the Push easymode is here to stay, at least we got flinch.

what i dont need to aim the push for knockdowns well i have been wasting my time lol


I suggested a change for Push to be aimed for knockdowns and like it is now for grenades/rockets... but the flood of tears washed the thread away. I think the Push easymode is here to stay, at least we got flinch.

Although I am against flinch and nerfing of Jedi, aiming for knockdowns makes sense and should be added to the game.


Model Fixer Dude
Movie Battles II Team
what is flinch again? is it where jedi/sith swing saber, gunner hits before they jedi/sith hits, they automatically stop swing once hit?
I have an idea concerning the balance of both SBDs and Wooks, wooks in particular. Depending on how you deal with a wookie, you can sustainably defeat a novice countless times over. A master Wook, however, can take on a platoon of soldiers and three Sith before finally dying. To that extent, lowering the DPS on a wookies hit in favor of a tank buff seems more appropriate. After all, they are essentially tanks. Similar goes for SBDs. Either up the SBDs firepower and lower its health, or up its health and lower it's firepower.